I have never considered myself to be a leader other than in my household. Even though I am a very active member in my church and have many responsibilities, at work I have never given myself the title “leader”. Since beginning this class and reading the assigned text I come to see and understand why I am and should be called a leader. The two self-assessments that I took made me realize that the everyday things that I do are actually the skills and attributes of a good leader.
The first assessment that I took was the leadership legacy assessment. Based on the results of that test my scores were as follows: ambassador - 19 points; advocate - 18 points; people mover - 21 points; truth-seeker - 20 points; creative builder - 19 points; and experienced
This eye-opening assessment produced 17 excels, 57 competents and 43 need to develops. There are several areas that need attention and improvement for my leadership communications skills. With practice and faith anyone can improve. From Mark
The “new” leadership driver self-assessment tool was mostly accurate in evaluating my leadership style. I found that the overall scores in the four categories reflected my strengths. The tool also pinpointed specific points regarding my leadership abilities.
After completing the self-assessment “Change Leadership IQ,” I would assess myself as an individual that has the capability to handle changes if I were managing or leading others based on answering five out of six correctly. Big changes in within any company can cause a great deal of stress or frustration among employees, but I believe that by remaining consistent with a few of these disciplines could make the process a lot easier for most. Simple actions like “Communicating what will remain the same after change…” or “Involving more members of an organization in planning a change [may] increase commitment to making the change successful.” I personally believe that I am capable in handling changes if I were managing or leading others because
Characteristics’ and behaviors of successful leaders are both innate and learned (DuBrin, 2013). Assessing ones personality, cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and behavioral characteristics assists in determining the areas in which there is opportunity to increase ones effectiveness as a leader. Utilizing the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, the Big Five Personality Factors, in addition to three self-assessment quizzes from the Dubrin (2013) text this paper will discuss the instruments chosen for the self-assessment and their results, personal reaction to the assessments, what the results convey regarding leadership performance, and a summary of the most significant insights gleaned from the assessment.
Personal Assessment and Leadership Development Plan Introduction The focus of my personal assessment and leadership development plan is to denote the values, beliefs, thoughts, and actions that will propel me into a state of personal fulfillment as a more complete leader at home, in the workplace, and in the community. The preparation of this document will result in the creation of a deliverable to be frequently referenced and used as a reminder of the overall direction and more specific strategies to achieve my personal and professional hopes, dreams, and aspirations, as well as put into place a foundation for facilitating leadership development in my communities. My more immediate aspirations include being promoted at the
In this review, my own organization’s leadership capabilities and performance will be assessed. This review will be based on Computime Ltd organizational structure and I will be showing my own understanding of the leadership styles within the organisation, reviewing the effectiveness of my own leadership skills but also discuss the adoption of an effective leadership style to motivate staff to finally meet the organizational values and goals.
Strong and effective leadership is one of the most significant factors in determining the success and durability of an organization or group (Huber, 2014). A health care professional that is able to identify their own style of leadership can develop their unique characteristics and skills and become a better leader, as well as develop and improve relationships with other leaders and colleagues (Giltinane, 2013). In this paper, I will discuss my style of leadership based on the completed self-assessment and describe what leadership and management theories align with my leadership style. I will also discuss the type of work environment and three key actions or behaviors that I must demonstrate to be a successful leader.
During my relatively short time with my present company compared to that of many of my colleagues I have seen numerous changes in the senior management structure that has resulted in differing styles of leadership over the years from Autocratic to
For many years, I have been told by teachers, family, and friends that I am a good leader. Until fairly recently, I had never truly thought about what it means to be a good leader and just took it as a compliment. Leadership is an intangible concept which cannot be properly outlined in a dictionary, but one which must be formed and explained only through one’s own philosophies and experiences.
During this past week, I completed my leadership traits assessment and tallied the results from my friends and coworkers. This process was interesting because it has been several years since I have completed an activity like this one. My results were as follows, I received my highest ratings in being persistent, determined, trustworthy, dependable, friendly, diligent, and conscientious. On the other hand, my lowest scores are in self-confident, self-assured, and perceptive. These results were not surprising to me because they are developmental opportunities that I have been working to overcome. It was good to see that what my results are consistent with what I already knew.
Before taking the leadership class I viewed leaders and managers the same and I was thinking that only a few people at the top of an organization can lead. However I was wrong and today I view leadership as the challenge and responsibility of every individual with potential to make a difference. Today, I view leadership as a social influence. It is initiating and guiding and the result is change. Leadership is more art than science and more skill than knowledge (Manning, p.61).
The results of the self-assessments are not consistent. According to the Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment, I rated low on self-awareness. This is due to my inability to recognize my strengths and weaknesses. I did, however, rate high on internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency. Next, the LMX 7 Questionnaire, I rated high. This questionnaire was given to my supervisor and one of my followers. The results of my Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire, I rated average in all leadership styles. I rated highest in the directive style. The Skills Inventory Assessment resulted in a high score in technical and human skills, and moderate in conceptual skills. Having a moderate score in conceptual skills results in my inability to see the goals of the organization. I should familiarize myself with the organizations aims and objectives and align my goals with theirs. Furthermore, the Leadership Trait Questionnaire scores averaged between a 3 and 4, the highest scores being in dependability and friendly.
I scored an eighty-seven (87) on the How Good Are Your Leadership Skills? Self-assessment quiz, which rated my skills as excellent. This score was not surprising to me because I’ve worked hard to become the best leader possible, and leading people is something I enjoy. Motivating people to achieve or surpass a particular goal is rewarding to me.
Before this class, I had a very primitive and vague definition of leadership. Not only did I define it as per my views and ideologies, but I also said that each individual has their own definition of leadership. My initial belief was that leadership does not have a clear cut definition, but there were well defined leadership traits which made an individual. I also initially believed that personal traits did not translate into leadership traits with no strong correlation. After going through the various modules this class offered, it is safe to say that I have significantly redefined leadership and underwent a strong personal assessment. This paper talks what I took back from each of the class activities, assignments and how my self-assessment compares to the perception of others.
When reflecting on my experience as both a student and a life learner, I never would have considered myself a leader. In fact, I have always been the shy kid who hides in the back of the class and panics whenever it is their turn to respond to a question. College however provided me with an opportunity to develop myself as a leader. I became more active in school activities and actively sought out leadership roles. As I’ve progressed in my professional life, I’ve become more interested in what it takes to make a strong leader. When assuming leadership roles, I’ve always considered myself an authentic leader but I know I’ve often struggled in detailing clear goals for my group or organization. Thankfully, Enrolling in the effective