Social anxiety should be classified as a social disorder instead of a mental disorder because certain situations placed on an individual with social anxiety makes the person feel trapped and unable to socialize with peers. It would let people in schools have a better insight of their students with this disorder. If it is classified as a social disorder, people will get a better understanding, and have less stigma in the public eye, as well as more support in schools and workplaces. Social anxiety is a disorder that is marked by the individual’s fear of interpersonal interactions with others which causes them to look upon people very often. Specifically, social anxiety is a fear of socializing with society, and being judged by their lack of …show more content…
You can easily spot someone who has social anxiety by their physical symptoms or even the way they project themselves to the audience or as people say project to society in general. Physical conditions might consist of redness in the face, shortness of breath, upset stomach or nausea, sweating, and even dizziness. Typically they avoid talking and don’t like being around any people. Face-to-face social interaction with a person of this type of social phobia is the most effective way to calm their nervous system and relieve stress and anxiety. Interacting with someone who is kind can quickly put the stop to damaging stress responses like “fight-or-flight” and anxiety-relieving …show more content…
One thing is that you begin to breathe extremely quickly, basically uncontrollable. The breathing throws multiple people with social anxiety off balance of oxygen leading to an extreme amount of more physical symptoms which is not so good for the individual's health. Overall social anxiety is a very strong topic to talk about today so it should be taken seriously and be classified as a social disorder and not a mental disorder because it will make the individual feel as if there is something wrong with them when there isn’t anything wrong it’s just the way the person thinks. As well as having school programs and other treatments in workplaces for the person will make the person not feel less of themselves and hopefully there will be a better and more efficient cure for them in which they deserve, because they deserve to be treated equal and not like an outsider who can't help themselves. So treatment plus the classification should be changed in order not too have public stigma in society's eyes of the so called “Mental disorder”. There should be a conclusion to it all with having the classification rethought as well as treatments should be looked at and very helpful to the ones suffering within
Social anxiety latches on to its victims and sucks all hope and motivation for self improvement and success to the point where it seems that any and all attempts to overcome it are out of reach. What once was a crippling disadvantage, is now what I have to thank for becoming my true self. It took four years to be able manage the sense of trepidation and overwhelming panic when going about day-to-day activities such as asking questions in class or even having a conversation with any acquaintances; however, I would not change anything that I have experienced.
Anxiety is one of the most well-known disorders across the globe, but it comes in many different forms effecting numerous types of people. Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia, is one of the main run-offs of anxiety that exists in the world today. It is absolutely normal to feel a little nervous or anxious before trying something new; however, Social Anxiety impels the individual diagnosed to feel distress and agitation in most, if not all, social situations that they partake in because they are afraid of the possible embarrassment that may come from it (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013).
Although they recognize that the fear is excessive and unreasonable, people with social anxiety disorder feel powerless against their anxiety. They are mortified they will humiliate or embarrass themselves in public situations. Social anxiety is the fear of being judged by peers that has no known causes and can be treated with special help by doctors.
No one wants to feel invisible or have a constant fear they will embarrass themselves just simply by speaking. In the United States today, even with our say-anything society, many people struggle with these exact worries on a day-today basis. Social anxiety is a disorder that many, even doctors, write off as having shy or introverted qualities. Despite the lack of knowledge and awareness for the disorder, social anxiety is a growing problem in our country and around the world.
Fear of what others might think or say is a unique barrier to treatment for social anxiety disorder as it is reported by a significantly higher percentage of people with social anxiety symptoms (19.7%) than those without social anxiety symptoms (6.0%). The internet serves as a highly accessible tool to provide information about the disorder and the type of treatment available. It may even be used to deliver treatment, especially for people with society anxiety disorder who are afraid of discussing their symptoms with others.
, 2009). A major reason for why people might experience social anxiety disorder is because they have the idea that they won’t be accepted by their peers. Social anxiety disorder can go unknown, some are unaware that they have this disorder, it is easy to perceive it as just being nervous in a crowd or being shy, but when you start to avoid social environments with family and peers that’s when it should be considered a problem. Also I feel that if one is always talking down on themselves, such as saying “I won’t fit in” or “no one will accept me” then this individual should seek mental health help. Filho et al.
People who suffer from a social phobia will worry a lot about making a fool of themselves in front of other people, and will feel very anxious before going into any of the social situations that worry them. They may go through, in great detail, all the embarrassing things that could happen. When they are actually with people, they will feel even more anxious, and may be unable to say, or do, what is intended. In a way, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You worry so much about looking worried that you actually do look worried. People experiencing both of these types of social phobia have many of the same physical symptoms. You may get a very dry mouth, sweat a lot, and feel your heart racing. Other people may be able to see some of the signs of this anxiety, such as blushing, stammering, shaking and trembling. Sometimes you may breathe too fast, which can give you feelings of numbness or pins and needles in the fingers and toes. This can make the anxiety even worse. These feelings of fear and bodily symptoms can end in a panic attack. This is a short period, usually lasting only a few minutes, during which people feel overwhelmingly anxious, terrified of losing control, and may feel
This type of Anxiety Disorder has a direct correlation relating to social situations. A person experiencing this disorder has a chronic fear of other people’s perceptions of them. They are especially likely to avoid any situation where they are being observed by others such as giving presentations or activities that must be performed in front of an audience, large or small. In extreme circumstances where social anxiety disorder exists, a person will avoid social situations all together and will become a “hermit” in their own individual abode. This disorder is impairing to one’s normal life functioning because it often affects a person’s ability to perform the essential duties in a work environment. It also deters them from engaging in typical conversations because the fear of being embarrassed or judged is so extreme (Fleming, 2012).
People with social phobia are often aware of their unreasonable fear, but they can’t seem to overcome their fear (NIMH, 2013). To cope with their anxiety, they often avoid social situation (people, place, event)
For instance, most people have felt shy or insecure on occasion, however, it does not interfere with their daily routines. On the other hand, people suffering from social anxiety disorder experience severe emotional, physical and behavioral symptoms. These symptoms hinder the person from functioning normally on a daily basis (Smith/Jaffe-Gill, 2014). Emotionally, the person fears being criticized and judged by others in everyday social situations. He or she is scared that they might embarrass or humiliate themselves. Frequently, when speaking in public, a person with social anxiety disorder might think, “Was that a yawn? She thinks I’m boring!” (Stein, 2007). These negative thoughts lead to serious physical symptoms, such as shortness of breath,
People with social phobia are afraid of doing common things facing other people. For example, they might experience fear to sign a check in front of a cashier at the grocery store, or they might be hesitant to eat or drink in front of other people. We all have been a little bit nervous, at one time or another, about things like giving a speech or meeting new people. But people with social phobia get tense about these and other things for weeks before they happen. Most of the people facing social phobia know that they should not be as afraid as they are, but they have no control over their fear[NIMH].
There’s multiple things, which comes with social anxiety. Social anxiety, is the fear of embarrassment or humiliation in social events and situations ("Symptoms”). Poor sleep quality, has been proven to diminish the effects of social anxiety treatments ("Symptoms”). Someone, may have issues with sleeping, when they find out, that they have to go into the public for an event. People with SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder), often completely avoid any social situations or endure them with any significant distress ("Symptoms”). SAD, can disrupt someone’s education and job success, it can cause financial dependence, and SAD can impair relationships ("Symptoms”). With this disorder, some people have difficulty dating, rarely get married, they have more sick days, the person, reduces their work ethic, that person, can also have a tendency to relay on social assistance ("Symptoms”). SAD, is something that shouldn’t be left alone. Research, has shown there is a higher number of people with SAD, than anyone with regular anxiety
Social anxiety is a disorder in which individuals assume that they will be negatively evaluated. This results in an extreme fear of social situations or performance-based situations (Iverach, Rapee, Wong, & Lowe, 2017, p. 542) for a period of time lasting longer than six months (Brundage et al., p. 498). Those with social anxiety fear negative judgement during
Social anxiety is “a feeling of discomfort, fear, or worry that is centered on our interactions with other people and involves a concern with being judged negatively, evaluated, or looked down upon by others” (Social Anxiety Support, 2014). Social anxiety can affect anyone. Individuals with social anxiety tend to prefer to keep to themselves because they are afraid others will judge them negatively and have a hard time interacting socially.
People with social anxiety disorder become anxious that they will make mistakes, feel awful, and humiliated in front of others. The fear become immense due to a lack of social skills or experience in social situations. As a result of that people undergo extreme distress in certain social situation and try to avoid them.