
Lady Macbeth: Forces Of Evil

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Upon Lady Macbeth’s introduction to the play, it is immediately noted that she is associated with forces of evil. The author uses her character to relay & maintain an ominous tone through symbolism and motif. After her initial plot to kill one of their guests is revealed, her husband Macbeth experiences a moment of hesitation. This is credited to the fact that the man she wanted to murder was honorable and had been an acquaintance of his in the past. In turn Lady Macbeth questions his manhood and calls upon his honor as if it is a weakness. Claiming, “I fear thy nature/ It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness/ To catch the nearest way” (1.5.3-5). By saying this, Lady Macbeth is using the motif/ symbolism of the female anatomy to imply

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