
Lack Of School Safety In The United States

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In the 2010-2011 school year only 39% of schools in the US took steps towards school safety in the school and around the community. The worry of schools and its safety rates started when people from the community around schools that had problems with the school or personal problems started to harm the school. The school shootings that occurred like Columbine in 1999 and Virginia Tech in 2007 and the more relevant shooting Sandy Hook in 2012 all happened because of the failure to safe schools. In 1193 President Bill Clinton signed the Gun-Free School Act, a zero-tolerance gun law. This law required was required in all schools throughout the US. Security measures in schools are essential in order to protect students, lower violence, and keep …show more content…

Critics of more school safety measures say that [to] “maintain that many of the measures that have been proposed or enacted at colleges, middle schools and high schools infringe on students' rights.”(School Safety, np) According to Ken Trump a supporter of school safety, and the president of National School Safety and Security Measure says “[Schools] owe it to our students, school staff, and parents to get beyond the political and academic rhetoric of the zero tolerance debate.”(School safety, np) Schools need do more with the staff at the school and spend more time teaching teachers what to do in the event of this crisis. Schools need to implement more safety measure to insure that students and staff are safe. Many supporters of expanded school-safety laws argue that the Virginia Tech massacre could have been prevented if Cho, who had a history of erratic behavior, had been adequately dealt with.(School Safety, np) Some school shootings could be prevented if schools took a bigger step towards the greater good of the school and its community by placing in higher level security measures in school. Schools need to be more lenient to telling parents or police about troubled kids that could threaten the student body. If schools were to pay more attention to the places safety was a concern and security measures needed to be in place then …show more content…

And is it enough to combat this terror. Opponents of metal detectors and other measures of safety in schools frequently oppose them out of their belief that metal detectors will create a “prison-like” environment and thereby adversely implicate the climate of the school. (School safety, np) In the 2013-2014 school year, the use of security measures in middle schools is higher than in high schools.(“School safety and security measures,”np) The number of violence in middle schools went down 9% with the increased security measures. This shows that with increased measures in schools the violence rate does go down. If all schools, high schools, middle schools and elementary schools all took more of a serious tone with the keeping students safe less schools would be affected by this crisis. Schools all around the country now use metal detectors, identification and sign-in policies, zero tolerance and also student searches.(School Safety, np) Schools who use at least one of these are 50% less likely to become a victim to school violence. Students feel safer with the increase of security measures which creates a positive environment around the school. Schools around the US have take steps towards fighting school violence but there needs to be more than what they are doing because it isn’t always working. All schools are different and each school should know what type of measures they need to use in their school and if they need to do

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