In the articles Batteries and Bulldust (article B) and Sunny future for solar power storage (article A) are opposing articles about battery-powered technology. Geoff Russell and Emma Hannigan use many persuasive techniques to argue their main ideas. Different techniques are used to observe the target audience, structure and purpose and language.
Geoff Russell and Emma Hannigan both express their opinions on the Tesla Powerwall battery in their articles, however they each have different opinions on being green and this is expressed in their article. In article A it is targeted at moderate people. This is shown through the tone, which is cool, calm and collected. As you read through the article the audience can observe that Hannigan uses many
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Hannigan uses quotes repeatedly in her article to convey that “energy need to be more sustainable” and the only way to do this if the whole nation uses battery power. Tom Nockolds from Community Power Agency states “…Communities would benefit greatly from advances in battery technology.” Battery power offers communities energy affordability, autonomy, independence and self-control. In comparison Russell uses repetition, hyperbole and rhetorical questions to covey that “Battery power is not as green as you think.” Russell argues that renewable energy can’t displace fossil fuels due to the problems of the intermittency of renewable energy and the difficulty of storing electrical energy and nuclear power is the way to go. In Batteries and Bulldust he constantly reminds the reader that cost is not the big reason that battery power is a bad idea. Russell uses hyperbole exaggerates his points and makes them appear bigger. He does this by using statistics, research findings and anecdotal evidence. He uses rhetorical questions “… Will half a million batteries make a dent in our electricity emissions?” to make the reader empathise with him and support the ideas he is stating. As well as engaging the audience and issuing this more deeply and accepting the author answer. These language features help enhance the effectiveness on the
The company is in direct violation of the ADEA of 1967 which states (2)“certain applicant and employees who are 40 years of age and older are protected from discrimination on the basis of age in hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation, or terms, conditions or privileges of employment.” In this case the 68 year old employee could sue the company based on Age Discrimination and win.
Abraham Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address” and Emily Dickinson’s “Success is Counted Sweet,” are two inspirational pieces of art that fall under two different types of discourses. The “Second Inaugural Address,” is a great example and definition of what Rhetoric is. It encompasses all four resources of languages- argument, appeal, arrangement, and artistic devices. “Success is Counted Sweet,” doesn’t cover the four resources of language that apply to rhetoric; therefore, it is categorized as a poem.
Letters – Letters should be structured properly, knowing exactly who there for, the date and any content appearing on the letter is presented properly.
I analyzed the infographic “20 Scientific Benefits of Meditation,” from the Adrenal Fatigue Solution website and the infographic “Health Care Food Purchasing Power” created by Health Care Without Harm and Kaiser Permanente. Both of these infographics have elements of logos, pathos, and ethos incorporated in them. There are also details including colour and text which contribute to their overall efficacy. Furthermore, research from other sources was used to support and deny the validity of the infographics.
Tattoos have recently become increasingly popular in youth, due to the hidden meanings and symbolism that they are endowed with. Helen Day’s opinionative blog entry, The Power of Ink, asserts that the significance of tattoos have diminished due to the fashionable aesthetics that tattoos project. A highly casual, yet acknowledging tone characterises her blog entry, which is predominantly catered to young Australian readers who are interested in receiving a tattoo. Accompanying her blog entry is a number of comments which both support and criticise the new phenomenon of tattoos. Poignantly complementing her article is an image of Ta Mako tattoos, a Maori form of body art, and the front cover of the written work “No tattoos before you’re
The subject, Elaine Rowser is my mother. This piece will actually go towards a more sentimental and softer side of myself due to the fact that she has raised me and loved me ever since the day I was born. There will be
In South Central, Los Angeles, there is a food epidemic taking place among the population. For miles and miles, the only easily attainable food source is fast food; causing the overconsumption of un-nutritious, greasy, and fattening food. This is the problem brought to the public’s attention by speaker Ron Finley in his Ted Talks speech, “A Guerilla Gardener in South Central L.A.” Finley explains how everywhere he looks in his native South Central, all he sees are fast food chains and Dialysis clinics opened due to the lack of nutritious food. Finley views the lack of a healthy food source as a serious problem, and brings up
Society today is quick to judge and state what is wrong and what is acceptable by the public. While some differences between Spelling Matters and Use Your Own Words are obvious, the similarities are relevant. Anne Trubek says that perhaps it is time to change or alter grammar rules to match the current generation and culture. We should advance our guidelines about what is proper and improper along with what is happening right now with the language. While Mikita Brottman says, “bad spelling can be a godsend—a way of weeding out those who are thoughtless and inattentive to detail” (p. 219).
A child’s teacher has taken the child’s parents aside to talk about concerns taking place in the classroom related to the child’s ability to pay attention in class. When hearing news such as this it can be devastating to a parent or caregiver. For this reason, among others, it is important to have a reliable and easily understood source for information. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one such source available for information seekers that readily providers a source of truth. Their sites include informational webpages about important and impactful topics such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This site leverages information sharing using ETHOS, PATHOS, and
Presently there is a rising number of English Language Learners (ELLs) entering into classrooms all over the country. According to the three research studies that I utilized, there are several varied assessment approaches for teaching ELLs in reading (Davis-Lenski, Ehlers-Zavala, Daniel, & Sun-Irminger, 2006; Dreher, & Letcher-Gray, 2009; Ebe, 2010). English Language Learners (ELLs) consistently struggle with some aspects of reading because, they lack background knowledge in terms of the generalized text selections, which they are often given (Davis-Lenski, Ehlers-Zavala, Daniel, & Sun-Irminger, 2006; Dreher, & Letcher-Gray, 2009; Ebe, 2010). The data across all three journal documents agrees that there is an achievement gap where ELLs
Read the article Diagnosis Coding and Medical Necessity: Rules and Reimbursement by Janis Cogley located on the AHIMA Body of Knowledge (BOK) at
The text, Writing on Demand: Best Practices and Strategies for Success is designed specifically for teachers by teachers. With a quote on the cover of the text that is highlighted by a bright orange background and explicitly states that this book is “Ideal for SAT, ACT, AP, and State Assessment Exams”, the text quickly announces that its core audience is going to be teachers within the middle school to high school range. Given the aim of this text, it proves to be a highly beneficial work for aiding teachers in understanding how to adequately prepare their students for the rigors of writing on demand, be it for regular classroom assignments or standardized tests. After a thorough analysis of the text I found many of
What do we know about our energy sources and how our energy choices affect the environment? Many people still do not put much though into this topic or pay any attention to the amount of energy they use or where it comes from. For some it is just willful negligence, but for many others it may be due to a lack of knowledge on the subject. Perhaps it is a good idea to pay closer attention and educate ourselves so we can make informed decisions that may lead to less stress on our wallets and on our environment. In order to make a change, we should observe our currently used energy sources in everyday life, the impact of increasing energy uses, and observe all of the alternative options available to us.
Have to is a non-modal alternative to the modal verb must to talk about obligation.
Language plays an important role in communication by bringing people together and enriching their relationships. Language can also alienate those who do not speak it properly, or at all, from those who do. The essays, Mother Tongue, by Amy Tan, best known for her book, The Joy Luck Club, and Se Habla Espanol, by Tanya Barrientos, delve into the many powers that language holds. These essays reflect how by not speaking a language in proper form and by not speaking a language at all, affects the lives of the subjects of the stories.