There are numerous leadership theories some give you a good foundation of how not to run an organization. While others set the tone of how an organization should be ran. Every leadership theory is useful it gives each individual insight on the type of leader they want to be whether good or bad. Some leadership theories can be combine in order to make one outstanding leader. Some of these theories that I find to be useful in the type of leader that strive to be are transformational leadership theory, charismatic leadership, ethical leadership, and servant leadership.
Transformational leadership is a popular leadership theory that many people relate too and strive to master it. Transformational leadership was influence by James McGregor Burns. Burns frequently compared transactional leadership with transformational leadership (Yukl, 2013). He described transformational leaders with a vision of what
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Appling these two theories to my own practice will help me provide stellar leadership for my employees. Giving them someone that they not only can depend on for visionary growth but someone that they can rely on when they need help with organizational information. Having a charismatic style also makes employees comfortable with you but also give them someone to look up to for guidance. Combining these theories can help me make subordinates feel passionate about the success of the organization. Also morale is a very important within an organization using both transformational and charismatic style of leadership will help to build and maintain morale. For example, working as a corrections officer morale was hard to build and maintain. If I was still working in that environment I would use my charismatic personality to build trust among my employees. This will allow me to guide them in the right direction in work and motivate them to want to complete daily
Charismatic leaders are able to inspire emotion and passion in their followers by being optimistic and enthusiastic. Without passionate and emotional employees, an organization will be crippled and unable to face
In accordance with Y Scout, while these charismatic managers possess an attribute, which is challenging to identify, nonetheless these attributes charm supporters and instigates communities to act. Transformational managers are frequently exceedingly charismatic because he/she can introduce and sustaining a meaningful level of transformation in the establishment. The subsequent are some of the most pronounced physiognomies of a charismatic manager:
Out of all the different leadership theories I learned about this semester I really feel that I best relate to transformational leadership and authentic leadership theories. During the development of my personal theory I found that these theories tended to list many similar traits, and values that aligned with my own. Additionally, both authentic and transformative theories place a significant amount of emphasis on the relationship between the leader and her/his followers. The success and influence of a leader comes not from herself but from her ability to create and invoke strong relationships with their followers. Given my character strengths of sociability, integrity, assertiveness, and my drive to connect to others on a deeper level, I value both the authentic and the transformative leadership theories.
Charisma theory is described as a “gift”, or a unique superiority of an individual character. This is set by an advantage of which the individual is set apart from the common man and treated as a gem with supremacies (Charismatic vs. Transformational, 2011). Whereas the transformational theory is defined as leaders who enthuse followers to use their own egocentricities to benefit the organization (Charismatic vs. Transformational, 2011). These leaders also possess a gift of having a
This means that a leader must be inspirational, decisive, and performance oriented. This is important for employee retention and employee satisfaction. The consultative management style paired with a charismatic leader will facilitate productivity and still meet corporate needs. This will be possible because the workplace for employees will remain the same, except for a few management change, and employees will still get to contribute their input and have somewhat of a voice in the company decisions, which is important in Australia. It is also important for a charismatic leader, such as Galen G. Weston, to lead the section as this will make the company more relatable to the consumers. Corporate head office wants the company to be successful and innovative all the while attracting customers and having good management, this can all be done by implementing a consultative management style paired with a charismatic leader at the
Transformational leadership. Burns (1978) is recognized as one of the earliest theorist on transformational leadership, who introduced transformational leadership over 30 years ago. Transformational leaders are perceived as leaders who uplift their employee morale, subsequently uplifting the entire organizational. Transformational leaders are known by their capacity to inspire followers to forgo self-interests in achieving superior results for the organization (Clawson, 2006). Avolio and Yammarino (2002) shared Bass’s explanation of transformational leadership as leaders who act as agents of change that stimulate, and transform followers’ attitudes, beliefs, and motivate from lower to higher level of arousal.
Charismatic leadership is one of four subdivisions of the larger concept of transformational leadership (Bass, 1990). Charismatic leaders are self-confident, dominant, purposeful, articulate, influential, idealistic, and expressive. They have high energy levels, strong convictions, the ability to display empathy, and are risk takers (Bass, 1990). By stimulating "ailing corporations, revitalizing aging bureaucracies or launching new enterprises" (Howell and Avolio, 1995), charismatic leaders demonstrate how truly effective they can be. These leaders are often described as visionaries, with a strong sense of the future and a passion for their vision. They are able to achieve the vision by developing strategies to
Charismatic or Enigmatic Leadership Styles: These leaders motivate other employees in the crew and this leader is the main driving factors to leads and motivates other employees in the crew. The success of the entire team is fully depends upon the directly connected to the presence of the charismatic Leader.
Charismatic leadership uses “impression management to deliberately cultivate a certain relationship with group members” (Dubrin,2010, p. 68). They create a positive vision for their followers and these followers will work diligently to make the visions of the charismatic leader come true. This leader can influence external stakeholders by becoming the symbol of the company or cause he represents. “Charismatic leaders can transform organizations through their ability to see opportunities and their willingness to implement unique strategies. They bring solutions to organizational problems and hope to organizational members.” (Fogarty, 2011) This paper will discuss charismatic relationship and identify the potential for that characteristic this writer might possess. Through researching the topic, this question will also be addressed: Does this writer even WANT to be considered a charismatic leader?
Transformational leadership is a leadership style that promotes change as well as improves performance in the organization as a whole as well as on the individual employee level (Phaneuf, Boudrias, Rousseau, & Brunelle, 2016). James MacGregor Burns first introduced transformational leadership in his book titled Leadership that he authored in 1978. Burns defined transformational leadership as leadership that stems from one’s core unchanging values and beliefs. Burns believed that transformational leaders not only bring together their followers, but also positively influence their follower’s values and beliefs in a way that brings about positive change (Humphreys & Einstein, 2003).
Charismatic leaders seem to have more success for their team and themselves comparable to other leaders or managers. There was no clear conclusion and very little evidence on how the effects of charismatic leadership may relate to performance in government units. Due to the impersonal nature of bureaucratic government organizations may have prohibited positive performance effects. Article concludes that Charismatic leadership will be associated with above-average performance of the units of public-sector managers.
My chosen leadership style is Charismatic leadership. This style of leadership depends on leaders’ persuasiveness and charm. Charismatic leaders are motivated by commitment and conviction to their goals and objectives. Charismatic leaders are sometimes known as transformational leaders as they share many similarities (In Avolio & In Yammarino, 2013). Their primary distinction is audience and focus. In most cases, charismatic leaders try to improve their status quo, whereas transformational leaders concentrate on changing organizations into the vision of leaders (Zehndorfer, 2016)
Many great leaders have one thing in common and that is charisma. Charismatic leaders are those that have the capability to inspire and encourage people to do more than they would normally do, despite obstacles and personal sacrifice. (Daft, R.L, pg. 364) Charisma is what provokes energy and commitment out of its followers. These leaders possess the power to motivate their followers to do almost anything. They create an atmosphere of change and express an ideal vision of a better future. The most common characteristics of the charismatic leader involve maturity, communication, humility, and inspiration. These unique qualities impact their followers and conduct themselves in such a way that allows for remarkable results. Then
Through the use of kind, emotional speech and simple stories, most people become encouraged and begin to develop a spirit of hard work. This makes the organization and the employees to be successful. Charismatic leaders promote unity among the people by joining them together to share ideas. They promote unity also through working together and creating conducive environment to work in. When there is unexpected change in business which might affect the positions of the employees, a charismatic leader ensures that there is peace by promising to solve the situation as fast as possible. In situations where there is nothing that can be done to change the situation, it is the responsibility of the leader to motivate the employees so that they learn to live with the change. Charismatic leaders have the ability to recognize a gap that exists within an organization. This will enable the leader to create a vision of the future for the organization that will basically benefit everyone. This will make the employees to see themselves in the future vision by supporting the goal. A charismatic leader makes the workers feel appreciated and this inspires them to work harder towards achieving the company’s vision thus they become more successful than they ever imagined (Usser, 1987).
According to Dr. Ronald Riggio from, transformational leadership is the most common theory of leadership. What exactly is transformational leadership exactly? He has an answer for this too, stating that the name comes from leaders who “transform” groups by making the followers more motivated and allowing them to develop leadership skills of their own (Riggio, 2009). In other words, transformational leadership makes an effort to make all the members of the group better.