Planning a curriculum that meets the need of students can be a taxing task, but it is necessary for student success. Creating a cohesive unit entails breaking down the standards and developing essential questions that will drive student learning and understanding. In addition to breaking down the standards, it is important to set clear learning goals for students so they are able to accomplish the learning set in the standards. The best way to set clear learning goals for students is to use the Backwards Planning Model and be clear on the standards that will be taught. Carol Ann Tomlinson and Jay McTighe (2006) believe the “deliberate use of the backward design for planning courses, units, and individual lessons results in more appropriate assessments and more purposeful teaching” (p. 27). When we as teachers know where our students are going, we can convey that information to them in a way that meets their learning needs. A clear understanding of the standards brought on by backwards planning will lead to clear learning goals for students.
Importance of Identifying and Communicating Learning Goals In order for students to gain the learning needed to be successful in the classroom, learning goals must be translated in a way that is clear and transferable. Students learn best when they know where they are going. McTighe (2010) explains “the most successful teaching begins with clarity about important learning outcomes and about the evidence that will show
My primary goal is to maximize the attainment of my students and ensure that they are engaged in their learning.
I want improve upon my understanding and ability to create purposeful, contextually-relevant lesson and unit plans which are Backwards Designed, well scaffolded, and have meaningful formative and summative assessments (Goal 5).
Goal Oriented: having goals in life is very imperative to the success of your students. Having goals in your curriculum will display your expectations for your students and their academic outcomes. It will also increase your current and future success. Taking advantage of your teaching goals is another approach to react to socially and semantically differing students in your class (Moore et al.,
“Give teachers the task of setting goals and strategies which they will use to minimize transitions and maximize instruction” (Time & Learning, 2011).
“Backward Design” is the name of a technique used by teachers when designing curriculum. The concept
The learning outcomes are important. There has to be a reason on why something is being taught, and how it will be useful to the students future. Throughout the paper, I’m going to give you an example of a lesson plan I
Year-End Progress Update - Describe the final results of your action plan and how successful you were in meeting your goal and impacting student achievement.
Teaching is not merely about methods used and material presented in the classroom, but about shaping students’ lives to help them construct a firm foundation for a successful future. I desire to teach my students basic life skills as well as challenge them to set and reach their highest goals.
I anticipate backwards design will be successful because it allows me to analyze the standards and match our materials to them. It will allow me to have a scope and sequence that will outline the content that will be taught in every lesson and it allow me to expose the students to different activities to meet the different standards. By using backwards curriculum design I will keep the standards in mind when designing assessments and planning lessons and will not expose the students to unnecessary material that is not relevant for first grade. This design has strengths that make ideal for this setting. It allows teachers to keep the goals in mind when teaching and assessing students. This helps students achieve their academic goals and teachers
My measurements of success are found in each and every student I teach. One of the most rewarding experiences I have had while student teaching, was watching a child’s face light up at the pivotal moment when they grasp a new concept or master a new skill. In fact, those “aha” moments are my motivators which feed my desire to look for better ways to ensure all students experience those same “aha” moments. As an effective teacher, I am determined and dedicatef to the continual process of researching, implementing, collecting and analyzing data to ensure I am improving upon the curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment used in my classroom. Learning is a never-ending process. The better skilled I become as a teacher, the better the learning experience I can provide for my students. Therefore, the more I actively research, implement, and reflect, the greater the opportunity for giving my students the education they deserve and hopefully, the inspiration to pursue their own lifelong love of learning.
The big idea of this type of curriculum design is to focus on creating a curriculum that focuses on teaching students material that is enduring. Backwards design suggests a sequence of curricula that focus on three stages. Stage one focus on
Being an elementary school teacher comes with a tremendous amount of responsibilities. As a teacher, it is important to know how help all children learn, and contribute to the classroom in an effective way. With students having their own unique way of learning, and contributing to the class us as teachers need help our students find out where they shine in the classroom. As a teacher helping students learn in the way that beneficial to the student is the most important part of the job. A way to help the student succeed in the classroom is to find a goal they are passionate about, find a reward that helps give the child something to work towards. Whether it is an academic goal or them having to work to be able to stay on a sports team. According to learning goals are tools used for problem solving and offer a set of boundaries to help the students look at the real world. With helping students set goals it gives them the tools
Of all the course learning goals, the one which stands out to me the most is to “develop tools to discern one’s call”. This goal is particularly important to me because it asks me to look at my life, where I am now and where I want to be in the future, from a different lens than the one which I feel society, and even my family, is asking me to look through. Rather than allowing my decisions to be guided by money or status related factors, I will be focusing on the more meaningful aspects of life. The syllabus specifically outlines using the Examen, course readings, and experiences at my site to carefully reflect upon my SSLP and go forward in my life’s discernment process. Instead of being surrounded with the social pressure to hang out
Clear goals allow students to engage more and feel motivated to participate and do better in school.
Goal 1: This goal is written measurably because it is something as a class we can keep her accountable for and help her succeed by giving her feedback. Others reading this would understand her intent because in order for her to improve at something she would need constructive feedback from people/teachers/peers to increase her academic and even her overall performance. This goal is objective because her instructors can further her academic success by evaluating her performance and can see her change throughout the program.