Being a High schooler in today's society is hard, especially when you dread getting up at 6 o’clock (or earlier) every morning, and pressing snooze so many times to the point where you have to miss out on breakfast and rush to school. If school started 30 minutes to an hour later every day, it would help students in plenty of ways: alertness, better test scores, and teachers would also enjoy it because students would be more responsive. There would be some extra costs for bussing, though. Hudsonville High school should definitely look into and consider later start times, for it would benefit both the students and teachers.
In the article, “High Schools Starting Later to Help Sleepy Teens” by Michelle Trudeau the overall claim is that schools should start later late as 8:40 AM. In this article, Michelle talks about how sleepy teens don't get enough sleep and Schools should start their opening hours later on in the day so high school students could get an extra sleep time so they won't be dozing off in the middle of class. Michelle also states 20 percent high school students fall asleep on a typical day. Machelle thinks that if schools started an hour later that high school students will say up more if they stay up more than they can concentrate on more school work. In the article, “High Schools Will Keep Starting Too Early.
Almost 10% of U.S. high schools start before 7:30 a.m. Over 20% of middle schools start class at 7:45 a.m. or earlier. This is leaving students everywhere overwhelmed and tired. This can lead to tremendous effects on their health and grades. Research shows that only do later start times improve those things, but ends up increasing the school's yearly income in the long run. For these reasons, schools should make their hours later because it can affect students grades and health in a positive way.
The students at middle school south lake Zurich Illinois would like later start times. It won't cost much, and benefits the students and teachers. However, there are some problems. There are many learning benefits that go along with later start times. Such as, less vehicle accidents in the morning, depressed students, and obesity. Because of later start times After school activities, sporting events, and families, could all be affected in a negative way. If district 95 starts later district 95 ends later and people have to be home early. Later start times might cost some money but not a lot. Stevenson high school didn't pay that much. But imagine this: Students might not even have to have an alarm
Teenagers need more sleep. If schools start school later, students would be less tired. A study of eight schools in Minnesota started school 1 hour later and grades and morale went up and tardiness went down. It has been scientifically proven in a test they did in Minnesota that 8 schools stated later and most of the students grades went up they were happier and everyone seemed more
I do think that changing start times will help boost academic scores and participation. Erde tells us that “communities that have been able to change school start times, they report improvement in academic performance, a decrease in teen depression, a decrease in tardiness and truancy, an increased alertness in class, and a reduction in teen car accidents”. This quote shows the link between adequate
Schools should adopt an later start time. This would improve students grades and mental state because they would get more sleep. According to the article, Sleepy in Seattle: Schools move start time to manage teens' need for zzz's, more and more school districts around the country are trying to give students later start times. This is because of a few reasons. First of all, the American Academy of Pediatrics, a professional group of pediatricians, say that later start times can improve students life in many ways. Also, the CDC or Center of Disease Control, pushed for later start times.The CDC is a government agency, who's goal is to protect public health and safety, pushed for later school start times. This is because research show that later
First of all, kids will be more energized and be more academically advanced if school starts are pushed back. According to, “Should School Start Later” “Studies show that well rested teens get better grades, have higher standardized test scores, and miss fewer days of school. They also have a lower risk of being in car accidents and have fewer health problems such as depression, mood changes, and being overweight.” Many schools start before 7:45 a.m. and have tired students not putting forth their best efforts while 40 percent of American High Schools start classes past 8 a.m. The schools with later starts
To begin, starting school later can improve students’ health and safety. The CDC urges people to schools to start later, and they have solid reasons for it. Researchers from Minnesota University analyzed over 9000 high school students and discovered that altering the original start time to a later one improved attendance, test scores, grades in math, social studies, and English, and decreased tardiness, drug abuse, and depression. Sadly, over 75% of schools in over 40 states start before 8:30. Without a doubt, later start times have obvious benefits
Research has shown that teenagers experience a change in their internal sleep clocks so that waking up early and going to sleep early are difficult. I agree with the decision to change school times and what it has to offer. This would not only help the teenagers with many things but also accommodate the parents schedules too. I believe that if the school system were to alter the times so that High Schoolers were to wake up later then it would fix various conflicts; teen depression, lack of awareness, and it allows parents to work later.
First of all, If schools start at 9 then students at middle school won’t say things like what Emily Manwiller told me she told me “Yes! I do think schools should start later, because when you don’t get enough sleep you don’t think straight.” Erin Schrader also told me “Yes, because to early in the day kids don’t think right.” Already 2 students told me yes because of schools being too early in the morning and students being tired. If students are tired and fall asleep in class then they would get in trouble. If they fall asleep day after day they might get a detention, but if schools for middle and high school started at 9 they would feel refreshed and is able to stay awake during the school
Students hate getting up so early for school. Right? Teenagers on average need at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night. A two thousand twelve study shows that students who start school an hour later than usual saw their math scores on standardized tests increase an average of 2.2 percent. When students are able to get the sleep they need, they are able to get up and make it to school on time. Also when students get the sleep needed, they not only are able to make it to school on time but it gives them the sleep they need to be able to function which improves academically. High School start times should start later because it allows more sleep for teenagers, increases attendance and improves academically.
Beep Beep Beep Beep. It is 5:30 A.M, you were up late last night working on an atrocious math assignment; and all you want is to roll over and ignore that you have to go catch the bus at 7:15 A.M. Sometimes, you’re lucky enough to get a ride or drive to school and get an extra five or ten minutes of sleep, while still making it to first hour in time for the pledge of allegiance. Then, by the time second hour rolls around it is only 8:30 A.M. This example shows school start times are affecting the teenagers and preteenagers of our generation. These early school start times are beginning to create a decrease in students grades, concentration levels, tardiness, absences, and the amount of sleep the students are getting each night. For the first time, the federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention is urging education policy makers to start middle and high schools later in the morning. The idea is to improve the students sleep and concentration levels during school. As you can see, high schools and middle schools should start later in the morning.
I am in favor of pushing Oregon City High School’s start time to 8:30 and ending later. Many teens who are involved in sports or have another after school activity are always complaining that they are so tired in the mornings. Even as I look around now, I see at least 4 students who are sleeping or are the edge of falling asleep with heavy eyelids— myself included. Even trying to catch the bus at 6:30 a.m in the morning is hard. In the winter, the sun doesn’t even crest the horizon till 7 a.m. It takes a toll on lots of high school students getting up before 6 o’clock just to get ready and be at the bus stop on time. Just reaching over to press the snooze button is as much energy as I can muster up prior to the sun coming up!
Have you ever wondered about the effects that would be brought if school started later? At the moment, school clearly begins too early. This is a problem that is unquestionably bringing negative affects to many students. Many schools throughout the country are addressing this problem by considering school schedule changes including later start times for middle and high schools. Research indicates there are unfavorable effects to current school schedules, as well as well as positive effects to delayed start times. To best meet the needs of teens, school should start later.
We live in an age when many growing adolescents are constantly fighting their natural body clocks. It could potentially be one of the biggest issues facing our high school systems. Many school’s across America have started to push back their school start times. Is it worth it? The answer is yes. School should start later in order to unlock our nation’s high school potential.