
Leading Cause Of Extinction : Homo Sapiens Impact On The Environment

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According to Larry Gilman, the leading cause of extinction is Homo sapiens impact on the environment. Human activities have been broken down into eighteen different categories, numbered based on their impact on the current endangerment risk. (Czech) Based on this list, the three activities that rank the highest are introduced, or invasive, species, urbanization, and agriculture. Other spots on the list are occupied by activities and structures that are so often used they are overlooked as harmful, such as roads, recreation and tourism, ranching, and water diversion so that humans have the water they need to drink and bathe. While seeming miniscule, small actions such as these alter habitats quickly, too fast for many animals to adapt to them. (Habitat) These activities have put 22, 784 species, nearly one-third of all known plant and animal species, at risk of extinction. (United) The conclusion that ecologists arrived at was that human lifestyles and the biodiversity of the biosphere simply cannot coexist. (Evans, Extinction)
According to the list constructed by Brian Czech, non-native species was the leading cause of endangerment in many areas. This is due to the fact that, in this new environment, the animals or species introduced have no predators and no checks and balances, thus allowing their population count to grow out of control. For example, the brown tree snake, which was brought to Guam during WWII has since been responsible for the extinction of twelve species

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