
Land Acquisition Act: Fair Compensation, and Transparency in Rehabilitation and Resettlement

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TA I The Right of Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 IN THE COURSE OF JURISPRUDENCE SUBMIITED TO: NIRMA UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF LAW SEMESTER VI UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Ms. Rejitha Nair Ass. Professor ILNU SUBMITTED BY: Dikshal Khatri 11BBL049 B.Com. LL.B. (Hons.) Background: The Right of Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 is an act passed by Indian Government in 2013. It was passed for the purpose of fair compensation in case of land acquisition, as well as transparency in rehabilitation and resettlement. This act has replaced the previous land acquisition act of 1894. This act was …show more content…

Second objective is to ensure and make such arrangements that the land owners whose land is to be acquired are getting just and fair compensation taking into consideration all the economic and social circumstances. And to ensure proper process and guideline for the same. When a land is acquired apart from land owners some other families which are directly or indirectly dependent on that land also suffer. Third major objective which was not in old land acquisition act is rehabilitation and resettlement of the affected land owners and families. The first objective somehow incorporates economic approach of jurisprudence. And other two objectives tend to incorporate sociological school of jurisprudence. The jurisprudence of the act will be discussed in further part of this write up. Some important highlights of New Land Acquisition Act:7 New Land Acquisition Act gives a wider and clearer explanation of the purpose for which land can be acquired as compared to previous act. It also elaborates which industrial projects this act covers. (Section 1 and

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