Hi everyone
I could not wait to share this exciting news with all of you!
Pssst! Rumor has it that Gavin and Candy have created an amazing partnership for sponsorship of Woofstock with Pierre of Land Rover Cherry Hill.
Pierre is on board as a $2500 sponsor and is standing solidly next to us to seek other sponsors for the event. He is committed to the VAO new building fund and is actively participating where he can for this cause. The partnership and growth of this relationship with Land Rover is a solid indication that our community of business professionals want and need to get involved! Great job Candy and Gavin at developing this relationship with Pierre.
Also, we will be acknowledging Pierre back on a more personal level by contributing to him the services of Lisa Ward with a custom photograph and
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Michele is a major contribution for this cause and is unwavering in her stand to do her part. Stay tuned!
On a more personal note, Candy received a check from Keller Williams of Medford for a donation to the VAO in honor of her mother, Marie. It was a touching contribution and honor of her legacy that they hand delivered to her office in Voorhees.
To really experience what it is like to be in the shelter 24/7 is not something I want you all to forget. It adds fuel to my personal fire to know that the animals simply wait for their forever homes, in a facility that is falling apart left and right.
I will be contacting everyone next Tuesday as to updates on where you are with your personal connections and declared discussions you have all mentioned for contribution and or sponsorship. As you spend time with your loved ones or rest in prayer and solace, know that wherever I will be I will have the conversation of the plight of the VAO. I invite you all to do the same, if possible.
While I was there I asked one of the workers that have daily contact with these animals about what she thought about puppy mills and what would be a way to avoid them and the specialty about adopting a dog/puppy from the shelter. When I was talking to the worker Kayla Kirkpatrick she told me that “adopting a puppy/dog from the shelter gives that animals a second chance in life” replied Kirkpatrick. I would strongly agree with that statement because when an animal gets a second chance to them that means being able to start a new life with people that they can actually trust. I asked her another question on what she thinks about puppy mills in response Kayla said that “they are an animal's number one nightmare, because they don't understand what's going and when the end is coming near, because it's so to hold on any longer.” After speaking to Ms.Kirkpatrick I realized now that after talking to kirpatrick that animals are just like people and desire better and that they are not just a profit or yard ornament. on Ms.Kirkpatrick's request and everybody she works with would love to see people adopting from the shelter than
Many dogs and cats will walk in and out of many shelters in the U.S. but many Pit Bulls will be able to walk out with a family. I tried to look for someone who has had experience within the kennels and to see firsthand the consequences of the negative reputation Pit Bulls in order to demonstrate the struggle that Pit Bulls faced. I met Jenna Keyes, a Humane Educator, who works for the St. Joseph Animal Shelter and deals with animal control and rescue. I walked into her office where the many pictures of animals on the wall cued to me that she clearly was an animal lover and I was in the right place for my interview. Keyes explains that before working at the shelter, she worked with horses and did dog training at boarding kennels. In addition,
Thirty years ago, Best Friend Animal Sanctuary was founded when a group of people had a vision to create a sanctuary for abandoned and abused animals. The main co-founders include: Francis Battista, Judah Battista, Silva Battista, Gregory Castle, Gabriel DePeyer, Jana DePeyer, Steven Hirano, Faith Maloney, Anne Mejia, and Cyrus Mejia. With very little money and no master plan, they set out to create something very ambitious. One of their major goals was to create a no-kill animal sanctuary, but unfortunately they didn’t have much of a voice until their sanctuary grew larger. They didn’t want to become famous or wealthy, but do the right thing for creatures who could not speak or act for themselves. To take the next step, in 1984, the founders made a promise to one another and the animals they cares for, that they would build a sanctuary in Southern Utah. Their mission was to bring about a time when there are no more homeless pets. They would dedicate their lives to housing and finding homes for unwanted pets while spreading
For my community engagement I choose to volunteer at the SPCA here is Salmon Arm. I am still continuing to volunteer and hope to for the rest of the two years I am in Salmon Arm. It has been a really awesome experience, and I have learnt a lot from spending time there. So many animals are mistreat, seen as disposable, and forgotten which lands them in the shelter. Most of these animals are so sweet and just want some love but their families no longer want them. There are so many sick people in this world that treat innocent animals with such cruelty; it is honestly one of the most heart breaking things I have seen. It makes me think about all the horrible things that happen daily in this world, either to animals or people. That has pushed me
Have you ever been watching tv and the ASPCA commercial comes on, you know the one that has the song “Arms of an Angle.” The commercial makes you feel super sad for the poor animals that have been abused and victimized because of cruel behavior. They ask you to donate money to help these animals recover. What if when these animals do recover they were turned into Service animals. This is a matter of great concern in our community because we could help get most, if not all the animals adopted into a loving home. In order to understand the issue more completely, I looked at turning shelter animals into service animals. Other members of my Group project are looking at TNR/Euthanasia, Physiological aspects of owning a shelter animal, and Worldwide
Have you ever seen the ASPCA commercials where they show pictures of abused and neglected animals while the Sarah McLachlan song “In the Arms of an Angel” plays in the background? It is heart wrenching to watch and I always want to help those poor, defenseless animals. I took this opportunity to volunteer at the Town and Country Animal Shelter; a non-profit, no-kill shelter run entirely by volunteers serving eastern Nebraska and beyond. They are dedicated to providing a safe and caring living facility for pets in need until a loving home can be found, as well as helpful information for those wishing to rehome or adopt an animal. I chose this organization because they are a no kill shelter and they take in animals of all different sorts.
I don’t know if I would have ever decided to volunteer at a shelter in St Paul if it wasn’t for this assignment; I am very thankful for this
The idea of wishing Mrs. Crooks-Nedd “New Beginnings” for her 35 years of service at ANRRIA was proposed and a contribution of $ 70.00 per person be collected on or before November 28th, 2017.
Hello everyone, my name is Katrina Clark. So, imagine one day you were ripped away from your family and from your home with nowhere to go, in the street, cold, starving, and have absolutely no idea where your next meal is going to come from. Well, for over 7 million animals each year that is the sad reality. I personally own around ten cats that were either from a shelter or on the street starving. I also own two dogs that I have found on the road that had been dumped and left to die. My experience with adopting these animals has truly opened my eyes to how many animals are truly in need of homes. All of these animals are sweet blessings that I wouldn’t trade for the world. If I can find loving furry friends that I love, then so can you. With
Since being involved in a dog rescue organization, I’ve learned a lot about how an animal control shelter works. They are not just people who will take your dog if they get out of the yard. They are animal lovers who try their best to educate the community pet population control and help homeless pets find a new home. I sat down with a friend of mine who I met through the animal rescue group with both volunteer with to find out more about a day in the life of a shelter worker.
In the United States, about 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters every year. The overpopulation of these animals and the fact that they have no homes leads to about 40% of them being euthanized (ASPCA). This is a global issue, but the root of it can be found within the local community at The Humane Society of the Ohio Valley.
Mars is an interesting and mysterious planet. It is often referred to as the Red Planet. The Romans named Mars after the god of war. The rocks, soil, and sky all have a red hue on account of rust. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun at about 141 million miles (228 million kilometers) and the last terrestrial planet from the Sun. Mars follows closely behind Earth but is comparatively smaller, with about half the diameter of Earth (6,794-km) and about one-tenth of Earth s mass (6.419 x 1023 kg). Thus the force of gravity on Mars is about one-third of that on Earth. Mars is probably the planet we know the most about since it is so close to Earth, though what we know now is not even close to everything about the planet. Over
He came to the shelter seeking to find his cat. He told me how he had decided to end things with his girlfriend and that the day after his cat was missing. Turns out his girlfriend proceeded to break into his house and steal his cat along with all the cats’ things. I had to break the news that she had brought the cat here to be euthanized. I then helped him gather his Louie Viton cat carrier (Goes to show how much he truly loved his cat), his beloved cat’s toys, blanket, and bed. This guy was a mess and it was very hard to experience. This concludes that along with all of the many good memories that came out of the volunteering experience at the shelter it isn’t all rainbows and smiles.
Countless lives locked away in cages and forgotten about have overwhelmed our society, it has left blood stains on our history as a species and if history has taught us anything, it’s that we have a choice to change our ways of adjusting to situations. A war which was fought in pursuit of ending such criminal means, yet we as human beings do little to nothing to end the horrific crimes of animal deaths in shelters. It is no secret that this world has become infused with problems that have extended from one side of the globe to the other. Amongst these problems lies a terrible truth: nearly every year, sums of almost eight million cats and dogs have been placed in shelters around the world. Out of these vast numbers, half will be
Well, luckily, there are shelters in different places that help animals that aren’t able to take care of themselves. Did you know that every year 3.3 million dogs and 3.2 million cats enter animal shelters in U.S.? If you think that figure was huge, now imagine around 1.5 million of them are being euthanized every year because the shelter doesn’t have enough money or volunteers (ASPCA) to take care of them. However, this number can be significantly reduced if we start to make a change. With my speech, I would like to persuade you to from now on look for pets in a shelter instead of a pet store. In order to do this, I will provide information about the differences between shelters and pet stores, reasons to adopt a pet, and how to do it.