
Land Rover Scenarios

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Hi everyone

I could not wait to share this exciting news with all of you!

Pssst! Rumor has it that Gavin and Candy have created an amazing partnership for sponsorship of Woofstock with Pierre of Land Rover Cherry Hill.
Pierre is on board as a $2500 sponsor and is standing solidly next to us to seek other sponsors for the event. He is committed to the VAO new building fund and is actively participating where he can for this cause. The partnership and growth of this relationship with Land Rover is a solid indication that our community of business professionals want and need to get involved! Great job Candy and Gavin at developing this relationship with Pierre.
Also, we will be acknowledging Pierre back on a more personal level by contributing to him the services of Lisa Ward with a custom photograph and …show more content…

Michele is a major contribution for this cause and is unwavering in her stand to do her part. Stay tuned!

On a more personal note, Candy received a check from Keller Williams of Medford for a donation to the VAO in honor of her mother, Marie. It was a touching contribution and honor of her legacy that they hand delivered to her office in Voorhees.

To really experience what it is like to be in the shelter 24/7 is not something I want you all to forget. It adds fuel to my personal fire to know that the animals simply wait for their forever homes, in a facility that is falling apart left and right.

I will be contacting everyone next Tuesday as to updates on where you are with your personal connections and declared discussions you have all mentioned for contribution and or sponsorship. As you spend time with your loved ones or rest in prayer and solace, know that wherever I will be I will have the conversation of the plight of the VAO. I invite you all to do the same, if possible.


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