
Language And The Gendered Language

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Introduction Language is the mirror and communication tool of social life. Language is a neutral word for everyone can use it in daily life to communicate with each other. Language have no distinction on gender, but the users have which result in the difference of gendered language. The history of gendered language have a same point on the development on human being. It can be traced to when we born, where we live and what we think.

Literature Review The theory and case about gendered language were considered in The Study of Language (George Yule, 2006) which are stated in several aspects including biology, sociology and linguistics. It is written that:
Biological (or ‘natural’) gender is the distinction in sex between the ‘male’ and ‘female …show more content…

Firstly, the history and cultural elements. Western people have a belief on religions especially Christianism. The Genesis of Bible said that Lord God created Adam, the first man in the world, then Eve, the first women in the world, was born by one of Adam’s ribs. This is the source of gender. Then in order to communicate, language emerged. However, because of the born order between man and woman which lead to the identity of the subordinate status and woman language be subordinate to men. If we focus on the word order of the language itself, it is easy to find out that the priority on man. As what everyone said in daily life including man and woman, brother and sister, host and hostess, he and she, husband and wife, father and mother and so on, the female words always behind the man words. There are somebody said that ladies and gentlemen is an exception. Actually not. It is not symbolize the improvement on woman instead the weakness of woman for they think woman must be protected. There also have bride and groom which woman is in front of man in the word order, but without one day it turn back into husband and …show more content…

With the development of the modern society, little change is made, but it do not make a real and revolutionary difference than before. Ancient Chinese thoughts and economy lead to unfair gender social roles and status. Western religions and their own usage of language exist gender language word, but hardly ever have someone stand in front of the world to fight for equality of woman. Society hand down the gendered language from grandparents, even grandparents before. Why gendered language always exist here, because the society, the nation, the person get used to it, but in the meanwhile, everyone doesn’t notice it. That is what we learn from gendered language and what we learn for gendered language. Person and society should make change on their language, especially on their thoughts of gendered

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