
Language Learning And Second Language Acquisition

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Introduction Language is the means that we use to deliver messages or convey the idea to the other people. There are many languages spoken in the world. People learn their first language generally considered it as their native language or in other words their mother tongue. The first language always the language that most of the people in this world acquired first. Acquisition of a language is the most important aspects of human development. First language acquisition normally occurred unconsciously in people’s daily communication since baby. Meanwhile, second language acquisition (SLA) could be a complex process which it involves many interrelates with all factors. It is not a uniform and predictable phenomenon. It is considered as a study on how the learners can learn an additional language after acquired their mother tongue. According to Ellis (1985), he stated that there is no way for people to acquire a knowledge of their second language. It means that majority of people who learn the second language basically do not acquire them but still in the learning process. …show more content…

Language acquisition is the process of learning the language subconsciously which it is identical to the process of how children utilize in acquiring their L1. For the language learning, it is the process to learn the language consciously in a tutored setting. Second language acquisition basically depends on the factors such as motivation and personality. Compared with the first language acquisition it does not apply those factors like in SLA because it is triggered by birth. People learn their first language generally without having any forces from the others. But, because learning our first language is an instinct process where there is no choice involved and it comes naturally since

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