
Leadership Interview Questions

Decent Essays

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell
I am 21 times more likely to be killed by a cop. I perform poorly on national standardized exams. I am angry, depressed, poor, and I am suicidal. I have a 33% chance of going to prison. Murder is the #1 cause of my death. I am an endangered species and predator. “I don't graduate from high school” (Huffington Post). I am only 5% of the nation's college population.
American society presents an unbalanced and negative image of African American males between the ages of 18-24. According to the Justice Policy Institute’s (2002) report entitled, Cellblock or Classroom? (Ziedenberg & Schiraldi, 2002), “In 2000, there were approximately 791,600 African …show more content…

I have been an active member of scouting since the age of 7, and providing leadership to my troop and the community is what scouting has prepared me to do. While in scouting, I have been a patrol leader, senior patrol leader, and member of the Order of the Arrow (specialized honor roll society). Each position has taught me how to organize activities, events, and camping experience. Also, while serving as a leader, I have learned to develop a teamwork atmosphere, delegate, use others strengths, be responsible, setting goals and achieving them, complete task, and be reliable. My volunteer work positively has impacted many.
I know the way: I define who I am, and will do not allow one or stats to define me.
I go the way: I am a Boy Scout on the road to becoming an Eagle Scout (April 2016). I am a community volunteer. I am a violinist, a high school scholar, and athlete. I am the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and vision President Barack Obama. I am a young African American man with dreams and aspiration to impact the world.
I show the way: I am a young African American man with dreams and aspiration to impact the world. I am applying for this scholarship to exhibit positive imagery of African American males in America.


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