The experience we have of a course determines the amount of information we get out of it. While many of us have had a bad experience in a course, we may have just chalked it up to the material being too difficult; while that may have been the reason, the more likely reason is that your learning style did not match the teaching style of your professor. We all learn and think in different ways and my experience a vast difference in learning and teaching style can ruin the experience you have in a course. After taking a learning style survey and seeing somewhat different results than what I had expected to see, I had to take a step back and reevaluate the way I thought I learned.
One of the biggest surprises of the survey came in the form of a mild active learner ranking. I have always considered myself a very active learner so seeing this was a bit of a surprise.
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When learning a subject, I greatly prefer to have a solid understanding of that topic before moving on. I find that if I am not comfortable with a subject and move on to the next, I can become more and more confused. This is particularly the case in courses that are heavily dependent on mathematics because in mathematics each topic tends to build on the one before it and without a strong foundation advancing to the next level becomes more challenging. The final ranking of the survey was a score of moderate sensing learner. I greatly prefer to learn facts and extremely dislike problems which require a different process than what is given in class and used in the examples. I also find learning easier when the topic can be directly applied to real life so I can visualize it. While I did score myself as mild in this category, I believe I was wrong in giving myself that score. After looking into what it means to be a sensing learner, I think that moderate is a much more appropriate
Your child/student took a “Learning Styles Inventory” last week to determine how they learn best. They discovered that they were a visual, an auditory, or a kinesthetic learner.
Commentary and Criticism is in both poems. In Cullen poem,” Incident,” he writes: “Heart -filled, head-filled with glee, I saw a Baltimorean Keep looking straight at me” (2-4). This line is an example of commentary because Cullen shows the excitement of how the black boy felt. The criticism in the poem he writes, “And so I smiled, / but he poked out His tongue, / and called me, / Nigger” (7-8). Some people may feel angry when hearing a boy calls a black boy “Nigger” and Cullen wanted to show the negative outlook of this line to many people.
1. According to the Learning Style Inventory, I am a Visual Learner. 2. I agree with the results because I prefer to see examples written rather than to hear an instructor telling me each step. In most of my classes, I need a textbook in order for me to follow along.
•My top-scoring learning style preference was read/write at 15 and my low-scoring learning style preference was aura with a 2.
State the concept or main idea of this chapter in your own words in a single sentence or 2.
My primary learning style is by visual and hands on methods since I scored the highest in those two areas. The scores in these areas were very close to each other with the visual score being an 8 and the hands on score being a 7, while my listening score being the lowest; a number 4. I believe that it is important for me to know this information about myself because it gives me insights on what my strengths, habits, and weaknesses are while at the same time, enabling me to find learning styles and strategies that are best effective for me. Without knowing this information, I could study for an endless amount of hours on a subject and still fail the exam because there is no point in learning or studying if you don’t absorb and retain the information
In this essay I will be exploring the importance of learning styles and the effectiveness of them to student nurses, providing evidence from learning theories and also acknowledging David Kolb’s experiential cycle (1984). Furthermore, I will be discussing my dominant learning style, providing the advantages and disadvantages of my learning style on my learning and development, considering the various ways I can improve my learning. I will also explain my weaker learning style and express the different ways I can improve it, in making it an effective learning style for me to improve the quality of my learning.
Everyone is unique in the way that they process information, and because of this there are different learning styles.1 The three main types of learning styles are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.1 It is important for people to be aware of their learning style, so they will be able to maximize their brainpower.1 It is also possible to utilize multiple learning styles, which can help to enhance one’s memory, learning, and recall abilities.1 Before taking the learning style test I had never given much thought to what my learning style was. After completing the learning style test I discovered that I am a visual learner, and learn best by seeing information or reading materials. My results revealed that I scored an 11 for visual learning, 3 for
What is a learning style? Well a learning style is the way a person tends to learn best. It involves your preferred method of taking in, organizing, and making sense of information, Lake Washington Institute of Technology (2012). Some people prefer to learn by doing and touching, others prefer to learn by seeing, or by hearing the information. Still others learn using more than one learning style. If a person was interested in finding out what their particular learning style is would be to take the VARK questionnaire for learning styles. The most common learning style is the multimodal, but the learner
Between being an active and a reflective learner my results were pretty close, but I did relate a little more to the active side. This could help me as an engineering
Over the years I have had to figure out on my own how I learn best, and I have learned I am a visual and kinaesthetic learner. I need to visually see the problem displayed and follow the steps of solving the problem as the teacher explains.
How can I use my preferred learning style to my advantage at school (especially in subjects I find challenging)?
How do I learn best? Why is it important for me to know my preferred learning style? What type of educational strategies do I tend to use when providing family/groups with education.
Learning how to take lecture notes effectively is important to successfully conclusion of the education process. Experience has taught me the importance of good study skills and habits. Not only can a student “survive” college with these skills but also life and do well. Good note taking skills are the best way to trigger the memory to recall facts.
At the beginning of the semester an assignment was given out in regards to assessing your learning styles. Upon doing the assignment I felt that I already knew the results I would obtain due to the fact that I did the same assignment my sophomore year of college. I was totally surprised with my results because they showed that I am becoming a more balanced learner. In previous assignments the results would usually show that I am more of one type of learner than another. My learning styles reflected that I am an active, sensory, visual and global learner. Knowing this aided in my success in this class as well as others because I started to apply this information into how I prepared or retained information for classes.