
Lake Powells Pros Cons

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There have many discussions involving the drainage of Lake Powell, but with each argument there are reason why we should keep it or why we shouldn’t. In the year of 1963 Lake Powell official became a recreational park and known as one of the second largest man-made reservoir in the U.S. Throughout the years the water levels of Lake Powell has lowered causing people to worry that this lake is destruction rather than a benefactor to the environment. Lake Powell is more beneficial to the environment than a destruction, by bring and economic/recreation to the lake for people to enjoy, helps maintain water and drought control, and also create electricity that has multiple users. Lake Powell provides a great amount of an economic standpoint with the recreation and having people coming into town to have a fun vacation. “4 million visiting tourist bring in $2.5 million each year because of its centralized location, Page hosts tourists en route to many other southwestern site such as the …show more content…

“Approximately 3% of power used in the four corners area…Most of the power from the dam is purchased for commercial use at heavily subsided rates.” (Glen Canyon Institute). Shows who really uses the power and who this will really effect in weather we drain the lake or not. “The Glen Canyon Dam generates 451 megawatts, which is negligible compared to most of the other power generating stations in the regions.” (Glen Canyon Institute). Show how much energy is generated through this dam. “The glen canyon dam does not generate “Clean” power. While we are correct to say there is no air pollution from the dam, the 186 mile long reservoir” (Glen Canyon Institute). Knowing that the power is not clean can alter the opinion of some people. This benefit is something that is not as huge as a benefactor as most but still it contributes to the case that we should keep this man made

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