
Leadership Theories: Transformational Leadership

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There are numerous leadership theories some give you a good foundation of how not to run an organization. While others set the tone of how an organization should be ran. Every leadership theory is useful it gives each individual insight on the type of leader they want to be whether good or bad. Some leadership theories can be combine in order to make one outstanding leader. Some of these theories that I find to be useful in the type of leader that strive to be are transformational leadership theory, charismatic leadership, ethical leadership, and servant leadership.
Transformational leadership is a popular leadership theory that many people relate too and strive to master it. Transformational leadership was influence by James McGregor Burns. Burns frequently compared transactional leadership with transformational leadership (Yukl, 2013). He described transformational leaders with a vision of what …show more content…

Appling these two theories to my own practice will help me provide stellar leadership for my employees. Giving them someone that they not only can depend on for visionary growth but someone that they can rely on when they need help with organizational information. Having a charismatic style also makes employees comfortable with you but also give them someone to look up to for guidance. Combining these theories can help me make subordinates feel passionate about the success of the organization. Also morale is a very important within an organization using both transformational and charismatic style of leadership will help to build and maintain morale. For example, working as a corrections officer morale was hard to build and maintain. If I was still working in that environment I would use my charismatic personality to build trust among my employees. This will allow me to guide them in the right direction in work and motivate them to want to complete daily

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