
Leader Follower Relationship Research Paper

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Distance Adds Complexity for Followership Working in a global environment has become a business norm. All leaders and followers are responsible for learning how to work well in the global business community. Recognizing that successful human relationships are built on trust, this provides clarity on which tactics will help in meeting the goal of a strong leader follower relationship. Followers must be willing to explore alternative ways to build amicable, and effective, relationships with their manager, outside of face-to-face interaction. Key tactics include use of technology tools such as low cost video, chat, and instant messaging to augment email and phone communication, as well as guiding communication towards work focused goals to keep expectations clear. Physical distance also has ramifications on social and psychological distance. This paper explores how distance changes the follower leader relationship, and options for followers to use in creating high value trust-oriented relationships with their leader. Different physical locations impact relationships in three ways. First is the ability to …show more content…

When working in a global environment, the leader may be from a different culture which perhaps values caring for others, quality of live and social solidarity higher than achievement, status and success; understanding the cultural conditioning of the leaders will impact how the follower creates a trusting relationship (Rød, 2012). When a follower is offended by leaders comments or actions, stepping back to understand the leaders intent can ease miscommunication and hard feelings (Rød, 2012). The follower must have a clear understanding of self, and strong emotional intelligence to navigate through challenging communications while concurrently building trust in the

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