The holocaust is one of the most horrific and catastrophic moments in history, we will never forget the leader of the Nazi party, Adolf Hitler, and his gruesome crimes he influenced. Adolf Hitler, despite having a good childhood, has turned into one of the most evil people to ever live. He caused a genocide of over 6 million people. This shows that he has no ethical reasoning, or morality. The lack of morality caused by a disconnect the orbital cortex, where emotions are regulated, shows Hitler is born evil because of Nazi medical experiments, and extermination camps, forced labor (university of Wisconsin-Madison.)
The first way that shows Hitler’s lack of morality is through the practice of Nazi medical experiments. Through Nazi experiments
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The forced labor for which the Jews of occupied Poland were drafted took different forms and lasted from the beginning of World War II until its end. As soon as the German army entered Poland in September 1939, individual Jews and groups of Jews were forced to clear roadways (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust 1). The only purpose for subjecting Jews to forced labor was to degrade them. On October 26, 1939, labor was introducedby law, applying to Jewish males ranging from the age of fourteen to sixty, education was put into the hands of the SS command. The law was also applied to women, and to children from twelve to fourteen. As time went on, special labor camps were put up for Jews, who were called by name to report to them. In these labor camps the Jews had to work under very harsh conditions. In the Lublin district, twenty nine such camps were in operation by July 1940 (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust 1). In that August twenty thousand Jews ranging from nineteen to thirty-five were ordered to report to labor camps. (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust 1). As time went on, special labor camps were put up for Jews, who were summoned by name to report to them. In these labor camps the Jews were quartered in barracks and had to work under very harsh conditions. In the Lublin district, twenty-nine such camps were in operation by July 1940. (Encyclopedia of the Holocaust 2). In August of that year twenty thousand Jews in the nineteen to thirty-five age group were ordered to report to labor camps. Many people died in the camps, and other were left exhausted and disabled for life. . In certain ghettos, the entire population was on forced labor and the ghettos, in effect, became labor
The Holocaust; the evils of Humanity The Holocaust was a cruel, bloody, and evil moment in history in which Hitler took advantage of the influence he had on people. He destroy the Jewish race in order for the Germans to become the superior race. Hitler was able to convince thousands of Germans that they were superior to everyone else. He was able to expose the worst in people.
For the past 300 years, the world’s society has displayed lots of unbelievable human cruelty. For example, slavery in the 18th and 19th century, African Americans were forced into harsh work labor because of their skin color. Then in the 20th century, a determined dictator, Adolf Hitler, murdered and tortured eleven million lives. This horrifying event was called the Holocaust, it occurred in 1933 but ended in 1945. Adolf Hitler was angered about the result of World War 1, so he blamed Jewish people, the disabled, and other groups. During the holocaust, the eleven million lives were forced into harsh work labors or was put into gas chambers and was killed instantly. People described the Holocaust as inhumane act, and the people that survived it, could really say it was a scarring memory.
The Auschwitz camp used its prisoners for forced labor. The Nazis treated the Jews poorly and as of they were nothing. states “Jewish women who had been assigned to forced labor in a nearby armaments factory”. Between the years 1940-45 out of 1.3 million Jews, 1.1 million died. All of those innocent people died only because their race was hated by one very powerful, but very convincing man. After a year of the camp existing, the SS and the police cleared about forty square meters for the camp. They had all of this cleared by forced labor from the Jews. The Nazis were very cruel to the Jews and for a certain amount of time this camp was used as a killing center. Those cold- hearted people killed men, women, and innocent
The holocaust could very well be the most catastrophic event that has occurred to date. When Hitler acquired power and assumed credit for a thriving economy, he labeled his position as a dictator. As a person of power, Hitler looked for change, and as you may imagine, needed followers. Like other extremists, Hitler had a tremendous prejudice against the Jews. While he was serving a prison sentence for nine months, Hitler composed a book titled “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle). From beginning to end, Hitler stated the Jews were to blame for all struggles. In 1919, Hitler gained attention from a few, but during the mid-1930’s, he had thousands of people listening to every word he said, which also included his feelings of extreme hatred directed towards the Jews.
There have been countless atrocities committed throughout history. Most of these atrocities are justified and developed from ideas and false realities. The most infamous atrocity of all history, the holocaust is no exception. Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany from 1933 until his suicide at the end of WWII, was directly responsible for the deaths of over 12 million people. Alan Bullock in his book Hitler a Study in Tyranny dispels any notion that any of Hitler’s ideas were original. Bullock proposes that Hitler and his rise to power was a product of other political ideas and a knack for exploiting the timing of events to extend his influence. According to Bullock Hitler’s coming to power was the product the political ideals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries which he was exposed to, the world post-WWI, and a knack for exposition events to his favor. He used his gifts of using propaganda and his organizational skills to use politics as a means to achieving power.
It is a challenge to reconcile human beliefs in compassion and morality with the actions, or inactions, of bystanders in the Holocaust. How is it possible that hundreds of thousands of people stood by while millions faced pain and suffering? Before exonerating or condemning all of them, it is necessary to consider the differences in bystanders. For the context of the Holocaust, a bystander is someone who was neither a target of the Nazis or a Nazi themselves. Putting all of these people in the same group is an oversimplification, because it ignores the power system in place during the Holocaust and the various positions of bystanders in that system. The wealthy business owner is not the same as the working-class mother of four. In this situation, one has considerable power and ability, and the other does not. Applying a blanket statement, and calling the latter unjust when they are ordinary people in a time of horrific war is contrary to reason. It is also necessary to consider the extent of bystander’s actions. Have their actions merely helped to ensure their own survival, or do they directly hurt Holocaust victims? The magnitude of each situation is varied. In conclusion, to gauge the morality of a bystander’s actions, they need to be judged on an individual basis, with two qualities in mind: that person’s ability to act and the effect of their actions.
There are times in history when desperate people plagued by desperate situations blindly give evil men power. These men, once given power, have only their own evil agendas to carry out. The Holocaust was the result of one such man's agenda. In short simplicity, shear terror, brutality, inhumanity, injustice, irresponsibility, immorality, stupidity, hatred, and pure evil are but a few words to describe the Holocaust.
The Choices and Consequences of the People in the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a devastating time for Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and everybody else under the wrath of Adolf Hitler; nearly twelve million innocent people were killed in this catastrophe. The Holocaust played an important role in WW2 which allows the present to look back into our history. It focuses on discrimination and gives modern lives the chance to make sure it never happens again in our future.
During the Holocaust, Nazis imprisoned Jews, Gypsies, and handicapped individuals. They were slaughtered and put into gas chambers by Nazi soldiers. One of the most sinister individuals, worse than the Nazi soldiers ever thought of being, was a doctor that rightfully got referred to by the name, “Angel of Death.” He tortured and mutilated these soon to be victims and almost every person that became his patient would die by the time he flees to save himself from the punishment that was waiting for him in the form of invading armies and government decisions. This is just one example of why ethics was created. Ethics is defined as ”the foundation of knowledge that describes right/wrong or better/worse. It applies to issues of harm/care
Mass genocides have haunted the world in history; millions of innocent lives have been taken due to selfish acts of tyrant governments. During the mid-twentieth century Europe faced a massive genocide that preyed on certain demographics. Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, was the sole mastermind that created the environment of racism, sexism, and the fear of certain religions and lifestyles, which was the underlined reason for the genocide we now know as the Holocaust.
Personally, I think the Holocaust was an ethical period in time. Adolf Hitler basically grew up in Austria in which he lived back in racist times, probably of Jews. This right here proves this act of destruction toward the Jews was ethical because he was brought up around this type of hatred towards different people. His father or grandfather also did not like the Jews which mainly contributed to the mind he had of hatred towards them. To make it worser, of having that negative mindset of the Jews, he thus blamed them for their defeat back in WW I. This gave him something important to talk about while he rallied up the Germans to pump them up to have in their dignities that the German race was the superior race. He was made chancellor of the German population which gave him the right of encouraging and uplifting the German race, Not only he was the chancellor, head of the Nazi Party which was clearly dominated around Germans.
The Holocaust revealed the extreme evil in human nature on both a grand and small scale. Hitler, a strong supporter of antisemitism, had an agenda to create a dominant Aryan race and would stop at nothing to diminish the Jewish population. This meant forcing innocent Jewish people into death and labor camps, where conditions were brutal and treatment was atrociously inhumane. Overtime, this grand scale oppression sparked anger and violence within the victims. Instead of supporting one another in times of trouble, they began to commit senseless acts of violence towards one another in response to the cruelty they faced. Survival became their highest value, at any cost. Elie Wiesel witnesses this first hand on many accounts and spends his life striving to educate the world about the horrors of the Holocaust. In his Holocaust memoir, Night, he uses the motifs: night, silence, and flames, to develop the idea that evil is part of human nature.
The Holocaust is one of the most horrifying crimes against humanity. "Hitler, in an attempt to establish the pure Aryan race, decided that all mentally ill, gypsies, non supporters of Nazism, and Jews were to be eliminated from the German population. He proceeded to reach his goal in a systematic scheme." (Bauer, 58) One of his main methods of exterminating these ‘undesirables' was through the use of concentration and death camps. In January of 1941, Adolf Hitler and his top officials decided to make their 'final solution' a reality. Their goal was to eliminate the Jews and the ‘unpure' from the entire population. Auschwitz was the largest
Growing up a child is taught that it is essential to obey elders or higher authority. Throughout history, there have been events where a person's obedience to someone has caused the death of many. Some examples of these occurrences are the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide, and many other mass killings that have happened. The one thing all these genocides have in common is that a leader has dictated over many others and have brought their followers to do hateful actions. These leaders have used many concepts to captivate their followers. Racism plays a vital role in blind obedience, but propaganda and the belief that all professionals are right are significant factors too.
Many individuals all over the world know of Adolf Hitler and his terrible deeds. They know of his reasonability to the deaths of over 6 million innocent Jews. Many of these individuals believe that Adolf Hitler was a hateful man, with no heart or compassion. Only knowing the history of the Holocaust and World War II, that statement is true. But what would a man go through to end up heartless, compassionless, and evil? Adolf Hitler had a family, a childhood, and a personal history that not many individuals know about. I decided for my research paper that I would write about the early life of Adolf Hitler and what changed him into the evil man that the whole world knows him for.