
Lady Justice Research Paper

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Is Lady Justice Truly Blind to Minorities in a Diverse Society?
The United States of America has earned a reputation of treating all individuals equal under the law. Over recent years, the media has taken an interest into cases of possible police brutality against the opposite race. More typically, it has been white police officers using misconduct against black citizens. This has been a trend seen throughout all of history. So, is the current criminal justice system working to prevent cases of unequal treatment under the law? In an ideal society, there would be equal protection under the law in this diverse America. However, other factors get in the way and Lady Justice is not always blind. Poor judgment of a few individuals can lead the …show more content…

Does this data suggest that African Americans are simply more violent than the rest of the population, or is this an example of racial injustice by police officers? Is a black citizen more likely to be arrested when committing a crime than a white citizen who commits the same crime? University of Wisconsin-Whitewater criminologist Marvin D. Free, Jr. believes that today, African Americans are still being targeted by police officers, and are being left at a disadvantage. Free believes that black defendants are more likely to be arrested under less definite evidence than whites are. He also believes black defendants are more likely to be overcharged in crimes (Schmalleger, …show more content…

On April 12 of 2015, Freddie Gray, a black citizen of Baltimore, was charged with possession of a switchblade, and put into a police van. During the ride from the scene to the jail, Gray sustained neck injuries that ultimately led to his death one week later. The neck injuries sustained by Gray were caused by the negligence of the police officers responsible for his care (Six Officers, 2015). This is a modern day example of black citizens being treated unfairly by white police officers. It makes you wonder, if Freddie Gray was white, would he still be alive today? Would he even have been arrested in the first place? In 2011, the entire New Orleans Police Department was indicted for discriminatory practices. It was found that the NOPD participated far too often in improper use of force, as well as racial profiling. Up until 2003, racial profiling by any law enforcement agency was legal. In 2003, the department of Justice announced it illegal to racially profile, except in the cases of possible terrorism (Schmalleger, 2008). How could the American people believe Lady Justice is blind to race when an entire police department has been indicted on these

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