
Leaders In The Odyssey

Decent Essays

Leader’s characteristics and values during the ruling in Virgil, Plato, and Pericles all have their differences in affliction to humanity. Imagining how one leader is able mind is able to manage and instill such rules into their cultures is very important. In this essay I will depicting the great influences of the characteristics and values on Virgil, Plato, and Pericles cultures and the importance these factors had on powerful leaders during their reign. Also what these rulers endeared to have such the impact they have created to continue through over the centuries dating back to BCE is legendary until this day. Publius Vergilius Maro 70 BC – 19 B.C. was one of many major poets during the civil war. Virgil’s work during the Rome’s Golden …show more content…

This Roman author was influenced by both Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad. He then became influential to literatures from Western, Ovid, and Quintilian. In Virgil and the Aeneid, this discusses the triumph he gained while at the Battle of Actium. In 31 BCE at the Battle of Actium after Augustus’ defeated Antony and Cleopatra. Virgil decided to make Naples his new home as he began his work on a poem that would symbolize the Roman state and to challenge Homer’s Iliad. He was engaged during this time with two series of poems that called the Eclogues and Georgics. “They extol the importance of hard work, the necessity of forging order in the face of a hostile natural world, and perhaps above all, the virtues of agrarian life” (Sayre 189 Book 4) . Georgics, created by Virgil displayed a political point that celebrated the creations by Augustus of farmlands for veterans during …show more content…

Instead, by Socrates using the writing works of his students as influence to his own works, he was able to develop into the writer that Plato was anticipating for us to one day in this life to witness. These two philosophers, Plato and Socrates complement each other’s style, believing that psyche can is to be immutable and immortal. Both philosophers also have beliefs that one is able to remember the state of the pure state. Socrates thoughts to Plato are not as advanced as he think Socrates should be. Plato uses idealism for his own philosophy meaning he seeks the ultimate perfection for his creative work. When Socrates died Plato became deeply depressed and felt almost hopeless. Resulting from this time in Plato’s life, is when he created Republic as an outline of his life. Through Republic Plato is describing form his point of view of the

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