
Law of Case Studies

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Zulfatah Arif SCM-019741

Work Psychology in Communication, Writing and Reporting

COM 2153

Mr Haji Adenan

Case Studies

An Unmotivated Building Inspector
Case Study

By: Zulfatah Arif
1) Review the motivation theories discussed in this chapter. How would each one describe and explain the problems with Simon Lucas’s motivation?
The theories that would be relevant to the problems with Simon Lucas’ motivation would be the McClelland’s Need Theory and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory. For McClelland’s Need Theory, it is divided into three segments which is the need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation. When referring to the need for achievement, Simon Lucas’s lacks all necessary characteristics. He …show more content…

All these three concepts explained why Simon is not motivated. For instance, the lack of job enlargement. Simon’s task was easy and boring, which he did not seem to do well because of repetitions. His job scope was too tight or too little which resulted in boredom. In terms of job rotation, Simon wasn’t trained in different sections of a building inspector. This is because of his lack of qualifications. On the other hand of job enrichment, what made Simon not feeling motivated is because the fact that the job wasn’t the job that he really wanted in the first place and the job wasn’t really his passion.

To Expand or Not To Expand
Case Study

By: Zulfatah Arif
1) Examine this case study from the following perspectives:
(a) the likely attitude to risk
In the case study, Fastsave is a retail chain store company that was doing quite well, and had more than enough financial resources to make investments. In other words, they are able and they have the capacity to take risks with no significant danger of losses. The real risk here was whether it would be worth it for them in terms of time and effort. The attitude to risk is also based on individuals who personalities vary. In the case study, individuals who are more reserve tend to be more cautious as they are realistic while the others who are more risky or outgoing tend to be more straightforward as they maintained an optimist

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