
Language Processing Disorder

Decent Essays

Children and most certainly adults can be diagnosed with language processing disorder. The term “Language disorder” is broad, and could be understood in two categories Language Processing Disorder (LPD) and Auditory Processing Disorder APD. Although the two terms seems very closely related, they are very different. A person that is diagnosed with LPD disorder may find themselves having difficulty learning grammar, sentence structure, comprehending what is being read or said (making sense of what being told) in a given language. “The disorder may involve the form of language (phonology, syntax, and morphology), its content or meaning (semantics), or its use (pragmatics), in any combination (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 1993)”. This does not necessarily mean that the child or adult has a hearing loss. This could mean that their brain does not process or interpret auditory information, properly …show more content…

Especially, in young children. Early signs can be traced right in elementary school, language disorders often exhibit reading and academic learning difficulties. Although a teacher, physiologist etc. may assess a child with language disorders varies based on the age of the child. A diagnosed in which reveals the severity of the disorder is also observed during “play” behaviors, interaction with parents, siblings and peers provides information about the child's cognitive and social development. There are also certain literacy skills that could but used as a formative assessment. Teachers should monitor how student print alphabets and names, can the student recall the story or simply tell a story, conversations with peers and other written samples of language. There are a lot of ways to “see” the symptoms in the assessments of a child with language disorders. The results may indicate specific areas of deficit, ascertain the possible causes of the impairment, and formulate specific goals to remediate the

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