
Law Enforcement Of The United States

Good Essays

Organization Management
Crystal Peaden
University of Phoenix
Mr. David Mailloux

Law enforcement in the United States is an extremely large and complex area comprising of over 23,000 local, state and federal agencies working alongside security service providers, and industry that hires more than one million people. Among the over 90,000 officially declared police personnel, 13% are specifically working for federal agencies, another 13% hired by special or state agencies while 74% work in the local law enforcement agencies. These law enforcement agents are mandated with various roles and responsibilities, with the main aim of protecting the society. These responsibilities include prevention of crime, maintenance of law and order, and public service. The agencies are segmented into federal, state and local agencies. However, they operate in unison towards controlling, deterring and fighting crime, although, in certain situations, every agency may work independently from the others. It should be noted that all the levels of law enforcement are governed by outlined set of rules, responsibilities and procedures (Carter, 2004). The local policing agencies are made up of the local police, sheriff’s department, campus police as well as the municipal and park police. They are all charged with the duty of protecting societal needs like patrol work, traffic duties, response to calls for service and provision of general help to the public. They are

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