My reflection paper will address all the weakness I identified in the beginning of the class and how the exercises, specifically participating in and leading a live group has turned some of those weakness into strengths. In doing so I have correlated all the skills that was learned in the lectures and readings with real life experiences. I have come to realize that leading group’s takes practice to master, and the wonderful feedback and critiques from the professor and peers , not only my feedback, but, those from my peers as well, has helped me to identify new weaknesses that I must overcome in order to become skillful in leading groups. Moreover, I come realize the significance in the types of groups from the readings and how the value
Throughout this entire course we have learned many concepts and strategies to synthesize and use leadership as a means of working in a group setting. These concepts allowed us to learn not only how to lead other
As part of the two person executive secretariat team at Embassy Baghdad, I helped support our primary Mission Iraq goals: protecting America’s security by countering violence and instability, and renewing America’s competitive economic advantage through bilateral relationships and economic reform. Our team not only directly supported the Ambassador’s and the Deputy Chief of Mission's (DCM) engagement with the highest-level Iraqi interlocutors, but also supported working level meetings and reporting from all sections at Post, including USAID and the Departments of Defense, Treasury, and Justice. In the six months since my arrival, our team has processed more than 1,000 papers. Our work, almost always completed on the day of receipt, includes editing for grammar and content, checking and securing clearances, and drafting supplementary
The introduction of new topics by the leader can keep the group fresh and energized; the topics should be representative of the direction of the themes brought out by the group (Jacobs, 2016). Inspiring thoughts can be facilitated by exercises or asking probing questions that encourage sharing and discussion (Jacobs, 2016). The leader can change the style of their leadership; they can provide more of an encouragement role or aggressive role which ever is most beneficial to the group (Jacobs, 2016). If need the leader can also change the format of the group, if the participants appear to be board with the group, a change can invigorate the group (Jacobs, 2016). The leader can change the tone of their voice, these changes can in tone can be changing of the vocal pitch and pace and vary the discussion and intensity of the sharing (Jacobs, 2016). Adding outside resources and homework can be utilized as stimulation for discussion (Jacobs, 2016). Meeting with members individually can give the participants an opportunity to give their impression of the group and provide a venue to share opinions (Jacobs, 2016). Finally, the leader should inform the group in advance of the termination of the group, giving them a few weeks to process (Jacobs,
Two Methods for Handling Difficult Team Members and Method used in my Decision making Process.
Directions: Please answer each of the following questions and provide examples from the text, if applicable. Each response should be at least two paragraphs in length and be written in complete sentences.
In conclusion, I think I have achieved my learning goal for this experiential portion. I have developed a deeper understanding about the effective leadership in group therapy. I also gained a deeper insight on how my personal characteristics affect my leadership. As a leader, I am flexible and open to others’ opinions. I always take a positive attitude toward the group process. If some members showed discomfort, I will try my best to encourage him/her without pushing him/her too much. I am also sensitive about my members’ status and needs. These are my advantages in facilitating a group, which enable me to refine and
Observing two groups has given me a better understanding of the importance of establishing a group to fit a particular population and their current needs rather than a one size fits all tactic. I also had the opportunity to learn from different facilitators and how one approach to leading a group might benefit a particular group over the other. My second group experience was a support group for Parents Affected by the Loss of a Child to Suicide (P.A.L.S) which offered a much more open, nondirective approach in comparison to my other group dedicated to sex offender treatment. My experience overall with this course assignment was that I was able to observe two groups from different sides of the spectrum regarding leadership style. I ultimately learned that I might be more comfortable with a good balance between a directive and non-directive role instead of strictly one or the other.
I was able to summarize the group activity and link it back to issues that the group members are experiencing. One of the most important factors related to improving my leadership skills was being comfortable with silence. When I first started conducting groups in my foundation year, I was very intimidated by silence as if I was doing something wrong. After conducting more group sessions and becoming more experienced in groups, I was able to be comfortable with silence and it did not mean that I am doing something wrong. The silence in group allows the clients to dig deeply into their feelings, to struggle for alternatives for action, and to weigh decisions.
During this course I learned many new concepts about leadership. I observed many things from my team members and I learned by observing their behavior because every person has different qualities. A person can learn in better way as a part of a team as compare to when a person do work I learn the main two things that that are listen to others and decision making from other team members as a part of a team.during team activities .in a team group members discussed different situation and do analysis of work and solve some critical issues during group discussion .the important thing in group that is to listen to others which is very important during any discussion because listen to
Leading others is a lot like skinning a cat, there are multiple ways to do. Similarly, some of these ways will produce positive results, while others will leave you wish you thought your decisions through a little bit more. In a world driven so much by ego, it is hard work to get a group of people to work together with the group 's best interest in mind. Leaders need to be open to new ideas on how to relate to the people they are leading. If they fail to find ways to connect with the people they are leading, it will spell disaster for their group. This paper will lay out ideas that will allow its reader to formulate an approach that will allow them to take lead in any group and achieve desired their desired results.
Leading Question: How many chances would you give an employee who continues to have performance problems even after discussing how to correct their performance issues?
This week consisted of me leading groups twice, doing an intake assessment with a client and participating in the documentation. During this week I also got to interact with new clients and discuss some of their current goals, this time even assisted in my process of working through with them about what goals are the most important currently in their lives. The first group didn’t go well because I had one individual being disruptive and searing a lot, the other client in a group didn’t have a chance to talk, and we had to end group early. During that time, didn’t handle the individual well and it was a good experience for me dealing with demanding clients. One of my classes I’m currently taking discusses this week the aspect of stepping out
On the very first day, I was overwhelmed and excited because I was going to learn from two great mentors. I was also excited to share my previous practicing leadership skills with other group members although I have greatly sharpened my leadership skills according to the framework provided by the facilitators on the first day. I had been provided different opportunities to demonstrate the leadership skills in my professional and personal life and I fulfilled the criteria according to that situation however, this course highlighted some gaps, which needs to be addressed in my future implications.
Working in a distance group has been a new experience for me, but it was enjoyable and the mood in the group always was positive. The collaboration that I gave into the group was to complete my part in each assignment and also I tried to be active in the group like that I could be helpful to my teammates if they were troubling, but the group almost always work smoothly and few complication were given through the whole project. The Anonymous group was well organized during the whole project, each member of the group always took a part in the assignments and at the end of each week, the leader put all the information together in order to submit the assignments. The group always did every assignment on time.
When we first got together as a class I wasn’t sure how I would feel about this class because one I hate being in a group with random people I don’t know and two I do not like public speaking with random people. So at first I was judging this class based on my fears of being in groups with strangers, then once we got paired with our groups and I was with Tyler that made me more comfortable with talking to the group and getting to know everyone. Besides Tyler who I play football with we were grouped up with two other athletic people. First was Alex who is a member of our Girls Lacrosse team here at West Chester and is also a Junior. Next is Hannah who is also a Junior and played a ton of high school sports and her brother plays football at PennState so this adds to her athletic features in her family. So once learning we all love sorts we had to narrow it down to what we would like to observe together. We came down to the football team and the Athletic Training Program here on campus which helps our student athletes with injuries. As a group we thought that ultimately we would get a better perspective with a group other than football so we went with the AT program. This is where we came up with the name for our group which was Training Rams and if your wondering who came up with it, you guessed it Tyler Higgins. So this brings us to how we would be able to function as a group since we were all seemingly quite people.