
Language Learning: The Five Principles Of Teaching Speaking

Satisfactory Essays

Introduction The ability to speak a language is synonymous with knowing that language because speaking is the most basic ways of human communication. As the process of learning and applying the skills of oral English are so closely related, classroom should be a place where the use of spoken language is sensitively supported since it enables students to make connections between what they know and what they are learning, and it is the one through which they are going to be judged while the first impressions are being formed, that's why according to (Ur, 1996): "Many if not most foreign language learners are interested in learning to speak" (p. 120). In practice or in real classroom situation, those learners find it difficult to communicate or interact using the target language. They think that …show more content…

Principles for Teaching Speaking There are five principles for teaching speaking stated by Nunan (2003, p. 54):

1. Consider about second and foreign language learning context. It is to clarify about the target language of second language context is language of communications in the society since they use the target language almost every day. Whereas in the foreign language context, the target language is not in the language of communication in the society. So that learning speaking in this context is very challenging.
2. Give the opportunities for the students to develop both fluency and accuracy. Fluency is the extent to which speaker uses the language quickly and confidently with few hesitation or unnatural pauses. Accuracy is the extent to which student’s speech matches what people actually say when they use the target language.

3. Give the opportunity for the students to talk by using pair and group work. Those activities used to increase the time of students’ speaking practice and to limit the teacher to

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