Leadership and Strategic Decision-Making in Social Movement Organizations
Throughout history, social movement organizations (SMO) have been actively involved in their community’s seeking to mobilize others and gain resources in order to achieve their goals. It is important to study how SMO achieve their goals to understand the strategic decision-making process and leadership that movements develop for success.
This study aims to investigate the interaction and processes of strategic decision-making and leadership by social movement organizations.
The investigation will involve three major theories, rational action theory (Chong, 2014 and Junker, 2014), social movement habitus (Crosssely, 2003), and strategic
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Individuals make strategic decisions based on life experiences and interactions with other people. Hence, culture, religion, work, background, etc. can influence strategic decision-making. Strategic capacity can also develop effective strategies under conditions in which strategists are highly motivated, enjoy access to diverse sources of salient knowledge, and employ deliberative practices committed to learning (Ganz, 2010). Rational action theory, social movement habitus, and strategic leadership capacity gives a more detailed structure into how social movement organizations leaders make strategic decisions based on benefits and life experiences to achieve their goals. Therefore, I argue that rational action theory, social movement habitus, and strategic leadership capacity identifies the reasoning and rational of how strategic decision-making evolves and how leadership is formed to enhance the power and resources of a social movement organization. Strategic decision making and leadership is fundamental for understanding what happens at the micro-level of individuals and their interactions in order to evaluate and improve our theories at the macro level of movements, states, revolutions, and so on (Jasper: 4).
To study strategic decision-making and leadership, there are five objectives and goals
There are movements today that seems to be having an extraordinary impact on the social changes that they wish to promote to change, but how much is that driven by authentic activism with a strong tie to specific values that those movements hold? Author Malcolm Gladwell discusses and analyzes how, in the past, the movements that emerged were composed of people who had personal connections with either what the movement was seeking to achieve or the people within that movement. Today it seems as though movements have no noticeable impact and are very loosely tied together due to advances in technology and how we use it. At the time that Malcolm Gladwell’s wrote his article, “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted”, it seems like
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What factors contribute towards the success of a racial justice organization in Los Angeles, California? In the midst of a heavy racially political environment in Los Angeles, the factors related to setting a solid foundation towards success can be directly linked to the importance in understanding the historical context behind such politics, in combination with paying close attention to the different ways the issues of class, race, citizenship, gender and sexuality share representation within previous organizations like the Black Panther Party, the East Winds, KIWA, and GALA.
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The Leadership Archetype Questionnaire (Kets de Vries, 2006b), identifies eight individual leadership archetypes. Among the eight archetypes is the strategist, who sees leadership, per Northouse, as a game of chess (2016). Envisioning an organizational future and responding to change is what makes enlisting the vision of the strategist the first step in aligning the two approaches. The strategist is not only one of the model archetypes defined by the Leadership Archetype Questionnaire; it is also one of the characteristics of a psychodynamic approach to leadership. In aligning the psychodynamic approach and the situational approach to leadership, it is important to remember, as suggested by O’Reilly, et. al. in a study published in the Leadership Quarterly, “it is clear, that leaders at all levels influence strategic initiatives and their implementation” (2010). Exactly “how aggregate leadership influences organizational performance” cannot be readily defined (O’Reilly, et. al., 2010). To clarify step one, step one is to clarify the vision.
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Ambition is defined as, having strong want or desire for more than you have. In the story “Macbeth”, ambition contributes to the devolvement of the characters. The three witches are the source of such ambition in this story. It’s almost as if they control the negative or even dark, selfish ambition of the characters Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Banquo.
Using historical political movements the civil rights, women’s movement, and United Farmers Movement, I examine and analyze the content of each movement displayed during this time frame. I selected these movements whose purpose was the self-empowerment of the people, these three movements, without a thought empowered people of color, and low income. I selected current issues that are occurring in today’s society to understand the importance of not only social movement, but also action in modern day. They are various components that play a key role in determining the factors of a movement, I then used multiple variables, such as, sex, race, and class to convey the messages being sent by the movements. Political movements are the main source
Social movements exist amongst various areas of people’s everyday life. For example, the world has been introduced to social movements such as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, in which people are challenged to dump a bucket of ice on their heads in support of an ALS charity. Another example includes the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, to which an African American man by the name of Michael Brown was shot by a Caucasian police officer; this sparked Americans to use various support methods to generate awareness to racism and policy brutality. Both of these scenarios exemplifies the power social movements possess in society today. The purpose of this paper is to explain how to social movement of Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign has affected the
Q-1: Those more likely to engage in a social movement are, “the relatively well off, well educated, and active” (Meyer 62). Furthermore, movements for collective action, “tend to be full of people from the middle class and above” (63). In other words, the type of people who are the easiest to mobilize for collective action in a social movement are college educated individuals who are not living paycheck to paycheck. Individuals who are less likely to participate are those without “biographical availability”, a term coined by Doug McAdam to mean the absence of responsibilities in terms of financial or emotional support. A lack of availability will make these individuals the hardest to mobilize when compared to your average college student.
Social movements are the essence of human rebellion for justice. From Malcolm X to Deray in Baltimore, social movements play a huge part in how we get our voice across to the elite. Even though some sociologists like Doug McAdam believe social movements alone aren’t sufficient to generate a successful result(McAdam,1982). Others believe that social movements play a big role on how we pursue and impact societal change. For instance, MADD – Mothers against Drunk Driving is a successful campaign that started with social change and reduced drunk driving by advocating for change in their own backyard. MLK, Rosa parks, Malcolm X all played a huge role in getting rid of discrimination and racial division by way of social movement. From the million-man
Throughout history, social movement organizations (SMOs) or small groups, loosely connected by a shared purpose have created transformational change. Charles Tilly defines social movements as a “series of contentious performances, displays and campaigns, by which ordinary people make collective claims on others” (Tilly 2004:3). Examples of these movements are the Women’s suffrage, civil rights and the LGBTQ movement. Similar forces are transforming businesses, military affairs and religion. SMOs have become an important part of society because these movements provide a forum for grievances and demands to be heard. These movements also provide citizens an institution outside of the traditional political system.
McCain Foods is a potato manufacturing company founded in Canada in 1957 by Harrison and Wallace McCain. Currently, there are 41 sites on six continents employing 3,600 farmers and 17,000 other workers across the world (McCain, 2015). McCain has had several external environmental factors affecting their business including social, legal, economic, political, and technological forces that they have had to overcome and adapt to. Due to these factors, McCain has had numerous opportunities and threats that affect business strategy, philosophy, and initiatives. The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of strategic planning and decision making and how it affects McCain’s strategy will be discussed below to show how McCain is handling changes in the environment and their business outcomes. McCain’s response to the external environment is important for their success in business and competition within the food industry.
The challenges faced by strategic leaders in implementing complex and long-range consequential decisions demand that they be sophisticated with respect to issues of leadership, power and influence. The changes that are shaping the nature of work in today's complex organizations require that we develop the political will, expertise and personal skills to become more flexible, innovative and adaptive. Without political awareness and skill, we face the inevitable prospect of becoming immersed in bureaucratic infighting, parochial politics and destructive power struggles, which greatly retard organizational initiative, innovation, morale and performance