This week the intern, Latasha Willis, used her critical thinking skills when entering data for the clients at the agency she is interning at this term. The agency serves many counties. The county that the intern was entering data for was Macon County. The intern noticed that the data showed what population is served the most. The data showed that there are more African Americans being served than any other race. The data also showed that most of the clients were around 82 to 90 years old. The intern was entering the data from the referral forms that are completed when a client is referred to the agency. The service that was being provided was “home delivered meals”. On the referral forms the intern noticed that it was the client’s basic information
I am writing this letter of recommendation to express my support for Keyshia Martin in her application for the Jackie Lajeunesse Scholarship Award. Thank you to the Ontario Ringette Association for organizing this rewarding opportunity for a great supporter of ringette.
1. Four symptoms of anxiety/panic that Josephine is experiencing are, fear, urination, tremors and trouble concentrating. These symptoms are evident through the way Josephine is behaving at home and at the hospital. These four symptoms are usually found in people who are actually diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and panic attacks, cognate to Josephine.
In Alabama in the early 1970’s, there was a height and weight limitation, in order to be considered as a candidate for becoming a prison guard. The restrictions were minimum 5’2 and 120 pounds. Such requests ruled out Dianne Rawlinson, who made a class action suit against the requirements, as she thought that they violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Dianne Rawlinson raised the legal question in Court whenever height and weight requirements for employment as a prison guard in the Alabama would violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
and the Providence Hospital had to take all the responsibilities of funding the agency many budget cuts had to be done in order for the agency to stay open. Due to the lack of funds the majority of the employees had to be laid off, the English teacher and the parenting class teacher had to be let go, also they had to move Mobile from Semmes. Because of this changes the number of individuals the agency can serves has become lower, the agency relies on volunteers to help with the interpretation in medical appointments. (S. Vaca-Diez, personal communication, November 12, 2014). The agency accepted Social Work students from the University of South Alabama to do their internship with them. The author started her internship for the fall semester of 2014. While on the agency, the intern’s job was to schedule appointments, interpretate in medical appointments every Monday and Wednesday at the women health center, or at other via phone with medical appointments and governmental interviews the rest of the days. The intern meet her client “Susana” for the first time, when she was seeking help scheduling an appointment for the women health center to get a pregnancy test. Since that first meeting the intern was assigned to “Susana’s” case.
* The video clip “Thinking on the Job” in the Webtext this week illustrates the importance of critical thinking, especially in work contexts. Define the concept of critical thinking in your own words. Discuss a time in either your work or personal life in which you needed to be able to use critical thinking to either solve a problem or acquire a skill.
For my module 1 case, I am tasked to review the case of Lanesha Johnsons and answer the following questions; from a cultural perspective, is it unusual that Grandmother Marietta is the primary caregiver? Discuss the ways in which Lanesha, Grandma Marietta, and Hannah Healthcare approach this situation from totally different perspectives. How does Lanesha 's temperament affect the situation? What responsibilities do health care providers have in this situation? The case regarding Lanesha Johnson is both frustrating and eye opening, because it seems that the resolution to this case is so easy, but when you look at it through the lens of cultural barriers, the situation because much more murky. Let’s address the first barrier, Marietta as the primary caregiver.
The co-operative nursing assignment has given me the opportunity to use my critical thinking, decision-making, leadership, and clinical nursing expertise learned throughout the RN-BSN program. “The fostering of critical thinking as one of the terminal learning goals of nursing education based on the idea that critical thinking is important not only in the nursing workplace, but also in nursing education” (Shin, Jung, Shin & Kim, 2006, p. 233). My
foundation on which to be analyzed on. Critical Thinking Moore Parker 10th Edition Solutions on
The national league for nurses defines critical thinking in the nursing process as “a discipline specific, reflective reasoning process that guides a nurse in generating, implementing, and evaluating approaches for dealing with client care and professional concerns” (Kozier, 2008). This definition is imperative to help a nursing student learn how to think in terms of nursing care. Nursing students must achieve a comprehensive understanding of critical thinking in order to understand the nursing process. The purpose for this paper is for nursing students to learn how to use the nursing process, how to properly document their findings and assessments, and correctly implement APA formatting in a formal paper.
America’s blindness to the past and the “whitewashing” of history, sanctions for many tales of exploitation and cruelty to go unnoticed. We hear about slavery and of the displacement of the original inhabitants of America, Native Americans, but the extent to which we hear about their plight only goes so far. Those elements of different cultures which are not useful to the story of success and triumph for the colonizers is ignored, minimized, transformed or just destroyed. (Arnold, 1999: 1) This cherry picking of history is what allows for the exploitation of the marginalized people to continue on today. If America was to trace the brutal and racist timeline of American history and genuinely examine it, then they would have to face the colossal
In her lifetime, she has been incarcerated 12 times, serving a total of five years, receiving her first prison term in 1966 for theft. She began selling drugs and prostitution in the 1970’s. She has had numerous incarcerations for a variety of charges ranging from sale of drugs, possession of drugs, prostitution, shoplifting, theft, and others. She is currently involved in legal proceedings related to a theft charge as well as two of her children are also facing unrelated charges. As a result, her life has been a persistent labyrinth of poverty, drug abuse, hospitalizations, and periodic incarcerations that are the result of her criminal behavior, both petty and violent. Her family, with the exception of two of her sons, has also been multigenerationally involved in the penal system, not only her children but her grandchildren as well. Many of her children, and grandchildren, have learned their criminal behavior directly from Rosa Lee’s tutelage.
Bassham, G., Irwin, W., Nardone, H., & Wallace, J. (2002). Critical Thinking. [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies Publishing. Retrieved August 25, 2004 from University of Phoenix, Resource, MGT/350–Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making Web site:
In this study, the professor asked 15 students in his Introductory Psychology class to volunteer to take the smart pill at the start of the semester. The other 15 students in the class who did not volunteer did not take the pill. This was not random assignment because this subject was not an unbiased division, and the professor didn’t create equal groups; therefore, it could affect the result. In general, volunteers do better than non-volunteers because volunteers have more motivation than the people who didn’t volunteer. For example, in the “tutoring study”, people who signed up for tutoring were doing much better than the people who did not sign up for tutoring because the people who sign up care about their grade; on
In this essay, I will share my experience when I was still a novice in the nursing profession and how my understanding of critical thinking has radically transformed, the importance of critical thinking skills in this profession and useful ways on how to develop this specific skill.
The main concepts presented in the article are the varying definitions of each author on the concept of critical thinking. The information the author uses are definitions which are the opinions of varied authors and are similar in foundation in that to apply critical thinking one must be able to identify a problem, pose a question(s), provide valid supporting evidence, and come to a conclusion. Although the author’s definitions do not identify a problem, questions, evidence, or conclusions, the relationship Petress (2004) shows is that the reader must apply this process themselves as it is not always given. The information used does appear to be relevant, significant, and valid. The references the author listed does provide enough information for me to come to this conclusion. Since this work is a literature review and not a case study, numerical data are not necessary to determine validity of the information.