In the past decades Turkey, like many neighboring countries, has faced a growth in population and an expediential rise in migration from rural areas to urban cities. This rapid rise of population in urban areas has brought with it a fear of environmental degradation and rise in risk exposure. The government of Turkey has taken steps in order to lessen impacts on the environment by placing the “environmental law” and the creation of National Ministry of Environment created in 1991(EIA, 2010). However land degradation in Turkey is not solely due to population growth or human behavior in that matter. Due to its geographic positioning the country has an extreme climate that can change in the same area from extreme cold and snow to drought and …show more content…
Acording to the report produced by Univeristy of Gothenburg the most significant form of land degradation in turkey is erosion, 73% of agriculture land is prone to erosion and during the last decade over 16,000ha has been lost mainly of the 17% prime agriculture land. Though 86% of turkey’s overall land is somewhat effected by erosion not all the damages are caused by human activities.
According to the Industry of Public Health in Turkey, even though floods accure more often than landslides; it is the landslides that cause the greatest amount of damages to the structure and property loss in turkey. According to the 2012 World Report it has been ---- that the erosion of land causes more landslides as does deforestation lead to more severe floods; thus it is easy to pinpoint effects of land degradation in disasters and risk exposure. Another cause of risk explosion due to land degradation is deforestation, exposing the country to more floods; also decrease of biodiversity due to rapid urbanization which according to World Risk Report can “affect the coping capability of a country during a disaster” (World Risk Report, 2012).
Emergency management and systematic response to disasters in Turkey are still in their infancy phase and in the event of a catastrophic disaster will be in need of additional help to respond
Erosion is a global problem, as we have already seen ( Globally, topsoil is eroding faster than it can be replaced over 1/3 of the world's croplands ( In the U.S, the loss of topsoil has been estimated to cost $125B per year ( As you might imagine, this is a very difficult calculation to perform, since topsoil production rates are so slow, the lost topsoil is essentially irreplaceable ( This has been increasing within the past for years and corporations are trying to lessen the amount of erosion but it does not seem to be working
and Dentistry and Director of the Program in Disaster Mental Health in the Department of Psychiatry and the UR Center for Disaster Medicine and Emergency Preparedness. For over a decade, he has responded to numerous national disasters as a volunteer with the American Red Cross. He has also developed comprehensive disaster mental health training programs for the New York State Office of Mental Health and the New York State Department of Health currently being disseminated throughout every county, state psychiatric center and acute healthcare facility throughout New York State.
As history repeats itself, we continue to notice that there are many geographic factors that effect regions across the world. A few of the most noticeable are monsoons and deserts. Over time these factors have altered the relationships between certain regions and benefitted our development in society. However, they can be extremely demoralizing as well. Not only is nature disrupted but the way in which people live on a daily basis. We are forced to make changes and adapt to the overwhelming geographic factors.
According to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), there are many factors that will affect the direction of emergency management in the coming years. These can be classified as global challenges, global opportunities, national challenges, national opportunities, professional challenges, and professional opportunities. Global Challenges include some issues like global climate change, increasing population and population density, increasing resource scarcities, rising income inequality, and increasing risk aversion. Global Opportunities has to do with increased scientific understanding of the hazards and societal responses, as well as revolutionary technologies. National Challenges involves increasing urbanization and hazard exposure, interdependencies in infrastructure, continued emphasis on growth, rising costs of disaster recovery, increasing population diversity, terrorist threats, low priority of emergency management, legal liability, and intergovernmental tensions. Due to these factors that will affect the direction of emergency management in the coming years, there is need for us at emergency management division to adjust operational plans to meet these challenges and especially changes emanating from constant changes expected in technology and other threats we face.
On average 77 percent of students are bullied mentally, verbally, and physically in the United States. Odd Girl Out by Rachel Simmons brings to light the hidden culture of aggression in girls. Throughout the novel, Rachel goes over every aspect of female bullying. She includes first person accounts with high school and middle school students and some of the pressures from classmates, friends, parents and teachers, and themselves. Every novel has its strengths and weaknesses.
Environmental scanning can be viewed as a way of acquiring information about outside events that can aid organizations in first identifying potential trends, then interpreting them
“Erosion occurs when the soil lacks protective vegetative cover”. (Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) “Soil erosion reduces the productivity of the land by loss of water, soil, organic matter, nutrients, biota, and depth of soil.” (Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) With no conservation methods in place in certain places like: no contour farming, no cover crop, no terraces, no water ways, and tillage on steep hills is asking for a loss of productivity from the land. The effects on the land that non-conservation methods have is horrible. “Its effects are pervasive, and its damages are long lasting. (Pimentel and others 1995a)” (Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) Soil loss is a bigger factor then most people think. For an example an comparison of how much soil is actually lost in certain environments: “On sloping agricultural land under tropical rainfall, as much as 400t/ha/yr of soil is lost (Pimentel unpublished report,1990).”(Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) “Under arid conditions with relatively strong winds, as much as 5600t/ha/yr of soil has been reported lost (Gupta and Raina 1996).” (Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) Soil loss is a huge factor when conservation practices are not put into place. “According to some investigators, approximately 75 billion tons a fertile soil are lost annually from the world’s agricultural systems (Myers 1993).” (Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) Soil loss is a huge factor and many different things can be done to help slow it,
Everyone off us has stayed up all night at the edge of our bed waiting to find out what will happen next; 83.3% of all Americans have have done this. Suspense is any time a person is craving to know what will happen next. Authors use various elements such as cliffhanger, delayed answers ,and many more to create suspense. Elements are important if a author wants a successful suspenseful story. However, setting and delayed answers are necessary for the development of a successful suspenseful story.
Emergency management faces many challenges in today’s modern society. In the years prior to 9/11 emergency management was primarily focused on natural disasters. That has since changed; we now face a diverse variety of risks and hazards on a constant basis. As we continue to grow in population current and newer have compounded into more problems that emergency planner must face and find solutions for.
Waste land is a very powerful documentary, where Vik Muniz takes us to a different world, but during the time he’s presenting this place one can relate with the humans living there. They live from others trash, some are ashamed of what they do, others are proud of what they do, but most of them if not all believe that is a dignifying job, their way of leaving.
Great point, and there is a balance for every organization. A few months ago I came across a nonprofit organization in Wilmington that had about 8 different fundraising events in a year. While the Executive Director felt that all these events were successful and need, in reality they were competing with each other. Fundraising is definitively an art and requires unique skills and the retrospective. At times the nonprofit organizations “fall in love” with their own mission and lose the ability to strategies successfully.
When a disaster has taken place, first responders who provide fire and medical services will not be equipped to meet the demands for many services. Several issues such as the number of victims, communication failures and road blockages will stop people from accessing emergency services they have come to expect at a moment 's notice through 911 emergency services. Individuals will have to rely on others for help in order to meet their immediate lifesaving and life sustaining needs. If access is blocked or the agency’s capacity is exceeded, it may be hours or days before trained help arrives. There is a four-phase model that organizes the events of emergency managers. This model is known as the “life cycle” which includes dour
Urban sustainability is the idea that an urban area can be organised without excessive reliance on the surrounding countryside and be able to power itself with renewable sources of energy. The aim of this is to create the smallest possible environmental footprint and to produce the lowest quantity of pollution possible, to efficiently use land, compost used materials, recycle it or convert waste-to-energy, and to make the urban area overall contribution to climate change minimal. Therefore allowing the next generations and future generations to have the required resources without compromising them. However sustainably needs to focus also on other issues such as crime and economic factors.
It takes up to three hundred years for one inch of agricultural topsoil to form so soil that is lost is essentially irreplaceable. The consequences for long-term crop yields have not been sufficiently measured. The amount of erosion varies from one field to another. This depends on the type of soil, the slope of the field, the drainage patterns and the crop management practices. The effects of the erosion vary also. The areas that are better able to sustain erosion without loss of productivity are areas with deep organic loams. This is more sustainable than the areas where topsoil’s are shallower.
Desertification is a term few people recognize and even fewer are concerned about. This paper will cover what desertification is along with why it is a global crisis, what the root causes of desertification are, what can be done to reverse the harm full desertification process, it will also cover how farmers can work together to prevent future desertification.