Transformational Leadership Northouse (2012) suggests that authentic leadership’s roots originate with transformational leadership; “It was identified earlier in transformational leadership research but never fully articulated” (p. 253). With authentic leadership being one of the theories which most influenced me, I thought it important to talk about this theory and learn how authentic leadership sprouted from this earlier system. As stated by Northouse (2012), the transformational leadership theory originated in 1973 by Downton (p. 185). “As its name implies, transformational leadership is a process that changes and transforms people” (Northouse, 2012, p. 185). This style of leadership is similar to authentic leadership in that they both relate to creating connection with their followers. In addition, as remarked by Northouse (2012), “Transformational leadership is concerned with improving the performance of followers and developing followers to their fullest potential (Avolio, 1999; …show more content…
Northouse 2012) concluded that transformational leaders empowered and supported followers during change, while they also “raise the consciousness in individuals and to get them to transcend their own self-interests for the sake of others” (p. 199). These leaders also have high moral values, know how to express their vision, and “listen to their followers” (Northouse, 2012, p. 200). These leaders build trust through their relationships with followers and motivate those under them towards the mission of the company or organization. These leaders influenced me greatly throughout my Navy career and have helped transform me into a better leader by empowering, building, and creating an environment in which I could thrive as a Sailor. “In the end, transformational leadership results in people feeling better about themselves and their contributions to the greater common good” (Northouse, 2012, p.
Transformational leadership accomplishes many of the same results among followers or subordinates. This style of leadership was first introduced in 1978 by James McGregor Burns. Transformational leadership is about inspiring others to go above and beyond expectations. There are four components of transformational leadership. Idealized influence refers to leaders as role models for followers displaying positive behaviors, including setting ethical standards and considering the
transformational leaders can greatly impact the performance of a workforce by emulating the characteristics of charisma, scholarly attributes that created stimulation, and thoughtfulness for each individual. The products of transformational leaders that lead their organizations in this manner result in improved customer service and a more positive work environment.
In addition, Burns et al., (as cited by Lavoie-Tremblay, et al., 2015) defined a transformational leader as “a leader who can extend and elevate the interests of staff, who can facilitate the commitment of staff to the mission and values of the organization, and who can lead staff to rise above their personal interests” (p. 582). Further, Broome (2013) identified transformational leaders as “proactive and hold core beliefs about the potential for development of both individuals they work with and their organization” (p. 327). Samad et al.(2015), connecting transformational leadership to servant leadership and authentic leadership reported, “transformational leadership is also congruent with regards to fostering higher levels of motivation among the followers’ and leaders’ ability to visualize the unforeseen” (pp.
Additionally, " Transformational Leadership inspires wholeness of being, so your thoughts, feelings and actions are consistent. It is about leading with an integrity and authenticity that resonates with others, and inspires them to follow. Not only does it inspire others to follow, but to become leaders themselves" (Cox, 2007, p. 10).
Transformational Leadership empowers or enables its followers. The leader engages with the follower in a way that both the leader and follower transcend to a higher level of motivation and morality (Nicholls, 1994).
Becoming a transformational leader can occur either because the leader has a model or mentor that is a transformational leader, because he/she is a born transformational leader, or through reflection. Senge (1990) wrote that “Learning through reflection is about finding the creative tension...between an understanding of current reality and a vision of desirable practice” (as cited in Johns, 2004, p. 24). In addition, Schuster (1994) noted that one who desires to become a transformational leader can cultivate certain qualities that are characteristic of such a leader: a stimulating vision for the organization, honesty, empathy, authenticity, the ability to defer self-interest to ensure that others are recognized, a holistic concern for the organization, the ability to share power with others, and the ability to develop others (as cited in Johns, 2004, p. 25). The transformational leader is also an effective communicator who persists during hard times and still has the courage to continue to move ahead even when fatigued and encountering difficulties (Schuster, 1994, as cited in Johns, 2004, p. 25).
Transformational leaders motivate by utilizing values, care, and inspiration (Marquis & Huston, 2015). These leaders are developing their employees to strive for growth. Transformational leadership enables companies to look towards the
Those that follow a transformational leadership framework believe that leaders possess many of the aforementioned qualities, but the focus is on one’s ability to inspire and empower others (Ross, Fitzpatrick, Click, Krouse, & Clavelle, 2014). These leaders literally ‘transform’ their followers by inspiring enthusiasm and performance towards a
Leaders are look upon as role models as they guide us with their motivating, influence to accomplish tasks. There are a lot of leadership styles; when leading, it is based on the situation. When I was in the military, I encountered with many different styles of leadership. A leadership that I considered meaningful is a Transformational Leader. The transformational Leader in the military with their inspiring charisma of motivating, influence creates a visualized path that produces energetic characteristics that inhere to new changes, developments, and possibilities.; by demonstrating authority, the Transformational Leader in the military utilizes their power to inspire and motivate people into trusting and following their example; this as
There are many models of leadership that exist across a range of fields (e.g. social work, education, psychology, business, etc.). The ability to transform an organization successfully requires a different set of attitudes and skills. Transformational leadership is an approach where a leader utilizes inspiration, charisma, individualized attention, and intellectual stimulation with their employees (Iachini, Cross, & Freedman, 2015, p. 651). Transformational leadership helps to clarify organizational vision, inspires employees to attain objectives, empowers employees, encourages employees to take risks, and advocates the seeking of alternative solutions to challenges in the workplace (Transformational Leadership, 2015). It allows the leader to engage and motivate each follower identify with the organization’s values and goals.
Similar to servant leadership, authentic leadership has developed from questionable business practices and general societal fear and uncertainty in times of peril (Northouse, 2016). One of the newer areas of leadership, authentic leadership has risen from the search for honest, trustworthy, and positive leadership approaches (Northouse, 2016; Nyberg & Sveniningsson, 2014). According to Northouse (2016), the concept of authentic leadership originates from transformational leadership theory and the work of Bass (1990) and Bass and Steildmeier (1997) on authentic transformational leadership. Desires to be genuine, “true to oneself” or “real” are generally not new, however, research on authentic leadership in terms of
A surge of research began after Luthans and Avolio in 2003 conceptualized a new model that included positive organizational behavior, transformational/full-range leadership, and ethical perspective-taking (Gardner, et al., 2011). Luthans and Avolio (2003) utilized a pragmatic approach to identify two key elements that should be included when discussing the concept of an authentic leader, to include the authenticity of a leader and the
Transformational leadership. Burns (1978) is recognized as one of the earliest theorist on transformational leadership, who introduced transformational leadership over 30 years ago. Transformational leaders are perceived as leaders who uplift their employee morale, subsequently uplifting the entire organizational. Transformational leaders are known by their capacity to inspire followers to forgo self-interests in achieving superior results for the organization (Clawson, 2006). Avolio and Yammarino (2002) shared Bass’s explanation of transformational leadership as leaders who act as agents of change that stimulate, and transform followers’ attitudes, beliefs, and motivate from lower to higher level of arousal.
Leadership is a construct used to define the relationship between leaders and followers including the skills and behaviors that make an effective leader. Transformational leadership is an approach to leadership that focuses on the emotional and social interaction with followers; it is categorized as being influential, inspirational, and intellectually stimulating. (PSU, L1, P5.). Transformational leadership is the desired approach to being an effective leader. Like any skill, the way to obtain and improve them is through a development process. Leadership development requires an understanding of human nature, including personalities, ethics, and motivations. At its core, leadership is about human interaction between leaders and
A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER is a person who stimulates and inspires followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes (Robbins, 2007)It has been shown to influence organisational members by transforming their values and priorities while motivating them to perform beyond their expectations (Rowold, 2007)Increased levels of job satisfaction & reduced turnover intentions are consequences of transformational leadership. It is all about leadership that creates positive change in the followers whereby they take care of each other’s interests and act in the interestsof the groupas a whole (Warrilow, 2012)