Hello, my name is Carmen. I live in Las Piedras with my family. I work for a Notary Public, I do the managing of the office. I consider myself a dedicated and goal-oriented person. Also, I am avid to learn new things and perfect my English. However, I am aware of my weak areas and I hope to improve them with the help of my classmates and
La Amistad movie is a movie from the year 1997 and it is directed by the famous director, “Steven Spielberg”. This famous director has made a lot famous movies like for example the famous movie of “Jurassic Park” or “E.T”. Amistad is the word for “friendship” in Spanish. In this movie four different languages are spoken. English, Spanish, Portuguese and Mende. Mende is the language that the African slaves speak in. This movie is a little recreation of a true story about slave revolt on a small Spanish schooner in 1839. This revolt caused a series of trials beginning in the lower parts of Connecticut. This case not only marks a milestone for Abolitionists in their fight against slavery but it also questioned the natural laws of our Constitution.
Carmen is a student who goes above and beyond. She is an A & B student and is currently taking two AP classes. She is also very involved in school. She is part of the Organization of Latin American Students, member of the Theater Honor Society, and participates in soccer, cross country and track. Aside from her school activities she also works 25 hours a week. She was honest and said that worked played a big rolled in her low ACT score. Because of all of this she did not prepared and study as she should of. Carmen knows that she is a good student bases on her hard work and transcript but also know that she will need to learn how to manage her time and even work less hours once she is in college and she want to be successful academically.
The movie what’s cooking depicts a film about four families with different cultures and the same problem most families endure in America. The family chosen to write about is the Avila’s Mexican American family. This paper will construct a genogram which gives a picture of the relational dynamics in the family’s and an assessment of the relational Infidelity between the parents that effects commitment and the breach of trust, ending in separation and divorce; presented in the Avila’s family. The Avila’s family has planned a Thanksgiving dinner, which is American tradition dealing with invited guests.
In this case for our group project, we were informed to relate the story of La Llorona and how does the book So Far From God, author Ana Castillo, relate to each other. In addition, there is a specific character that reminds us who is related to La Llorona. For the people who does not know the story of La Llorona, she had two children and lived a happy life with a dashing husband. However, she starts to realize that her beauty is not being looked upon from her husband. Since knowing she does not get the attention like she use to before, her anger has lead her to throw her two children in a river. Realizing her mistake, she tries to find her childrens. With no sign of them being found, she is found dead at the river. Due to this horrible ending,
had been weathered. And then in 1986, Chris drove out to El Segundo, made the
The movie Amistad, which was set in 1839, begins with many slaves on board a ship. One slave, Cinque, works very hard to get a nail out of the ship La Amistad. The removal of the nail allows him to become free. He then lets out other slaves. These slaves attack the crewmembers.
I used to live in Mexico, during my childhood, with my mom and my older brother Jesús where I had a German Shepherd named Camperino. This dog would take care of my older brother and me wherever we were. Later my Nana Elsa had bought us tickets to “ El Circo de Los Hermanos Vasquez” one night, which was my favourite circus. After that I fed Camperino his food and got ready for the circus. As my Nana got us all in her gray chevy car to head out, she told us to lock the gate of the house, but I believed it wasn’t necessary. Leaving without locking the gate or thinking about the safety of Camperino was my biggest mistake.
Paragraph (1) : During her entire working life in the United States, Carmen Queveda has hidden in plain sight. As a babysitter, the undocumented immigrant has taken children under her care to play in the park. As a housekeeper, she starts each day taking a leisurely walk with her boss’s two dogs. A) Contextual meaning ; words: plain and sight
Vanessa enlarged her chocolate brown eyes, in terror. Sweat poured down her skin, as she gasped. Arturo grinned,” Ah, you look so much taller! Have you done your hair?” He said. Vanessa deeply growled,” I’m not dealing with this crap!” Arturo’s bright grin left his face, as Vanessa bolted out of her chair, heading for the door,” H-Hey!” He called, chasing after her,” Don’t follow me!” Vanessa demanded. Arturo gripped his daughter’s arm, pulling her away from the door,” No! I’m not letting you run away from me, again!” He barked,” Let go of me, you dog!” Vanessa shouted,” Not until you sit down and finally talk to me!” Arturo refused,” Argh!” Vanessa grunted, as she was pushed back into her chair. Arturo sat back in his chair,” I know, you
It is a great blessing to be given the opportunity to be writing to you for a chance to win the San Martin de Porres Men’s rosary and Monsignor Alex Salazar scholarship. What is faith? In my opinion, faith is the belief in God and the ability to use your courage to change the world in his name through service. In our world, there is a large amount of problems and conflicts in our society like disease, murder, robbery and sadly so much more. There is also a great deal of happiness and charity taking place right now in our fair world done by our youth. As a young person, it is our job to take care of the future because I am part of the future, and potentially could be the well needed change. It is important that children and teenagers follow
The name is Felix Ng. I’m 21 years old and have attended CSULA in the studies of Computer Science. Other than English I also speak fluent Chinese (Cantonese) and I’m able to hold a sizable conversation in Spanish. My many passions are cars, fantasy art, adventures, sports, computers and FOOD!!! I’m a huge foodie and love trying exotic foods. It’s the main reason why I work so hard. My sports include Football, Soccer and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) and watch just about every Dallas, Cowboy game and Real Madrid match.
I open my eyes after Amontillado leaves and all I see is darkness. I feel like there is someone watching me but no one is there. I hear water dripping from the walls and ceiling. I can feel and taste the moisture all around me. I start to sweat after sitting here for awhile and while I sweat, I start to think. This is the end I will no longer get to see the sunlight dance off the morning rain drops, I will not get to feel the warm sun or cold wind on my arms. I will no longer get to see my family, to see their smiles and hear their laughs.
Luckily for me, I was able to meet a girl named Kaela Cervantes, and who was also from Nicaragua. She told me that before coming to Harding, she heard that Walton scholars usually get a host family, and that is why she did not even think twice about the opportunity of being hosted by one. After her first month as a freshman, Kaela became one of the many host students of Don and Flo Fitch, a married couple who lives in Beebe, Arkansas.
I now know that my weaknesses particularly lack of confidence is through lack of knowledge in a specific area and can be boosted by improving my self management and allocating dedicated periods of time to a specific topic. This in itself will help me overcome the majority of my weaknesses and boost my confidence, in turn this will have a knock on effect in improving my assertiveness and concentration and avoid selling myself short. As stated by Chuck Gallozi Internet article 08.12.09 “Many are painfully aware of weaknesses that hold them back. Yet, surprisingly, they are unaware of their many strengths. Focusing on our weaknesses while ignoring our strengths can be a source of discouragement and failure. And glorifying our strengths while ignoring our weaknesses can be equally unproductive. It is only when we give equal weight to our strong points and faults that we can realise our potential. Also note that we must choose our friends carefully because each relationship nurtures our strengths and weaknesses. That is, we will grow better or worse, depending on whom we spend our time with. “ Choosing associates at University is not an option ,but I
When I think of the most accurate way to describe myself, I cannot help but think of the phrase, “hard worker”. I would classify myself as a hard worker because throughout high school I defied the odds and made it out of a small rural town. I loved growing up in a small community because it taught me what family means. However, the downside of living in a small community means that there can be no escaping the cycle of poverty that inhabits rural communities. When I looked at the way families struggled to provide for their children, I knew that was not the way I wanted to live my life; this is what lead me to East Texas Baptist University. When I arrived at East Texas Baptist University, I knew that I wanted to become a teacher. Teachers in my eyes can change the lives of their students. I want to inspire children that come from the same background as I do, to make a difference in their lives. Life is too short to not allow education to be a path out of poverty. Once I finish school next year, I hope to be accepted into a program that will allow me to teach overseas in China. I am excited for what my future holds and the lives I will change though teaching.