Warrior society, leadership and heroism are closely related to the Anglo-Saxon work, Beowulf, and which demonstrates the loyal followers in medieval literature. In the text, Beowulf, which contains many clues to what is a positive hero should be. Moreover, the story of Beowulf has gone through using both positive and negative characters in different scenarios, and which describes their actions and reactions that the readers would distinguish what either a poor or exemplary leadership. Therefore, the Beowulf has demonstrated what is the key element for a hero to be succeeded only when the hero’s fellows are supportive and their hearts are willing to fight for their master, and specifically for a country. On the other hand, the means to succeed will also relate to the conventions of leadership which has a combination of traditions ( what a warrior means to fight for the enemy) and religion ( the faiths for the leaders to fight for). Furthermore, the character of Beowulf is relatively associated with the leadership of the warriors. The essay will mainly discussed with the faiths and the souls of a warrior …show more content…
Beowulf is not only an ideal or a hanger-on person, he is definitely existed in the society, on the other hand, he has a statute of realness. Moreover, he is famous as his identity of hero, which demonstrates the great personality of his. In Beowulf, both the leader and the follower are closely reply on each other. If a leader has to deal with success, his followers must be successful and they must be supportive to their master. Beowulf has a double character in the work, which is a leader of the warriors and the follower of the king Hrothgar. The readers views Beowulf as a honest thane serving Hrothgars’ court and responsible for the duties as the perfect follower either; afterwards, Beowulf is viewed as the legendary hero that he acts as a leader to lead his followers. (Napierkowski,
Beowulf, the main character of the heroic epic poem Beowulf, conveys fundamental examples for leaders in many aspects of life. Many of the stated ideals are pertinent to a leaders time as a warrior and as a king. In the beginning of the story, Beowulf, the hero of the Geats, aids the Danes and King Hrothgar whose people are harassed by a demon, Grendel. After Beowulf destroys Grendel and his mother, he returns to Heorot, the court of Hrothgar, for a feast of happiness. Here, King Hrothgar gives a speech that advises Beowulf how he should lead his people in the future. Hrothgar’s advice to Beowulf details how he should be the protector of his people and lead them with truth, justice, and tradition as the
Beowulf exhibits many obvious heroic qualities, such as his strength and confidence in battle. These along with more subtle diplomatic actions serve to define him as both a great warrior and leader.
Beowulf is a model of leadership for our own times because he is very courageous and his strength is super human like. His skills and traits would not be good in our times though because a leader of a nation in our time doesn’t need to be very courageous and very strong to fight off people or go to war.
The tale of Beowulf has been taught and studied for hundreds of years. As such, it only makes sense logically that scholars should discern certain lessons from the text, relevant to the original tellers’ lives and to our own. Throughout the poem, we see examples of leaders in Hrothgar and Beowulf, both epitomizing great leadership and displaying characteristics that people could learn from today. Beowulf shows us that a great leader inspires courage in his followers, remains true to his word, can swallow his pride, and rewards loyalty and acts of valor.
Leaders now and leaders way back in the day are they all corrupt. How are they viewed now and how are they viewed during the time of beowulf. People may view a leader different during the time of beowulf rather than a leader in today's time. Some people may think that all leaders are corrupt and some may think that only certain leaders are corrupt. The portrayal of Hrothgar during beowulf's time from the canots and how we today criticize leaders from the films and today. Hrothgar is a very respected leader in Beowulf he leads with confidence and takes care of his people. Hrothgar builds a mead-hall for his people to have a good time and drink ale. The people of Hrothgar's kingdom look at him as a respected leader because treats his people well.
Beowulf overall was a highly skilled and highly intelligent warrior with little fear and an overpowering stench of goodness. Beowulf's ability to get himself out of situations by thinking positively and somehow inflicting fear on those around him gave him much admiration. Beowulf was I am sure an idol and role model to many, and a disappointment to none; as was this story in
Beowulf began this story as a young warrior. He is fearless and brave when he starts out. Hrothgar was a mentor to him and taught him how to act as the ruler he will eventually be. However, he doesn't become king for many years because the rightful heir came into power. When he died, Beowulf came to power. Being a reputable warrior, it prepared him to be a king and showed him how to protect his people. Beowulf always looked out for the interest of his people rather than himself. He will go to great lengths to protect his people and will tackle any challenge that comes his way. In this, he is selfless. Beowulf realizes that he may die, but he persists.Throughout the story as a whole, he simply transforms from a boy into a man.
Set in an era long before the customs of contemporary western civilization, Heaney’s translation of Beowulf follows the courageous hero through an epic journey that solidifies his figurative immortality. Much like the Greek’s great Odysseus or the Roman’s devout Aeneus, Beowulf serves as an impressive and almost godlike warrior for the Anglo-Saxons, providing insight into the constituents of greatness for that society. Confident in his abilities and committed to his task, Beowulf voluntarily embarks on a mission to defeat Grendel, the treacherous enemy of the Danish kingdom. Beowulf solidifies his classification as an epic hero as he satisfies his quest for glory, saves a kingdom from destruction, and reveals the values of an era.
Leadership skills are exemplified in the poem Beowulf through Beowulf’s characteristics and actions and his ability to lead and motivate his thanes. Unwillingness to give in to pride is also a leadership skill revealed in Beowulf. Beowulf displays courage and confidence during the battles of all three beasts of Beowulf. He ensures that his warriors trust in him enough to believe that they may be able to achieve a definite goal together. Beowulf, however, does allow his pride to obscure his vision of the future, therefore he does not possess all the necessary skills a leader should have.
In the poem, Beowulf’s position as a leader reveals a great deal about the values and beliefs of the
Beowulf is a hero in the eyes of his fellow men through his amazing physical strength. He fought in numerous battles and returned victorious
In the book Beowulf, Beowulf, the main character, is a man of great strength and ability. He is depicted as a man of wisdom, and that he is a prince that comes from a kingdom that is well respected. He fights many battles, and is seen as a hero with glory to his name, but this does not mean that he is as flawless as he seems to be. Beowulf is a man who desires to help those in need, however, he is greedy for the glory and treasure that he will receive in thanks of his success. He is truly confident, but because of this he is impulsive, never questioning his ability to take on a task. He is also brave, he has almost no fear, but this tends to make him reckless. He is a hero to many, but he believes in himself in such a way that he acts foolishly, and it will eventually be the death of him.
In the epic poem of Beowulf, many leadership skills and attributes are demonstrated. Beowulf, as the leader of his band of warriors, makes the evidence of excellent leadership skills clear. He sets an example for his band by being a protector of his people in which, he came to them in a time of need (McArthur). He also upholds the standards of truth and justice by taking the life of Grendel (McArthur). Beowulf also leads his band by having an inspirational vision through his behavior and actions (Loughman). His confidence in his abilities is another factor that plays into his role as a leader (Loughman).
Beowulf is a very brave and noble prince. He proves this statement in the way he humbly boasts about his ability to complete quests, fighting monstrous creates continuously, and going into each battle or challenge by his lonesome. “Hail! King Hrothgar! I am Hygelac’s thane, Hygelac’s kinsman. Many a deed Of honor and daring I’ve done in my youth… The best of my people, prudent and brave, Urged
Beowulf is conceited and iss all about glory. He also wanted the material objects that came with it. There is no proof of intelligence and a high lack of skill in leading. He is a self gratifying man that worries about his claim to fame and other objects more than any other thing.