
Lady Macbeth Victim Or Villain Research Paper

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Lady Macbeth Victim Or Villain

Though Lady Macbeth is perceived to be a villain at the beginning of the play, she turns out to be a victim of her own conscientious. Lady Macbeth is a villain because she lacks all humanity and provokes Macbeth to kill King Duncan with the appeal of sex.”Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts,unsex me here.” (1.5.39-40). Lady Macbeth will help Macbeth with his guilty pleasure if he does the deed that she wants so badly committed. Lady Macbeth also tries to get Macbeth to kill King Duncan by how she “ re-enacts for macbeth her earlier appeal for a strategic reversal of sex-the humiliating implication being that she would be more truly masculine in her symbolic act than he can ever be.”(Ramsey2). Lady

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