Kouzes and Posner (2004) state that “vision isn’t everything, but it’s the beginning of everything” (p. 56). One may not have the complete answer, but vision calls for stepping away from the crowd and leading. Inspiring a shared vision needs a leader who understands the heart of the issue and is willing to lead people by example. In the clip from the movie Defiance, Tuvia Bielski seems to be just an ordinary guy. It is in the moments of frustration and fear that we get to see Tuvia transform into a leader with a vision. The Bible states in 1 Peter 5:3 that when it comes to leadership one should not be “domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock” (English Standard Version). Tuvia became the example, leading
The movie “Twelve O’ Clock High” is a case study in the application of leadership theory during World War Two. Gregory Peck portrays Brigadier General Savage, a United States Army Air Force officer thrust into a situation that requires a maximum effort both on the ground and in the air as he attempts to re-invigorate an undisciplined, anxiety ridden, and ineffective combat unit. Throughout the movie we observe Peck’s character employing a variety of leadership methods, but ultimately discovering that true combat effectiveness and cohesion is accomplished through a
Leadership is now more evident than ever in our everyday lives as well as in the everyday media. The movie Hidden Figures by Theodore Melfi is a demonstration of leadership in my many different aspects. This movie is the story of three African American women that were an important asset to NASA during the early years of the Space Race. The movie highlights the concepts of Servant Leadership, Authentic Leader, the Situational Approach to leadership, Leader-Member Exchange Theory and Adaptive Leadership.
The Battle of Gettysburg was amongst one the most important turning points during the Civil War. It was a three-day bloody battle between the Union and Confederate forces which would ultimately lead up to the victory of the Union. In The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara shows a depiction of the battle through the eyes of the officers and tries to give the reader a first-hand look into the daily struggles that they had to deal with when it came to distinguishing between what’s best for their men and chances of success in the battle. In the book, we are introduced with two important officers: Colonel Chamberlain of the Union force, and General Lee of the Confederate force. Throughout the book, we witness different leadership strategies and philosophies between both officers which ultimately serve as their road to success or failure in the battle. Focusing on General Lee’s philosophy on leadership, “To be a good soldier, you must love the army. But to be a good officer you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love.”, it reinforces the idea that in order to fully succeed at battle, you must set aside and sacrifice your sense of sympathy towards your soldiers as a way to avoid making emotional decisions.
When I think about leadership, Matthew 26:36-45 always comes to my mind. In this passage, Jesus unpacked the roles and responsibilities of a true leader. A true leader leads by sample without looking back. The scripture states, “…My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Going a little further, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed…. Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping.
The 1989 movie “Glory” shows the true meaning of leadership and sacrifices that need to be made within a group of people in order to show what team work is really about. During the film many tensions were high specially because it happened during the time of The American Civil War and people of colored were being allowed to join and become soldiers. In the movie everyone had the opportunity to meet one another and sent down the rules and regulations that needed to be followed in order for everyone to succeed together. However, there are certain characters that will be closely looked at in order to understand their behavior, the type of leaders that they are, and the way they handle things in a certain way.
The Defiant Ones (1958) directed by Stanley Kramer showed the racial relations going on in the United States of America. The film features two men, one black and one white becoming friends, which was almost unheard of at the time. Although when this film came out segregation was illegal it still was not fully accepted as being the new norm. This film starts to try to shape America into accepting all races and stopping segregation, but also tries to mirror society when a third party is brought in and tries to come between the two men and their friendship. Kramer uses The Defiant Ones as a way to mirror the public of the times opinion and shape there new opinion of the changing world.
The story of Invictus is based upon the life of Nelson Mandela during the time he held his Presidency of South Africa. Specifically, the movie focuses on his ideas of managing the Springboks and how the opportunity of using the country’s Rugby team unfolds as a way to bring the country together. Since The World Cup is being held in South Africa during the first year of his term, he sees The World Cup as an attempt to bring the whites and blacks together by finding pride in their home team’s victory. Mandela is successful at transforming the beliefs of South Africa through his styles of democratic leadership, transformational leadership, and interpersonal orientation leadership.
In the movie Remember the Titans, coaches Yoast and Boone demonstrate leadership through the three leadership styles; authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire.
The film, Apollo 13, is based on the real-life crisis that occurred April 13, 1970 on board the Apollo spacecraft. The two main characters, Gene Kranz (Ed Harris) and Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks) are the key players who will address how a leader is able to survive and thrive in a world in which unexpected events occur on a regular basis. They portray the effective styles of leadership in balance with their ever changing surroundings, as well as their ability to maintain their interpersonal relationships with a group under unfavorable conditions. This film is a powerful movie because it makes clear to the viewer just how often disruptions and discontinuities occur. Also, it is an excellent example of how leaders must be able to meet
In this paper I will identify and explain the leadership concepts that I learned in this class using characters from the film Finding Nemo. To do so I will provide examples of transformative leadership and describe the impact it had on others. I will also explain how the characters acquired their leadership effectiveness by identifying experiences that were instrumental in their leadership development.
1. The movie “Invictus” shows great examples of the trait leadership theory that Mandela portrayed as the President of South Africa. Mandela was able to influence the people of South Africa through his traits of being an extravert leader and having great integrity. According to the text, extraverts are sociable, assertive, and energetic people. Mandela displayed traits of an extravert leader. Whenever he would greet people he always had a genuine smile and good intentions towards everyone he met. Even the people who worked for him, especially his security, were expected and required to always have a smile to portray a welcoming atmosphere. Mandela was a very sociable person, he made sure to go to all the rugby tournaments and had a very
A consultative style encourages discussion with the team; the leader presents the situation or problem and may possibly suggest a provisional decision. They then invite discussion about it and get suggestions and ideas, the leader then decides. Positives of this style include group synergy ‘none of use is as clever as all of us’, and acknowledgment that the team has something to contribute to the decision-making process. Disadvantages of this style could include slower decision making due to consultation, and the expectation of the team or individuals that they will always be consulted.
One of The Lion King’s primary focuses is leadership and power. Throughout the whole movie, it is a battle of who has power, who wants power, and who is the best leader for the circumstance. Mufasa, the king of Pride Rock at the beginning, and Sarabi, his wife, give birth to their son, Simba, who is next in line to become king. Scar, Mufasa’s younger brother, is extremely upset that he will never be king and have power. Mufasa is the quintessential “good” leader. According to the trait approach, which states that “good” leaders possess specific traits, intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability are the most common traits amongst the best leaders. Mufasa, evident strong and brave, is also able to verbally
Defiance is a movie written, directed and produced by Edward Zwick. This movie’s setting is in Nazi occupied territory in Belarus during World War II. The storyline follows the Bielski brothers as they attempt to evade capture and fight for their lives, and over the course of the movie, the lives of twelve hundred other Jewish survivors on their quest for life, liberty and the new promised land. The film features Daniel Craig as Tuvia Bielski, Liev Schreiber as Zus Bielski, Jamie Bell as Asael Bielski and George MacKay as Aron Bielski. The film is based upon the novel Defiance: The Bielski Partisans written by Nechama Tec and is a true story s of survival during the Nazi occupation of eastern Europe. This is a gripping movie full of
In the film 12 Angry Men, a group of twelve jurors are deciding the fate of a young boy accused of murdering his father. Throughout the juries dilleration, one man exhibits all of the qualities of leadership. This man is juror number 8 played by Henry Fonda. Fonda not only exhibits the the 10 qualities of a leader but he uses these qualities to lead the entire jury to a vote of not guilty (Fonda & Lumet, 1957).