
Lady Gaga Research Paper

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1) Some people perceive Lady Gaga as a feminist who, through her music, emphasizes that she is a "sexually empowering woman". This is definitely a fresh pop cultural stance which give her fans a new personality of a musician to look at. In marketing context, this is a unique selling proposition. In most of her performances, she dares to wear exotic and revealing clothes while putting very thick makeup. She is portraying an extreme personality, considered very different from normal people. For her fans, they probably like her because she embraces her individuality and shows the world that everyone should be proud of who they are and differences should not prevent them from pursuing their dream. Through her Born This Way Foundation, Lady gaga has helped those with insecurities …show more content…

However, there are those who do not like Lady Gaga as well. Unlike Lady Gaga's fans, they might see Lady Gaga as someone who is a total fake. Lady Gaga often called her fans her "little monsters" or her "little gays" and refer herself as the "mother monster". Beside prevalent feministic theme, her music often explore bondage and sadomasochism as well. However, the fact is that she is not even a psychopath or bisexuals. For her fans, she might give the aura of someone who wants to show the world that everyone should be proud of their individuality and not be insecure about it. However for those who dislike her and her songs, she is just someone who impersonates for fame and money. In marketing context, those who dislike her will think that she is portraying something that is not herself as a part of marketing strategy. Who will not like an artist who can show you that freakiness or deviant or "divergent" could actually live a successful life and accomplish her dream and can teach you not to be afraid of your

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