I was reading Lake and von Baeyer’s article on “Tips for Successful Students”. As I was reviewing the characteristics of a successful student, I noticed that I have several of these characteristics,for example, I have an educational goal because I want to be able to help doctors cure unhealthy patients, attend to the patient's needs and comfort. My presence being in the classroom means that I am closer to being able to accomplish what I have always wanted to do since I was a little child. There is no better place I would ever want to be than to be in the classroom accomplishing my goal. I am also good at managing time. Although I have two kids, school is in my top 5 priorities. I am able to take time from my other responsibilities to focus
During my high school years, I can confidently say I have excelled in my academic endeavours. This success is partially due to my desire to learn. I am always intrigued by the lessons and concepts that are at the core of assigned work. My passion for learning has facilitated my learning process; because I am usually interested in the material that is being taught, my ability to retain and understand information is heightened. My academic success is also due to my drive to do the best I can. Since grade nine, I have demanded excellence from myself in all academic subjects. I strived to perform to the best of my abilities in the first high school years so that I would adopt that habit early and take it with me through the senior high school years. Finally, my academic excellence
Read Lake and von Baeyer's article, “Tips for Successful Students." Also, review the characteristics of a successful student as explained in the lecture. As you consider these, which is your strongest characteristic? Why? How will this characteristic help you to become a successful student in your program of study?
While being responsible for our academic success, prioritizing work to achieve goals can be valuable to students without a success driven mindset. Responsibility and action along with ethics help set the path for proper results and set standards for academic achievement. As I explore this new endeavor in my life, I will outline my failures, successes and the lessons I have learned along the way.
This article “Students of Success” written by Lynn Cheney was very well written. Cheney’s point in this article is that students in liberal arts shouldn’t be over looked in the world of business. She explains that students in liberal arts have the opportunity to become anywhere from Management to the next president of the united states. People should understand that its not the field you major in but it’s the way you use your major. Cheney states that students who follow their hearts in choosing majors will mostly end up laboring at what they love.
Brian and Taylor discuss what they knew about being successful as student’s .The most importing thing was to me is learn yourself as much you can to be successful in your job. When you have a job in example they not going to show you how to do it if you do know, you need to teach yourself how to do it and forget it out, because the future is wildly unpredictable. The best way to improve your options is to continually learn as much as you can in fields that are complementary to your main interests. It would to say, don’t wait for doors to open. Open them yourself by being persistent and thinking strategically about your career.
Throughout my academic career, I have studied with diligence and perseverance to always be the best version of myself. I always aim to be the best in everything I do. For instance, my schedule
Success is essential when it comes to a student’s academic career because it helps them graduate even better themselves. Success can impact a student in many different ways and different concepts, such as pushing them to believe in themselves or reading or math or science, can help a student to be successful. The two of which can be “grit” and the concepts of growth and a fixed mindset. Grit is vital to the success of a student because they learn how to persevere in a long term goal. Fixed and growth mindset can impact a student’s success because it either help or hinder them in any subject such as science or physical education.
I have learned it is important to hold myself to high standards and I hope my students will return the favor. Responsibility, respect, honor, and equality are four specific qualities I value and I anticipate my students will see me display these traits and model after them. I want nothing more and expect nothing less than to see young minds grow and mature into exceptional individuals who succeed in and out of the classroom.
After reading “On Becoming a Better Student” by Donna Farhi Schuster, I started to think about some of the idea she mentioned. I have always been a curious person. I have always wanted to learn more about what I was interested in, but that stopped in high school. Expressing interest in something in high school was not something I did often. I was so overwhelmed with busy work in school that I was exhausted by the time I had time to actually sit down and research something I was interested in.
My accelerated experience in the classroom required me to develop and mature in several ways. First, I developed a strong work ethic and sense of discipline by taking on a rigorous class schedule. Another character trait I developed through keeping up with my class schedule is an impeccable sense of organization. A final trait that
Being an elementary school teacher comes with a tremendous amount of responsibilities. As a teacher, it is important to know how help all children learn, and contribute to the classroom in an effective way. With students having their own unique way of learning, and contributing to the class us as teachers need help our students find out where they shine in the classroom. As a teacher helping students learn in the way that beneficial to the student is the most important part of the job. A way to help the student succeed in the classroom is to find a goal they are passionate about, find a reward that helps give the child something to work towards. Whether it is an academic goal or them having to work to be able to stay on a sports team. According to Bigpicture.org learning goals are tools used for problem solving and offer a set of boundaries to help the students look at the real world. With helping students set goals it gives them the tools
Being a successful student may involve some of the characteristics such as: organization, time, studying, and believing you can achieve.
To become a success in life, we all need to learn to become a good student in every aspect of life. Becoming a good student takes much work and self-discipline. There are many ways that a student can stand out from the rest of the class. These good students are distinguished by their attitude, intellectual skills, consciousness, and achievement.
First off, who I am as a learner has changed over the past years. At times before, I wouldn’t take certain classes or assignments seriously and have learned my lessons when I failed. I believe having classmates at the time who weren’t as focused as I wanted to be, played a big role in my lack of understanding in classes. I understood later that if I felt learning was so important to me, I need to realize that it is my future and I needed to focus on my own. Having learner in my top 5 strengths defines me very well. Rath (2007) explains that, “The process, more than the content or the result, is especially exciting for you” (p.133). I believe this defines me as a learner because I enjoy having books in hand, opening up my notebook to write notes and learning new ways to understand the class. Regardless if the content is something I have to get in to or if I don’t do well on tests, I enjoy the process of studying and learning more even when I know I didn’t do so well; that is what motivates me. I believe as long as I keep this mindset and understand that this is my strength, I will continue to grow and further my education as much as possible. Even though I have failed a few of my last classes, I never let that stop me from continuing. Knowing that I have “failed” makes me realize I know I can do better and I try my hardest not to let it get me down. I will not get further if I don’t keep trying and as a learner I am a motivator to myself in my studies.
Generally, a student is a person who takes interest in a particular subject, but is studying to enter a particular profession. I take interest in some subjects and some subjects I do not take interest in. But students work hard in all subjects, even if it isn’t their best field of education. I have an exceptional GPA score. I make sure to keep my grades up during the school year and stay focused enough to complete and turn in my assignments on time. If I work hard enough in school this year, I could bring up my class rank even higher than it is. It has gotten better since last year and the year before, but I think I could make it even better. So I think that I am a good role model as a student.