
Language Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

Language is one of the most fascinating basic structure and function of a person. Did you know that language is one of the most mysterious events as it’s a combination of culture and biology (Schiamberg, 2015)? By the age of two, a child has already gained the basic foundation and two important developmental tasks they will need for their lifetime; the acquisition of language comprehension and expression (Mashburn et. al, 2009). Much of the research for children’s language accomplishments have focused on studying the relationship and exposure between the child and their parent or teacher. For example, research has been done to study the qualities of the preschool classroom, the associations, features, and sensitivity of the teacher’s language …show more content…

The study was done on a large sample of 4-year-old children who attended pre-kindergarten programs in 11 different states. In addition, it used multiple scientific methods such as naturalistic observation, and self report. The research found that peer language skills made a small, but significant contribution to the child’s language skills within the preschool classroom. However, exposure to peers with strong skills provided them with an important resource for language learning when the classroom is characterized by effective behavior management strategies (Mashburn et. al, 2009). Thus, more emphasis and research should be done with the relationship between peers during their development in receptive and expressive …show more content…

This is very important to me as I wish to become a speech language pathologist for young children. As a speech language pathologist, I will help evaluate and treat children who have difficulty with communication disorders such as stuttering, aphasia, apraxia, and swallowing. In order to evaluate and treat, it’s important for me to understand how children acquire and express language, which was one of the main reasons why I choose this article to

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