
Lack Of Morality In The Holocaust

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The holocaust is one of the most horrific and catastrophic moments in history, we will never forget the leader of the Nazi party, Adolf Hitler, and his gruesome crimes he influenced. Adolf Hitler, despite having a good childhood, has turned into one of the most evil people to ever live. He caused a genocide of over 6 million people. This shows that he has no ethical reasoning, or morality. The lack of morality caused by a disconnect the orbital cortex, where emotions are regulated, shows Hitler is born evil because of Nazi medical experiments, and extermination camps, forced labor (university of Wisconsin-Madison.)

The first way that shows Hitler’s lack of morality is through the practice of Nazi medical experiments. Through Nazi experiments …show more content…

The forced labor for which the Jews of occupied Poland were drafted took different forms and lasted from the beginning of World War II until its end. As soon as the German army entered Poland in September 1939, individual Jews and groups of Jews were forced to clear roadways (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust 1). The only purpose for subjecting Jews to forced labor was to degrade them. On October 26, 1939, labor was introducedby law, applying to Jewish males ranging from the age of fourteen to sixty, education was put into the hands of the SS command. The law was also applied to women, and to children from twelve to fourteen. As time went on, special labor camps were put up for Jews, who were called by name to report to them. In these labor camps the Jews had to work under very harsh conditions. In the Lublin district, twenty nine such camps were in operation by July 1940 (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust 1). In that August twenty thousand Jews ranging from nineteen to thirty-five were ordered to report to labor camps. (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust 1). As time went on, special labor camps were put up for Jews, who were summoned by name to report to them. In these labor camps the Jews were quartered in barracks and had to work under very harsh conditions. In the Lublin district, twenty-nine such camps were in operation by July 1940. (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust 2). In August of that year twenty thousand Jews in the nineteen to thirty-five age group were ordered to report to labor camps. Many people died in the camps, and other were left exhausted and disabled for life. . In certain ghettos, the entire population was on forced labor and the ghettos, in effect, became labor

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