
Lady Macbeth Truth

Decent Essays

The Revealing Truth of Lady Macbeth

In the play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is known as the wife of Macbeth himself. Lady Macbeth's role in the play is significant, she plays a very powerful role in Macbeth. Her cruel doings and careless words are the reason why she dominates the play. Lady Macbeth is manipulating, evil, ambitious and downright a ruthless women. She soon calls upon the “spirits that tend on mortal thoughts” to improvise her of her cares and feminine thoughts. “Unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe topful of direst cruelty.” (Act 1.5.40) Lady Macbeth persistently manipulates her husband for his lack of manliness and courage. She considers Macbeth to be a coward for not wanting to go along with the murder of King …show more content…

Lady Macbeth started to persuade Macbeth to take on the prophecy and kill the king. Lady Macbeth tried to fill his head with things he would want to hear, to make him go along with the prophecy. He would become the king if he committed the murder, Macbeth still couldn't imagine doing such a thing. Lady Macbeth tells her husband that “he is too full of the milk of human kindness.”(1.5.18) Lady Macbeth tries to persuade her husband to thinking her plan will actually pay off. Eventually, Lady Macbeth threatens him with her love, she states that she will take her love away from him if he does not go through with the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth then says yes, and goes along with the …show more content…

Macduff and Macbeth finally come face to face and confront one another. Macbeth’s instinct to slay Macduff may have subconsciously came from Lady Macbeth. Mcduff comes behind Macbeth, demanding the “turn, hellhound turn!” (5.8.3) Macbeth and Macduff being to fight, Macbeth believes nothing can hurt him, that he is simply indestructible. "I bear a charmed life, which must not yield/To one of woman born" (5.8.1203). Macduff exposes that he was ripped from his mother womb, instead of being women born. Macbeth then begins to speak of the witches, claiming they are the reason for all that he has done. Macbeth then divorces himself from living. Macduff joins Malcolm and his soldiers while holding the head of

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