The 2017 Veteran of the Year honoree is United States Marines Corps Lance Corporal William R. Prom, who made the ultimate sacrifice on February 9, 1969. Enlisting in the Marines in December of 1967, LCpl Prom was assigned to Company I, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 3rd Marine Division when he arrived to Republic of Vietnam in the summer of 1968.
During participation in Operation Taylor Common near Quang Nam Province, Company I came under heavy fire by North Vietnamese Army forces. With disregard for his own safety, LCpl Prom repeatedly advanced his position to provide covering fire for his fellow wounded Marines. When no longer able to fire his weapon, LCpl Prom directed fire to the enemy position until he was mortally wounded.
As a result
Since 50 minutes equals 25+25, you'll use 25 part of the equation. Which is dividing 360 by 60 minutes (1 hour).
While serving as a machine gunner with Company C, Sp4c. Cutinha accompanied his unit on a combat mission near Gia Dinh. Suddenly his company came under small arms, automatic weapons, mortar and rocket propelled grenade fire, from a battalion size enemy unit. During the initial hostile attack, communication with the battalion pinned down and disorganized, he moved to the front with complete disregard for his safety, firing his machine gun at the charging enemy. As he moved forward he drew fire on his own position and was seriously wounded in the leg. As the hostile fire intensified and half of the company was killed or wounded. He killed several enemy soldiers but sustained another leg wound when incoming rounds destroyed his machine gun. Undaunted, he crawled through a hail of enemy fire to an operable machine gun in order to continue the defense of his injured comrades who were being administrated medical treatment. Cutinha maintained this position, refused assistance, and provided defensive fire for his comrades until he fall mortally wounded. He was solely responsible for killing 15 enemy soldiers while saving the lives of at least 9 members of his own unit. Cutinha’s gallantry and extraordinary heroism were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S
Joivita Bradford is a second year associate in the 2014 Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) with the Office of State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (OSTLTS), CDC. Ms. Bradford is currently assigned to San Joaquin County Public Health Services in the Health Promotions and Chronic Disease Prevention Department. She provides support with community engagement, education, data analysis, program evaluation, and strategic planning.
Many people are inclined to believe that square one is the beginning and must be defined as such to truly understand what square one is. The Big bang, the start of our universe, a black hole, nothingness, a blank slate, etc, but I must disagree. Literally speaking we, and everything else in this universe, are just statistical variables that are on a quest for a conclusion. This conclusion may or may not include unlimited entropy theorized as the Big Freeze, or an infinitely intense energy state theorized as the Big Crunch. Based on this information, I would have to refute the earlier premiss. No, square one should simply be the line of best fit for all the variables that make up our universe, or the simple line. This “line” would be the average of the literal universe and everything inside of it, neither imperfection nor perfection, just an average. Because our universe finds actuality in anarchy, this
In the Vietnam War, Specialist Fourth Class John Baca not only led his team to a firing position, but also risked his life to save his team. Baca was behind his team when a grenade was thrown into the air. When it landed, he capped the fragmentation grenade with his helmet and jumped on top of it, completely disregarding his own safety. Also in the Vietnam War, Specialist Fifth Class Clarence Sasser crawled through a field of explosions and smoke to save his men. Specialist Sasser assisted one soldier to safety and was shot in the shoulder by pieces of an exploding rocket. Even after sustaining painful injuries, Specialist Sasser drug himself through the bloody battlefield to continue saving any wounded soldier he could. Both Specialist Fourth Class Baca and Specialist Fifth Class Sasser were presented with the Medal of Honor posthumously. In addition to these Medal of Honor recipient’s, the Medal of Honor has been awarded over 3,400 times by the President of the
Deceased philosopher Bertrand Russell once said, “War does not determine who is right- only who is left”. Those left are the soldiers of the 1-502nd, specifically Bravo Company 1st plt, and the Janabi family and to a greater extent, the ever-changing global world we all live in today. The tragic events that conspired in a small Iraqi village became a microcosm of how leadership failures at every level shaped the actions of a few soldiers who committed atrocious acts. One can also see how a high operational tempo, along with prolonged violence and death, has on a person’s psyche. It is the ugly side of war that the average American citizen may not want to hear or talk about. For a soldier, it is inevitably what they train their
Colonel (Col) Michael Steele’s resolute beliefs regarding how to prepare his unit for combat and his bravado demeanor commanded respect from other bemused military officers. While serving as Commanding Officer (CO), 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, Col Steele aggressively cultivated a command climate focused on three core principles: personal protection, precision, and lethality. Although these three core principles narrowly aligned with the Army's "Soldier's Creed", Col Steele’s principles did not reinforce the Army’s individual and organizational core values. 3rd Brigade’s disassociated ethical subculture fostered a toxic environment which compromised both subordinate commanders' and individual soldiers' moral standards to various extents. Col Steele’s vague guidance concerning proper ethical behavior during the execution of high stress Counter-Insurgency (COIN) missions resulted in subordinates failing to conduct kinetic operations in accordance with established Army ethical standards. The military establishment shall remember May 09, 2006 as the day the revered "Rakkasans" failed to personify the unit's motto of "Ne Desit Virtus," meaning "Let Valor Not Fail". For on this day, four soldiers assigned to Charlie Company, known to the “Rakkasans” as the "Kill Company", murdered eight unarmed Iraqi citizens during Operation Iron Triangle. These four soldiers failed to understand the nature and consequences of their iniquities as they could no longer distinguish
One of the accomplishments we are particularly proud of is the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC). As a unit within the Armed Forces BiH, PSOTC is also a Partner Training and Education Centre (PTEC) that delivers education and training to military personnel, police officers and civilians from BiH, NATO and partner countries in the field of multinational peace support and counterinsurgency operations, achieving a global outreach.
Can humans sense what is not truly present? In many post-amputee patients, pain is experienced in their amputated limb, despite it being removed. This neuropathic phenomenon is known as phantom limb pain (PLP). PLP is a neurologically generated medical phenomenon of unknown origin, and ineffective treatment options.
The outdated, 6-point grading scale currently in use in Fairfax County public schools was implemented back in 1962 - that's 46 years ago!
Rabbits were discovered first in Asia, a long time ago and since the discovery of rabbits, they spread vastly to so many countries. Gomphos Elkema is the first and oldest rabbit to be discovered. Rabbits bread rapidly, in the 1700’s and this increased greatly, the life span for a rabbit is usually between 6-9 years depending on the breed. Rabbits belongs to the mammals called logomprphia. There are about 40 species of rabbits, presently there are over 60 breeds of rabbits. In this project we focused on the mini lop breed, the mini-lop is a medium sized breed, the mini lop was first discovered in Europe and it was the first breed to have been discovered with fluffy ears. Bob Herschbach discovered the mini lop in the United States in 1970 , he originally was living in Germany and when he decided to move to the united states, he took 3 trio ( 1 male and two females) German rabbits and he brought it down to California with the intention to develop a dwarf kind of lop in different colors.
This is a great example of initiative, honor, courage, and commitment to the mission. This is a perfect example on how we must be on a day to day basis. Always putting the mission before self-comfort, to never question or object with whatever order or command you are given. Especially with us being in The United Stated Marine Corps, we should abide by these examples, and help others understand the importance of it as well. Everything that Captain Rowan did reflect our duty, our expectations, and our standards. Our duty as Marines to complete whatever mission is given to us, regardless of the objectives we may encounter throughout the way. To exceed the expectations they have for us, and to prove that no mission is impossible. One very important standard is to never strive for the bare minimum, but to always do everything to the best of our ability. We should always adapt and overcome in any given situation, and take initiative with good judgments. We should always work with what we got and do it with no hesitation, but most importantly, to go above and beyond the call of duty. Staying motivated and dedicated and applying Honor, Courage, and Commitment will take
Nowadays distributed systems are large and finding faults in such large system ishard. Distributed nature of those faults makes it complex to identify. Again thosefaults are often partial, irregular and may result in abnormal behavior rather thansystem failure. So diagnosing a problem in such systems require collecting relevantinformation from many different nodes and correlating those with the problem.One of the main sources of information that can give the idea about root cause of prob-lems in a distributed systems is communication information between nodes. Lookingat communication between different devices in distributed system, it is seen that thoseare operated using various protocols. Among the protocols, Border
az webapp deployment user set –user-name (-- removed HTML --) –password (-- removed HTML --)
PPT becomes a part of our lives these days from a very young age. We use it for the purpose of sharing documented information from schools and colleges to the corporate world. PPT is a file extension used mainly by MS PowerPoint, Microsoft’s presentation software.