
Leadership And Racial Profiling

Decent Essays

➢ Since the question was asked, “What is going well in your squadron.” Most people addressed that the morale in their squadron was good and they spoke primarly of their cadets. Some people also identified a family atmosphere and cadet leadership held their people accountable. “My squadron performs well on graded event and inspections. We have a good atmosphere, cadets who believe they are doing well have developed this behavior in the last year. They mimic that operationally every semester,” “Empowering cadets to work solutions and problems on their own,” “Cadet chain of command, they understand the military side. Squadron adapts to changes well, the cadets keep squadron clean, hallways and the morale is good,” “I started the academic …show more content…

They provide positive or negative feedback,” “The ability of cadets to feel involve and empowered,” “Morale is good, good training officers and the relationship with between my AOC and me is good,” “We are tight as a family, good family atmosphere, peer to peer accountability and the new relationship with my new AOC is great,” “Two degrees are taking more ownership, academically cadets are doing well and cadet are doing well individually,” “Cadet leadership are holding cadets accountable, cadet leaders are making decision for the masses and are not comfortable but confident,” “We have built a good culture of family and people are taken care of each other, and morale is good,” “We have the best AMTs across the wing, the overall morale is good and cadets are doing well,” “Good communication, I trust my AOCs and we have great communication and we really support each other,” “The interim AOC is a blessing to the squadron, our sole AMT was given an opportunity to lead the squadron and cadet leadership is holding people accountable,” “Cadets are stepping up, our commandant has a better vector on cadets and they let the AOCS lead,” “My firsties are pretty engaged, the morale is good and we set the tone earlier in the semester,” “Communication between PP and cadets and inclusiveness of everyone, no one is left behind,” “Cadets taking leadership responsibility and reaching out to cadets who are struggling and I have a good relationship with my AOC,” “Having cadets learn the reality of their positions, good morale and we work good together,” “We have a pretty good team, I am not sure what the new AOC looks like but we get tired of working

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