
Lady Macbeth In William Shakespeare's Play

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Macbeth, the noble Thane of Glamis, kills traitorous Thane of Cawdor Macdowald in battle. In honor of Macbeth’s valiant actions, the beloved King Duncan decides to bestow Macdowald’s title on him. Meanwhile Macbeth had yet to receive this news until the conniving Weïrd sisters pay a visit to him and his fellow comrade Banquo. They reveal that not only will he become Thane of Cawdor but, that he will also become king of Scotland. When Lady Macbeth, the wife of Macbeth, learns of this prophecy she convinces her husband the quickest way to obtain the throne is to usurp it from Duncan by murdering him. She adamantly stresses to Macbeth that he must ignore his emotions and conscience by undermining and perverting his masculinity. After Macbeth kills Duncan she claims |_| “A little water clears us of this deed” (2.2.86). …show more content…

Ultimately she takes her own life because her haste lead her to plot murder and to guilt that plagues her dreams. After Macbeth seizes the throne he seeks another premonition from the witches. The witches claim only a man not born of a woman can kill him. The prophecy leads MacBeth to believe that his life will stay intact in a battle with anyone until slighted Macduff reveals that, “Tell thee Macduff was from his mother / untimely ripped” (5.8.29-30). Since Mcduff was born in from a C-section, technically he was not born off a woman. Mcduff kills MacBeth to rid Scotland of both a tyrant and a murder responsible for the death of his family. Macbeth's false sense of security and his conceit lead to his final downfall. Arrogance and impatience cause humans to commit actions that distort their moral

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