Zulfatah Arif SCM-019741
Work Psychology in Communication, Writing and Reporting
COM 2153
Mr Haji Adenan
Case Studies
An Unmotivated Building Inspector
Case Study
By: Zulfatah Arif
1) Review the motivation theories discussed in this chapter. How would each one describe and explain the problems with Simon Lucas’s motivation?
The theories that would be relevant to the problems with Simon Lucas’ motivation would be the McClelland’s Need Theory and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory. For McClelland’s Need Theory, it is divided into three segments which is the need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation. When referring to the need for achievement, Simon Lucas’s lacks all necessary characteristics. He
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All these three concepts explained why Simon is not motivated. For instance, the lack of job enlargement. Simon’s task was easy and boring, which he did not seem to do well because of repetitions. His job scope was too tight or too little which resulted in boredom. In terms of job rotation, Simon wasn’t trained in different sections of a building inspector. This is because of his lack of qualifications. On the other hand of job enrichment, what made Simon not feeling motivated is because the fact that the job wasn’t the job that he really wanted in the first place and the job wasn’t really his passion.
To Expand or Not To Expand
Case Study
By: Zulfatah Arif
1) Examine this case study from the following perspectives:
(a) the likely attitude to risk
In the case study, Fastsave is a retail chain store company that was doing quite well, and had more than enough financial resources to make investments. In other words, they are able and they have the capacity to take risks with no significant danger of losses. The real risk here was whether it would be worth it for them in terms of time and effort. The attitude to risk is also based on individuals who personalities vary. In the case study, individuals who are more reserve tend to be more cautious as they are realistic while the others who are more risky or outgoing tend to be more straightforward as they maintained an optimist
I returned Ms Dunlap call. She said wants to place a formal complaint against the CPS worker Miranda Larson because she illegally removed her children based on false accusations. She stated that Miranda, like the entire CW are doing criminal activities. She then asked me if I had talked to her attorney? What was my conversation about, What did I disclose to them? What did they told me about her? "Be honest" she said. I informed her that I do contact her attorney because in one her DHS 0170 form the Discrimination Complaint form, she provided us her attorney's phone number and my conversation was about how can we contact her. She said that we should not be talking to her attorney because she just fired her.
Laws have been put in place of the years to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities when it comes to getting a job, keeping a job, and having access to goods, services, and locations. Several of the laws that have been enacted over the years include the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993, the Age Discrimination Act of 1967, and the Americans with Disabilities of 1990.
By which became a contract on 11/28/2010 we were charged $2500 for legal services but the contract states deposit is not refundable under any circumstances. My first payment started on 11/12/2010 for the total amount of $1,020.00 when I made my first payment I took all my required documents to fill out all the packets I was given for immigration to send them, the benefited are Rogelio Medina and Norma Medina. The request was from our son Jesus Medina. On 7/21/2011 I was sent an appointment for my finger prints before that I received receipts of payments which I made on 6/15/2011 for the amounts of $420 and $1,070 plus $1,000 on 9/6/2011 for the total amount of 2,490 I was also charged and extra 1,250 for his service making the grand total
Joseph purchased two commercial ovens for his restaurant and paid via Paypal. At first, the ovens seemed acceptable however it soon became apparent that the hinges on the doors weren’t installed properly making it impossible for the doors to close properly. After contacting the seller and alerting them of the issue they have offered to have a repairman go onsite and correct the defect however Joseph wants to return the ovens and receive a refund in full. Joseph would like to know if there is a warranty and if so, what the terms are. He would also like to know which remedy is more likely under the circumstances.
1. She should start to walk in a straight line and hop on one foot. She should also be able to climb objects and jump over 5 or 6 inches high. She should also be able to pedal and steer. She will start to run and throw objects. She may even start to reproduce shapes and letters.
I was dispatched to Foxcroft Apartments as a backup unit for Ofc Eagan in reference to a domestic dispute. As I came on scene Ofc Eagan saw Rodney Russaw leaving from the apartment and became involved in a foot pursuit with the suspect. Ofc. Eagan and I pursed Russaw down Henderson St into the wood line. Ofc Eagen placed Russaw under arrest for trespassing, and transported Russaw to Troy City Jail.
Assistant Superintendent Denise Bartlett presented the first reading of proposed revisions that combine the policy and regulations into one document. She reported that with the guidance from legal counsel, the language in the policy is very explicit as to the requirements of administrators, as well as law enforcement when involved in student interviews and arrests. Dr. Bartlett reviewed the revised policy that has been reworked with headings and subheadings to assist administrators in determining which section of the policy may pertain to a specific incident and the revisions of the exhibits.
There has been a matter at my school that I would like to make you aware of. This matter has several components that may need further attention from our litigation department. Smart Sue has complained about possible drugs intended for distribution both in her classmate’s, Risky Ralph, locker and in his car. This is the culmination of issues between Smart Sue and an afterhours religious group that Risky Ralph leads. After some investigation and applying the ruling from Donovan v Punxsutawney, I have determined that the religious group has not violated the separation of church and state laws which Smart Sue alleges they did. Their club is held after school and any religious materials they hand out occurs during lunch, which is a
This case is about Paul Reed, a vice president and supervisor at Magic Eye, who is trying to understand the reason his programmers in his firm, are not reaching their potential. For that matter, Paul sought Muriel Tremblay, who is responsible for the personal to discover the issue. Muriel then interviewed an employee named Jeannie Savaria who has worked for the company for over a year and discovered that there had been some lack of motivation from Paul. According to Robbins, S. P. & Judge, (184). Motivation is the process that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort towards attaining a goal. In this paper, I will use the Vroom Expectancy Motivation Theory to explain Jeannine Savaria’s motivation and what can her supervisor do to improve her motivation.
Motivation is a key part in achieving success. People who wish to be successful have something to motivate them to reach their goals. These motivators are always present in life. A motivating factor is something that enables one to keep reaching for their success. The motivating factors taming chaos, social interaction and finding meaning can be traced throughout literature in order to display the reasoning behind a character’s actions.
5. Compare John Sculley and Mr. Nolan’s concept of motivation to that of Steven Jobs and Mr. Keating
and Manap, M. (2012). A critical assessment of Herzberg’s theory of motivation. [online] BorneoPost Online. Available at: http://www.theborneopost.com/2012/10/23/a-critical-assessment-of-herzbergs-theory-of-motivation/ [Accessed 4 Sep. 2014].
It is essential to note that not all employees are motivated by the same set of needs. Different individuals may be driven by different needs at same point of time. And it is as always the most powerful unsatisfied need that motivates an individual. Additionally, the theory is not applicable in case of starving artist or a monk as even if the artist’s or the monks basic needs are not satisfied, he will still strive for recognition and
A theory that supports motivation is the self determination theory. In the self determination theory people need to grow and gain fulfillment by a drive in them. Self Determination is the process of deciding how to act on ones environment. When one is trying to overcome a challenge or encountering a new experience a person wants to gain the knowledge to succeed over the new challenge. When self determination theory is in focus internal factors are at play; a person is primarily focused on the need to gain knowledge or independence. There are three factors that contribute to a student’s self determination and the needs are linked to the student’s
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs suggests that one of the needs for survival is belongingness and when this is not fulfilled, the individual will be motivated to satisfy this need before being motivated and progressing onto others (Maslow, 1943). This can explain Susan’s lack of motivation, as she is currently focussed on satisfying her belongingness need. However, this theory does not touch upon how fulfilling this can improve motivation at work; As once the belongingness need is accomplished, then the individual will strive to fulfil the next level and still not be motivated for strong work behaviours (Pardee, 1990).