
Leadership Comparison Essay

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When comparing the roles of a leader in conjunction to the roles of a manager, one can easily see that both roles are very distinct. The difference between managers and leaders lie in the conceptions they hold. Managers embrace process, they also seek stability and control to try and resolve any problems that may arise in an effective manner, even before they get a firm understanding grasp of any ongoing situation, whereas leaders welcome a lack of structure in a sense where they are willing to delay closure in order to understand issues in a much more in depth manner. However, despite the differences of each role, both hold some similarities in terms of qualities or characteristics that allow each role to interplay with one another, but most …show more content…

I feel that common sense is a characteristic that is very much needed within the workplace and not only that but it should be an important trait within an effective leader. My reasoning behind this is that through common sense, one is able to make unbiased and sound justifications and decisions and therefore a leader should be able to make reasonable decisions based off his or her experiences. In correlation to the notion previously mentioned, I also strongly believe that what makes a leader an effective one are their life experiences since I feel that it is what they endure and go through that molds them. Aside from this, I also feel like Dr. Covey was right in terms of his four imperatives of leadership which are to inspire trust, clarify purpose, align systems and unleash talent. All four of his points build upon each other and when used and applied in accordance, it can result in fundamental principles of great and successful leaders who empower not only people within the workplace but instill that sense of empowerment in others as well. It is their ability to motivate, empower people, as well as being a role model and to lead through example that exemplifies the true roles of a leader within a successful

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