To get those benefits for ourselves and our family, we have to get the legislators’ attention by the one and only way: voting. Have you ever wondered why three out of four people of the United States always support the idea of raising minimum wage from nine dollars for an hour to ten, but eventually the Congress has never approved for many years? Yes, there are millions of reasons for that problem, but one of the most important reasons is lack of voting. Surprisingly, more than half of the people who support that idea don’t even bother to vote, especially in the most important time like the midterm congressional election. According to the research of the US Census Bureau for the Election in 2012, 77 percent of people with income more than 75.000
In our system of government we are privileged with the option to take part in the political process that runs the country. It is our right to vote that lets the people influence change in policy and set the guidelines that politicians must follow to be elected representatives. This precious ability, which is most coveted in most non-democratic countries, is taken for granted in our own.
Primarily, Democrats who supported Gore in the 2000s see Nader and the Green Party as the leading cause to Gore’s loss in the election, primarily due to the spoiler effect (where two similar candidates running for an office results in one siphoning votes from the other) caused by Nader. Nader, known as a political activist and liberal similar to Gore, was accused of “taking” potential votes away from Gore in states where Gore lost to Bush by low margins, such as Florida and New Hampshire, where Nader’s ~97,000 and ~22,000 votes would have compensated for Gore’s defeats of 537 and ~7,000 votes to Bush respectively (Rosenbaum). Democrats during this period primarily cite polls by the Voter News Service, a joint by five television companies and
Mandatory voting in America should be implied in the political system. Countries such as Australia and Belgium have already enforced this law on its people, and have had great results in the increasing turnout of voters going to polls. In excess of seventy years in Australia, voters have been obliged to appear to survey Election Day. Disappointment to show up causes a fine of up to fifteen dollars. Australian races since mandatory voting was implemented the turnout has reached an amount of ninety percent and above. Australian citizens have gotten use to showing up to polls and voting that it is a common obligation in their lives. (Ornstein) Based on this statistic mandatory voting has a clear effect. It raises participation rates this would also prompt more Americans to pay attention to which candidate to vote for. Mandatory voting will help change the political system of the United States, which will lead to different political culture and ultimately increase voter-turnout. As well as engage the citizens of our nation to vote who they feel is necessary. Money is also a big issue in becoming a president or even getting people to notice a candidate. Billions of dollars go into these campaigns, but if mandatory voting was enforced, this would lower the amount of money spent tremendously candidates can focus on debates and talk about a right path for our nation. Overall, mandatory voting would create a stronger, smarter, and more democratic United States of America.
Throughout the years many Americans have faced what is known as voter suppression. When researching voter suppression you will find that it is defined as a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing those with voting rights from voting. I interpret that the causes of voter suppression derives from that of equality issues or a misconception of government. However, history recorded the effects of voter suppression which leads to major violence, rebellion, strikes, or in some cases fear. The jarring act of voter suppression began early as 1776 when white men owning property were allowed to vote denying Jews, Catholics, and others their voting rights.
Voter turnout drastically decreased in 1968, when the voting age was lowered to 18. America is ranked extremely low in political participation amongst other industrialized countries, coming in above only two countries, Russia and Switzerland. As a whole, mass participation is not stressed in The United States. Texas, ranks below the bottom for voter turnout among other states. Texas already does not stress mass participation as compared to Midwestern states and New England states. Texas also has many factors than can contribute to its low voter turnout such as racial diversity, socioeconomic diversity and political culture.
Essentially, vigorous voter turnout is very paramount to a healthy economy. In most cases, low turnout is attributed to low participation in political issues and the misguided notion that voting in one candidate will have less impact on public policy. In the United States, voter participation keeps on fluctuating which has been an area of concern especially in midterm elections. More specifically, the 2014 midterm election reported the lowest voter participation in a period of more than seven decades. This paper delves into analyzing the reasons for the low voter turnout in 2014 midterm elections in the United States. The paper will also provide recommendations on how voter turnout may be increased in the 2016 general elections.
In my opinion, I believe that low voter turnout is problematic for U.S. democracy. I believe that should be viewed as a symptom of an unhealthy democracy because it essentially represents a democracy where the people do not believe in the system that is established, they do not believe that their vote actually matters, or they do not feel informed or comfortable to make their voice heard. These are just a few of the potential reasons for why there is such a low voter turnout in the U.S.
America is a free country, and voting is an important part of that freedom. Unlike other countries where dictators and monarchs make decisions on behalf of the people, Americans get the right to decide who runs the country and what laws should govern citizens. But even though voting is an important privilege, most Americans simply don't vote, and some of their reasons may surprise you. Here are seven common reasons most Americans don't vote.
In this essay, I would like to discuss the major obstacles to voting, recent changes to overcome voting barriers and the political influence of changed rules. Low turnout in the U.S. reflects that there are obstacles for people to voting and changes to overcome these obstacles may also bring new problems to different social groups. I will elaborate on these aspects in the following parts.
The voting rate in America has been very low the past few elections. There are many reasons people feel that people aren’t going to the polls to vote. For example so people believe that its because the people running for positions of power aren’t the the best so nobody votes. Other people believe that its or right as Americans to go to the polls on election day. Forcing People to go vote on election day is not democratic because we are given the freedom to do what we want.
The U.S Constitution gives the states considerable latitude in the way of conducting elections. The American citizens have many opportunities to vote. However, a turnout in American elections has dramatically decreased over the past several decades. In order to address this issue, majority of states have allowed absentee voting reforms. These convenient reforms are thought to increase the voter turnout in the elections, as well as to reduce administrative costs.
Unlike parties in many other countries, political parties in the U.S. are relatively weak in terms of their ability to mobilize voters to register and ultimately vote on election- day. This inability to mobilize voters has direct correlation to the fact that membership and affiliation in political
If one were to look at the voting history as of late in America you would surely find information on the Florida catastrophe in 2000. The problem with our voting system today is in the technology being used; many demographic groups find our current systems confusing and hard to use. As voters step into the polling places this election year many will be voting through new devices some even sporting “touch screen” technology and we can only hope that the new technology is understood and accepted.
This review attempts to analyze the Greek goddess Athena as well as Greek women whose function in society contrasts with the roles of a goddess. This topic is of relevance to feminist’s who are smashing down barriers on stereotypes of women, this study attempts to shed some light to recognize the roles of Athena and Greek women. Past research has analyzed the differences between Greek women and Athena on how they contrast with responsibilities. What is often ignored is the complexity of both individuals whose world is distinctive in a manner of the environment and upbringing both parties had experienced. Of particular focus in this essay are the issues of which, Greek women endure throughout their daily lives in contrast with the Greek goddess Athena, such as the different social classes between goddesses and mortals, like Athena, Greek women were not looked upon as godly, but as slaves or property to men. To extend my knowledge of this focus I make references to books by Barry B. Powell on Classical Myth (2015), Homers The Essential Odyssey (2007), and Stephen M. Trzaskoma’s Anthology of Classical Myth (2004) which encompass a wide range of of primary and secondary sources.
I can definitely agree with you that employers can control the cost of health care.