Distance Adds Complexity for Followership Working in a global environment has become a business norm. All leaders and followers are responsible for learning how to work well in the global business community. Recognizing that successful human relationships are built on trust, this provides clarity on which tactics will help in meeting the goal of a strong leader follower relationship. Followers must be willing to explore alternative ways to build amicable, and effective, relationships with their manager, outside of face-to-face interaction. Key tactics include use of technology tools such as low cost video, chat, and instant messaging to augment email and phone communication, as well as guiding communication towards work focused goals to keep expectations clear. Physical distance also has ramifications on social and psychological distance. This paper explores how distance changes the follower leader relationship, and options for followers to use in creating high value trust-oriented relationships with their leader. Different physical locations impact relationships in three ways. First is the ability to …show more content…
When working in a global environment, the leader may be from a different culture which perhaps values caring for others, quality of live and social solidarity higher than achievement, status and success; understanding the cultural conditioning of the leaders will impact how the follower creates a trusting relationship (Rød, 2012). When a follower is offended by leaders comments or actions, stepping back to understand the leaders intent can ease miscommunication and hard feelings (Rød, 2012). The follower must have a clear understanding of self, and strong emotional intelligence to navigate through challenging communications while concurrently building trust in the
John Smith and William Bradford were two authors of the 1600s, who wrote journals about the the way they lived in the New World. John Smith's journal was filled with adventure and talked about how heroic he was to persuade people to come to America. William Bradford's journal was about his voyage to coming to America and his spiritual teachings and beliefs. The three main difference between John Smith and William Bradford’s Journals are their styles of writing, preconceived notion of the Native Americans, and their reasons for coming into America.
1. When discussing leadership and followership, there is often a split in personal opinion when it comes to which one is more important. Leadership and followership both offer unique benefits in their own right and have supporting factors, which give them the perceived appearance of being more important. The focus for this paper will be to advocate the importance of followership over that of leadership. This will be accomplished by addressing the pros of followership to include some core skills of followership and the effects followership has on the development of a leader. The expectation of an officer however, places a high amount of emphasis on leadership more so than that of followership. Given this perceived importance of leadership as an officer, an effective leadership style will be explained and how officers develop this particular leadership style. While leadership has a distinct presence within the professional work environment, followership is considered the underlying backbone in developing an effective high performing team.
The text book also talks about that we need to recognize the important of interactions among leaders, followers, and the situation, in order to better understand the process of leadership. Indeed, interviewee underlines the importance of situation as well as the relationship between leaders and followers, in leadership, and said that leaders need to observe and analysis the situation as well as understand followers’ attitudes and
Nearly 80 percent of murder victim in cases resulting in an execution have been white while 50 percent of murder victims are white 82 percent was found to influence the likelihood of being charged with capital murder or receiving the death penalty.Senator RussFeingold stated "we simply cannot say we live in a country that offers equal justice to all Americans when racial disparities plague the system by which our society imposes the ultimate punishment" (senator RussFeingold 108th congress 2003). A 2007 report concluded that one-third of African American death row inmates in Philadelphia would have received sentence of life improsement if they had not been African-American.In 1990, non-partisan US General Accounting found a pattern of evidence Indicating racial Disparities in the charging, sentencing, and imposition of death penalty (Feb 1,2001)."Justice is never advanced in the taking of a human life"(Writer Activist and Civil Rights Leader Coretta Scott King Feb7, 2006).
Effective leaders interact with their followers in a positive manner to learn about them on a personal and professional level (Colorado State University – Global Campus, 2016). The United States Coast Guard (USCG) refers to this type of communication as deck plate leadership. Deck plate leadership blends an interest in junior personnel’s professional development and well-being (Smith, 2010). Often, before one becomes an effective leader they participate in a follower role. The level of follower engagement may be a precursor to the type of leader they later will become. Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) C. MacInnes is the Executive Officer (XO) of Enlisted Personnel working directly for the commanding officer (CO) at the USCG Academy in New London, Connecticut (http://www.uscga.edu). LCDR MacInnes oversees several divisions at the Academy, meaning he has numerous direct reports. He is an example of a person in a leadership and followership role.
Pearl is a little bit of everything, as she symbolizes shame, affection, criminality sacrifice, and ardor. The young girl will turn into a beautiful and surprisingly wise as she grows up throughout the story.
H., Ang, S., & Shore, L. M. (2012) ‘Leader–member exchange (LMX) and culture: A meta-analysis of correlates of LMX across 23 countries’. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(6), 1097–1130.
Leaders who are well versed in the foregoing leader-follower communication concepts will also be successful in global and in cross-cultural environments (Rentfrow, 2007). For example, when leaders: (1) model willingness to engage others; (2) are sensitive to differences/diversity; (3) promote the establishment relationships beyond their immediate environment; and (4) eliminate organizational barriers, these principles are universal and
Conrad Hilton recognized the importance of individuals in the realization of success. He took a personal interest in all of his followers by paying attention to their concerns and mentoring them (Alef 2009). He encouraged two-way communications between him and his followers to allow the people to express their views. He tolerated differences among the employees and delegated most of the work to others. This leadership style is important as it takes into consideration individual views of every person and makes the employees feel valued (Eeden et al. 2008). Globalization has led to the establishment of multinational companies that draw their employees from different backgrounds. There is need for leaders to understand their followers and tolerate their differences for the success of the entire team.
The role of the follower and the quality of the relationship itself are informally negotiated between followers and their leaders over time (Gils, Quaquebeke, & Knippenberg, 2009). Based on the LMX theory, leaders build a special relationship with an inner circle, or “in-group”, of followers, who often get high levels of responsibility and access to resources. The in-group members work harder and are more committed to task objectives. They are also expected to be totally committed and loyal to their leader. Conversely, other followers fall in the “out-group" and are given low levels of choice or influence. Aggression, sarcasm and a self-centered view are qualities seen in the out-group. The quality of the LMX relationship varies and is better when the challenge of the job is extremely high or extremely low (Graen et al., 1982).
Organizations depend on the management and leadership skills of individuals in order to be successful. Leaders do not have to be managers but are equally important. Leaders are individuals who possess traits, behavior and abilities to influence others to accomplish tasks and other needed objectives for the company. Leadership is defined as “the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organization. . . .” (House et al., 1999, pg. 184).
Cultural differences between countries have strong effects on individual personality and behavior, as well as on organizational culture (Hofstede 2001). These differences can be a significant barrier for an international business leader. Failure to understand and adapt to these differences may
In times of rapid globalisation and economic development growth, the environment of business has become more and more complicated as a huge number of firms want to globally expand their businesses. Subsequently, the managerial implications of cross-cultural management is the challenge of this development. As Abbe (2007) states, cross-cultural leadership has developed as a way to understand leaders who work in the global markets. Culture is the “software of mind” that can influence people’s patterns of thinking and behaving.
Culture is the training or refining of one’s mind from social environments in which one grew up. In order to adapt to local cultures and market needs, companies must shift to decentralized, collaborative decision-making. That requires developing many leaders capable of working anywhere. Therefore, rather than concentrating on the on the top 50 leaders, global organizations need to develop hundreds, even thousands, of leaders comfortable operating in a variety of cultures. Developing global leaders with cultural sensitivities and collaborative skills requires greater focus on emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and empowerment than on traditional management skills. With flatter organizations and decentralization of power, corporations must develop savvy global leaders capable of operating locally and globally simultaneously.