
Land Of The Free Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout history, we have seen so many wars and battles being introduced as a way to get what we want, instead we should try the theory of compromise. The Land of the Free has always been a dream to most outsiders, but with little trust in immigrants and their intentions, they have not been giving the opportunity to experience The American Dream for themselves. Thankfully with the new School of Opportunities Plan (PSOP), the dream of freedom can be administered to the immigrants who are true of heart and devoted to America, themselves, and their families. The plan will be exercised by a newly established public school that is eager to implement new theories and ideas into their education system.This particular plan will have three main goals …show more content…

Also they will be teaching the children about the plants and the responsibilities they require and the rewards received after maintaining the well being of the plants. “The legacy and lingering effects of living in a divided society have left us with incomplete, inaccurate and distorted information as to the history, triumphs and contributions of different groups within our society. As a nation built on the sacrifices of many different immigrant groups we must bear in mind that while the faces of immigrants have changed, their pioneering spirit, courage, determination, ability to thrive, and dreams of securing a better future for their children remain the same.” Most of the American people do not know how to grow their own food or even what it is, that is why it is best for the children to learn while they are still children. The new coming men can introduce the basics of gardening and what is required for these children, so they can know how to do these tasks themselves and one day teach it to their children. These men will be supplying for their families and teaching other children how to one day supply for their own

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