
Leadership : What Kind Of Leader Would I Become?

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ϖ Section 1: Leadership: What sort of Leader am I? What sort of Leader could I become?
¬ Introduction:
Leadership is a critical topic due to the different aspects the people view it, what goods and right to me might be wrong and bad for others, for example I could see Margaret Thatcher as a leader and others might see her as a normal person who did not make a change. When it comes to define the leaders and leadership we can’t come to one conclusion and we can’t narrow it into one definition even the theories are different when it comes leadership, we have the trait theory which claims that people are born leader, Style theory which sais that leaders have the knowledge and the assumption about what motive people to accomplish goals, the …show more content…

I see leadership and I quote from Abraham Lincoln definition to democracy “Government for the people by the people to the people” in my opinion leadership is about being a person for the people been chosen by the people and serve the needs of the people.
In this report I’ll discuss the definition of leadership and management and what are their differences, what sort of leader am I and finally what sort of leader I hoping to become.
¬ What do leadership and management mean? – what are their differences?
“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” ― Peter F. Drucker the quote shows the main difference between leadership and management.
Both leadership and management are important, leaders provide guidance to individuals and groups to attain goals and mangers carry out specific roles and functions set by the organization such as monitoring and directing others.
Managers are expected to be leasers but not every manager is a leader just as not everyone in leadership position shows leadership.
• Definition of leadership and management:
“Leadership is a major way in which people change the minds of others and move organizations forward to accomplish identified goals”.
Leadership is a process of guiding others; it could be conferred through appointment or

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