
Landless Landlords Chapter Summary

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The problem arises if urbanization is needed for people to have in their life. As people begin to evolve and technology becomes more advanced, the need for space is crucial, and urbanization for people becomes the best alternative for modern life to be stable. Focusing on the benefits only, people become blind from the impact other individuals who are in between urbanization struggle with. The people that are in between the construction of urbanization have no other choice but to accept it and move. Urbanization has become a problem in the life of low-income families, but people have to follow modern life in order to survive emotionally and financially. The benefits from urbanization are high for the economically stable families and those who …show more content…

The life-story method gives the audience the ability to see more than just the positive value of urbanization, but the inner conflicts with the situation. The Chinese family in “Landless Landlords” began as a humble hard working family that did not have the option to have free time because of the demanding work in the farm and other jobs they had to do in order to keep food on the table on a daily basis. Through large efforts, Wang Tao and Liping were able to leave Tao’s parents residents and built a modest home. After a couple of months there was small rumors about the development project in Gan Jia Zahi’s and soon after in 1922 the construction of the High-Tech-Zone began. The government a year later bought off a portion of land by the production team Wang Tao and Liping belonged (Loyalka 124). With no alternative left, the money they received helped their financial problems greatly. Many farmers who were stuck between this problem decided to make their homes bigger and made into an investment to rent out rooms. This new way of living and at the same time their new occupation for many farmers changed their lives in both a positive and negative view. The Wang family stuck in between having the life they once had and the better life they have with the help of the construction of the High-Tech-Zone. With this method, the audience is able to see that urbanization changed many hard working farmers into people who felt had no purpose in their lives anymore, but to be force to appreciate what they have. The change the audience sees or how her daughter describes him how he once was before becoming a dramatic change. He is now a gambler and shows no appreciation to his family. Since Wang Tao is economically stable, he worries less about his family because he knows food will always

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