
Lady Macbeth Stereotypes Of Women Essay

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Throughout the years, the typical stereotypes of womanhood and femininity have significantly innovated for the better. The infamous Shakespeare play, The Tragedy of Macbeth, viewed women much differently than what the era itself did. This showed greatly through the character, Lady Macbeth, who completely destroyed those stereotypes. She was not only independent, but she also portrayed the utmost amount of confidence. Lady Macbeth was in complete control of her relationship with Macbeth and was highly respected by others around her. She was so powerful that she broke the stereotype of women being weak and obedient to men in the late 1500’s to the early 1600’s; women were belittled during this time frame and were servants to men.
Lady Macbeth conveys the opposite characteristics of femininity on more than one occasion. For example, Lady Macbeth was so eager for Macbeth to become the King of Scotland because she wanted to be Queen …show more content…

Which is an uber part in a woman’s life back in the late 1500’s to the early 1600’s. She expressed that she wanted her breast milk to be ridden and replaced with gall. Which is a vile body fluid that comes from the gallbladder and would not be pleasing for infants to drink. She also demands to “...unsex me here, and fill me, from the crown to toe, top full of direst cruelty!” In other words, she no longer wants to be a female, instead she wants to be perceived as a male in order to be more cruel, heartless, and corrupted. She does not want to have the emotions of a female, such as sensitivity, she wants to be as detached from her emotions as possible (Act I, Scene V). Lady Macbeth was already vicious and aggressive, therefore she really should not have felt the need to become a male in order to achieve these characteristics. Women in this century would have never thought to transform into a male and desperately wanted to have conceive

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