
Latin American Folk Medicine

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Latin American folk medicine and practices
Throughout the world, people of different ethnic backgrounds have different philosophies, concepts and beliefs of proper medical care. It differentiates from traditional medicine to western medicine. The Hispanic populations, mostly in Latin American believe that folk medicine is the “medicine of the people” referring to how the people deal with different health issues (Bledsoe, 2009). Many other cultures don’t believe in the Folk Medicine ways because it cannot be scientifically proven. Folk medicine is using a holistic approach that restores the balance between the body’s physical self and nature. “Folk Medicine is the mixture of traditional healing practice and beliefs that involve herbal medicine, …show more content…

Knowing that can lead to a better and more effective diagnosis and treatment. Doctors need to be knowledgeable when attending to the Latino population and inquire about other types of medical treatment that is appropriate to their culture. Not only does the language barrier interfere with proper care, but also many patients do not mention other forms of treatment they use to the doctors because they feel that they will ridicule them. An approach healthcare staff can acquire to benefit both parties is the knowledge and training on Hispanic traditional medicine. Whether treatments or beliefs may differ, an awareness of the symptoms associated with certain illnesses and curanderismo practices will facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of a sick …show more content…

Curanderismo is the largest used system of folk medicine. A Curanderismo assumes a social network of relatives who can diagnose the illness and act as curandero, a relationship between illness, healing and religion, and an underlying belief and trust among the Hispanic community about symptoms, healing practices and the source of illness (Krajewski-Jaime). They are known for healing el Empacho, which is inflammation or blockage of the intestines due to undigested food (Cortés-Gallo). There is Mal de Ojo which is when an adult admiring an infant or child but does not touch them. The treatment for that is a Barrida. A Barrida is when an egg swept over patient while chanting. The egg is placed in water under the patients bed and if cooked or contains a small amount of blood then morning after, the treatment worked. Another example of a folk illness, in this case a pediatric illness, is Caida de la mollera which is the falling of an infants fontanels due to pulling the nipple too quickly from an infants mouth. The grandmother or mother usually does the treatment by sucking vigorously on the infants anterior

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