Lasers in the Medical Field The invention of the laser gave the medical field an asset, despite the possible side effects of using lasers. Lasers have, or will, allowed progression in the medical field that opens doors to more efficient ways to practice medicine. Lasers have also provided a way to cure illnesses or fix problems that we had no solution for, or had only a temporary fix. Lasers have changed the medical field for the better, and more uses for the laser are being discovered every day. The laser was invented by Theodore H. Maiman on May 16, 1960 at Hughes research laboratory in California (Early History, 2). The laser, which stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, has three main components: the pump, the laser medium, and the optical resonator. The pump sends energy into the laser …show more content…
In an experiment done by Cornelia I. Bargmann and Leon Avery in 1995, they used a laser microbeam, a laser focused into a microscope, to kill a specific cell or group of cells in Caenorhabditis elegans (roundworms). They killed cells so they could observe how cells around the killed cells would react and observe the behavioral differences in the Caenorhabditis elegan (Avery, 1). Though they did not specify what laser microbeam they used, it is possible that they used a nitrogen laser microbeam. The nitrogen laser microbeam can focus on a volume of less than one femtoliter and can reach a temperature of 100,000 kelvin (Monajembashi, 14). In their experiment, they focused the laser microbeam on the nucleus of the cell, and severely damaged it to kill the cell (Avery, 1). With the laser microbeam able to kill a single cell, there are countless ways it can be used. If access to the cell is made, a laser microbeam could possibly be used to kill cancer cells. This would enable doctors to only have to make a small channel to the cell to be able to kill it, if they can locate the
There is a concern that the coordinator of the clinic has noted about the hospital Pacific Cataract and Laser Institute. The hospital is well known for the services that they offer to their patients, and they face a lot of competition from the hospitals that offer the same service. One of the Doctor’s, Dr. Everett, is concerned about the kind of pricing that their major competitor in the Laser surgery is offering. The Canada based hospital is advertising the surgery for the cost of $900 while the estimated cost of the surgery for the surgery ranges from $1750 to around $ 2000 (Lawrence & Morris, 2002). It comes as a surprise, as the advert is considered to be inappropriate by the PCLI doctors. The variable costs of
This Paper analyzes the Case 16: Medical Laser Equipment. Some of the given facts are as follows:
A comprehensive process is often undertaken in the strategic change process was applied to Pacific Cataract and Laser Institute. The objective of the paper is to exhibit the process, conduct a stakeholders? analysis, identify the strategic issues and look into how the company expands its corporate strategic intent, increase customer awareness about the product and by what method to employ to step up
Gender expectations limited personal choice to a great extent during the Elizabethan Era. The Elizabethan Era was the period in which Elizabeth I ruled England from 1558-1603. There was a strong view on women should be the property of men and must obey them. William Shakespeare influenced this time period massively and incorporated the different gender roles and expectations into his plays. Personal is defined as something concerning one's private life, relationships, and emotions rather than one's career or public life. Choice is defined as an act of choosing between two or more possibilities. Therefore personal choice can be seen as how someone chooses to life their personal life; whether that be the relationships formed or
Endovenous Laser therapy is a treatment of removing superficial varicose veins without surgery. Removing varicose veins with surgery involves general anesthesia while the doctor ties and strips the vein out, but with endovenous therapy, the vein is heated, which kills its walls so that the body can naturally absorb and discard the dead tissue. The varicose veins are gone, and the blood travels to the heart through veins deeper inside the leg.
Not many people know what a “Laserphaco probe” is. It sounds as if it was from a science fiction movie, but it is not. It was invented by Patricia Bath. It was made to remove cataracts. Her early life was hard, mainly because she lived through segregation.
Although there is not a cure for cancer, but cancer research treatment and early detection has been greatly improved by technology over the year. Improving health care and decreasing cancer related death. Technology has enabled researchers to understand cancer in ways never before, allowing more innovative treatment with less side effects and even ways to help cope with the side effects. Also, letting researchers create treatments that are more effective and personalize against the many types of cancer out there. More importantly, technology has improved cancer screening and detection at an early stage, which help
In my life, I will make a lot of very important decisions. For instance, choosing a college that will benefit my future is one of them. In college, I will start to learn about my preferred career field and also start studying for it. Wherever I choose to go to college ultimately will decide what kind of job I will get when I graduate. Bluffton University and the University of Findlay are both top notch colleges with numerous amounts of benefits; however, Bluffton is the clear choice when it comes to financial aid and scholarship availability, campus size and feel, and their selection of majors and minors.
life expectancy, as well as offered diagnostic and treatment options in a cost effective manner to enhance quality of life. It has been technology that has driven our health care system. Through development, testing, and distribution of technological advances, it improves the nation’s health.
Theses technologies, if they replace more costly treatments or those of lesser quality in terms of efficaciousness, the result will be lower costs and better outcomes for the patient and the healthcare system (citiation)
began to teach him about the process of making lasers, a passion for technology sparked
The doctors were now able to explore the body in a new way. They could do more tests and develop new techniques.
With the technology, we should be able to, in the future, help cure diseases and maybe even help prevent/help disabilities that are both mental and physical. For example, we could use this newly developed technology to help cure HIV. Not just fight it off or just prevent it, but cure it. We could help people with handicaps like Asperger’s Syndrome and insert a gene or two so that their brains are more used to social conversations. We could help people with ADD/ADHD by inserting genes that help their brains focus! We could help people globally with just about any issue involving their
There have been many advances in the medical field such as; anesthesia, drugs, machines, etc. This has helped the doctors find alternative solutions to problems, and in return has helped them save more lives. In the article “Medicine” by Britannica, “Many new advances in anesthesia, and these in turn depend upon engineers who have devised machines and chemists produced new drugs. Other operations are made possible by new materials, such as the alloys and plastics that are used to make artificial hip and knee joints.” Advances in the medical field have truly helped modern doctors. Without the medicine, machines, technology they have now there’s no way the doctors could have saved the same amount of lives. As Brian Ward, the author of “The Story of Medicine”, states in his book, “Despite opposition, revolutionary scientists and doctors persevered and made some ground breaking discoveries,” (Ward 22). Even though the doctors during the Renaissance had little technology, they still made discoveries that impacted the medical field. The discoveries made by the Renaissance doctors were life saving. However, with the given technology that is commonly found in modern day society doctors are able to impact the medical and scientific fields and by doing so, save more lives than thought possible during the Renaissance. Within the article “Medicine” written by Britannica, it shows the importance of, “Many other developments in modern surgical treatment rest on a firm basis of experimentation, often first in animals but also in humans; among them are Renal dialysis (artificial kidney), arterial bypass operations, embryo implantation, and exchange transfusions.” Although testing on animals is cruel, it shows that modern doctors were not just experimenting on people. The modern doctors had a thought process to reduce the amount of deaths due to
Former Senators Bob Dole and Tom Daschle is in favor for cleaner fuels and renewable resources Patrick Mazza, (n.d.).