Introduction Language is the mirror and communication tool of social life. Language is a neutral word for everyone can use it in daily life to communicate with each other. Language have no distinction on gender, but the users have which result in the difference of gendered language. The history of gendered language have a same point on the development on human being. It can be traced to when we born, where we live and what we think.
Literature Review The theory and case about gendered language were considered in The Study of Language (George Yule, 2006) which are stated in several aspects including biology, sociology and linguistics. It is written that:
Biological (or ‘natural’) gender is the distinction in sex between the ‘male’ and ‘female’
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Firstly, the history and cultural elements. Western people have a belief on religions especially Christianism. The Genesis of Bible said that Lord God created Adam, the first man in the world, then Eve, the first women in the world, was born by one of Adam’s ribs. This is the source of gender. Then in order to communicate, language emerged. However, because of the born order between man and woman which lead to the identity of the subordinate status and woman language be subordinate to men. If we focus on the word order of the language itself, it is easy to find out that the priority on man. As what everyone said in daily life including man and woman, brother and sister, host and hostess, he and she, husband and wife, father and mother and so on, the female words always behind the man words. There are somebody said that ladies and gentlemen is an exception. Actually not. It is not symbolize the improvement on woman instead the weakness of woman for they think woman must be protected. There also have bride and groom which woman is in front of man in the word order, but without one day it turn back into husband and …show more content…
With the development of the modern society, little change is made, but it do not make a real and revolutionary difference than before. Ancient Chinese thoughts and economy lead to unfair gender social roles and status. Western religions and their own usage of language exist gender language word, but hardly ever have someone stand in front of the world to fight for equality of woman. Society hand down the gendered language from grandparents, even grandparents before. Why gendered language always exist here, because the society, the nation, the person get used to it, but in the meanwhile, everyone doesn’t notice it. That is what we learn from gendered language and what we learn for gendered language. Person and society should make change on their language, especially on their thoughts of gendered
The article by Sally Raskoff states the current situation of gender and power in society. She states that we currently live in a male dominated society and hence our actions and languages reflect that. Examples of curse words are given to show how they refer to women negatively. This is happening because of male masculinity. According to Sally Raskoff, Males want to be seen as assertive, aggressive, and strong. And in order to show they are those things, they insult other males by referring to them as inferior things, body parts of women they consider to be “dirty”. One way to combat male masculinity is by emphasizing femininity, which is about encouraging women to be more nurturing, caring, mothering, and passive.
Language is an essential part of our daily lives. Language is used to communicate with other people to meet our needs and satisfy our understandings. Everyone uses one language or another. Some have an advantage and are able to use
This weeks readings were “The Languages of Sex” by Jeffrey Weeks and “Theoretical Perspectives” by Steven Seidman. Both readings and in class discussion brought up some really interesting points. Tuesday we had an interesting in class discussion on the idea of if we were to travel to a culture where ankles were sexualized rather than say breasts. How we become aware that some body parts are sexualized. This discussion was so interesting because it became aware how weird it is that our society has certain body parts that are sexualized. This carried on into Thursday’s discussion about how both authors touched on the increased emphases that humans have a natural drive or need for sex and what happens when he described sex has a natural desire.
Gender and language initiate an approach to the study of language use and looks into relations between the meaning and gender. Christie provides a systematic introduction to pragmatic approaches explaining the rules of social language and how pragmatics can be realized be feminist analyses of language’s nature
The data on Table 1 shows that the men in the meeting had more turns but there was an exception (woman D) and the men in the meeting generally spoke for longer per turn but again there was an exception (woman B). Additionally men also interrupted more (except for man E), and men were interrupted more except Man E and Man I, therefore there is no significant pattern in terms of which gender was interrupted more.
The history of the world is a complex arrangement of happenings and occurrences that have shaped the current state of civilization. At a fundamental level, history is the driving force behind every element of society that exists today. Within history, there are several factors that have and continue to determine the way in which our society functions. One of the most significant of these factors is gender. Today, conceptions, viewpoints and ideas surrounding gender are always changing. It is this fluidity of thought that ultimately allows society to progress forward and create change. However, gender has not always been as openly discussed. Tracing back through history, gender has consistently been a point of identity among humans.
In many circles of the world, various groups of people distinguish themselves from one another through religion, language, culture, and sometimes gender. People also develop stereotypes about a particular group of people in order to identify them. However, most of the time, these stereotypes hold true for only some members of a group. Sometimes, these stereotypes are just plain misconceptions that do not even apply to the group it claims to. Stereotypes are placed on people because it is a way to easily identify what type of person or ethnicity an individual is. At one point in time, these stereotypes may have been true; however, in today’s modern society, most of these stereotypes are outdated and false, which leads them to turn into
The article Language Style and Gender Stereotypes in Person Perception, by K. Quina, J. A. Wingard, H. G. Bates, it began to speak about the stereotypes that have been planted in our minds because of society. They used the terms ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ to see the response when asked a group of students to describe the term ‘feminine’ they got the adjectives such as docile, feminine, and emotional (Quina, Wingard, and Bates 111-112 ). When asked to describe ‘masculine’ they go the adjectives such as strong, dominant, and male. They received these answers because of the culture role. An experiment was conducted to see how young one places a certain gender to a specific role.
Approximately 3000-6000 languages are spoken by humans. The chapter explains gender roles as social behaviors for specific sex as defined by culture. Privilege revolves around inequalities where one group enjoys the benefits at the expense of the other. Group role also explains privilege as one dominant group may oppress the other group.
From a very early age, males and females are taught different linguistic practices. For example, communicative behaviors that are considered acceptable for boys may be considered completely inappropriate for girls.
Since language can be described from the perspective of its structure or function, it provides us two different pathways to learn what people say. In short, we can focus on the form of the utterance, which shows speaker’s meaning literally, without the influence of the context. Also, we may put people’s utterance in the social or cultural circumstance and pay more attention to pragmatic analysis. J. L. Austin (1999), who proposes the concept of “performative”, shows us the underlying ability of language that the utterance can actually do things. Based on the work of Austin, Judith Butler (1999) develops the language philosophy from “performative” to “performativity” in relation to gender. I will argue that language used to utter a sentence in a proper environment is not merely a description, but a real action. And in terms of gender, language “performative” is an access to gender identification. I will firstly examine Austin’s idea of performative utterance and illocutionary acts. I will then look at Butler’s gender performativity and how language works on identifying social gender. In conclusion, I will reiterate my argument and conclude the theory suggested by Austin and Butler.
Kata gender secara etimologi berasal dari bahasa Inggris, gender, yang berarti jenis kelamin. Pengertian ini lebih menekankan hubungan laki-laki dan perempuan secara anatomis (Echols & Hassan Shadily, 2000 : 265). Menurut bahasa, kata gender diartikan sebagai “the grouping of words into masculine, feminine, and neuter, according as they are regarded as male, female or without sex” yang artinya gender adalah kelompok kata yang mempunyai sifat, maskulin, feminin, atau tanpa keduanya (netral). Sedang dalam Women’s Studies Encyclopedia dijelaskan bahwa gender adalah suatu konsep kultural yang berupaya membuat perbedaan (distinction) dalam peran, perilaku, mentalitas, karakteristik emosional antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang berkembang dalam masyarakat (Tiemey : 153). Definisi tersebut menjelaskan mengenai salah satu bentuk interaksi sosial yang terjadi pada laki-laki dan juga perempuan.
Language refers to the method that humans use to communicate either through speech or written. It consists of the use of the word in a structured and conventional way. Language has been referred to as ‘our means of classifying and ordering the world; our means of manipulating reality. In structure and in its use we bring out the world into realisation and if it is inherently inaccurate, then we are misled. (Dale Spender, 1980).Language has power that allows us to make sense out of the reality we live in. Sexism is discrimination of a person based on their gender, especially on women. Sexism in language is the use of language which devalues members on one sex, almost always women, showing gender inequality. In the 1960/70’s there was a
The role of gender can be different in accordance with different cultures and traditions. There are millions of culture and tradition in all around the world, and they can have different practices, social aspects, values and the role of gender in society. The role of gender can be evaluated and analyzed among different cultures, for example, the American culture, the Thai culture, and the Omani Culture.
The first chapter “A Theoretical Presentation Of Proverbs, Theoretical View On Language And Gender” represents a division into four subchapters which have to deal with general ideas about the topic and with basic definitions of gender, proverbs and other key terms. The four subchapters focus on the definitions, origin of the proverbs and their evolution, proverbs’ features. The last subchapter also touches upon the characteristics of language and gender in English and Romanian languages, what are the differences and what these two languages have in common concerning gender.