Learning Styles and What Works Best
Do you ever wonder why you sometimes do better in some classes and not others? Well, I have the answer to that. "Learning Styles.."! Yes, as individuals we process information differently. Some people may be well balanced out when having to intake new information, but others may need more details or pictures to comprehend the concept that they are trying to learn. The different "learning styles" arrange into four categorizes; Active vs. Reflective learners, Sensing vs. Intuitive learners, Visional vs. Verbal learners and Sequential vs. Global learners. I will be going into detail about each "learning style" using my personal assessment.
Active vs. Reflective learning, in this case I as an
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Sensing vs. Intuitive learners, being equally balanced in both of these learning aspect is better than out balancing one or the other. Sensing learner tend to do better with hard given facts, organization of details helping them memorize facts better, and like to connect what they have learned with something outside of the subject and project it to the world around them. While more intuitive learners prefer to explore the different concepts and sorting them out for a better understanding. They often work at a faster pace then most others. Making them strong in obtaining new information that is a bit more complex then usual. Both are great ways to gain the knowledge you need to a level of understanding.
Being equally balanced in both ways gives me a better understanding in difficult area of the new information my brain is intaking. Being able to apply real life facts with the world around me gives me a better sense of what the fact means. Keeping organized and alert of details allows me to explore better ways of thinking and processing the information to where it sticks. Which helps when learning new information that might be difficult to remember the first few times around. Both learning styles help me evenly sensing lays out the given facts for me, while, being an intuitive learner gives me an open mind of the concepts and facts my brain is
Learning styles of individual students vary and as a consequence, learning needs also change from each student to the next (Liew, Sidhu, & Barua, 2015). The “styles” for learning that are widely adopted include the Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, Kinesthetic (VARK) model, developed by Fleming and Mills (1992) include Visual (V), Auditory (A), Read/Write (R) and Kinaesthetic (K) types of learning approaches. The Visual (V) learner learns best by the use of information by visual means (using of charts, mindmaps, and other visual aids). The Auditory (A) learner understands best by
There are several factors that have and still do influence on my own individual learning process. However some have impacted greater than others and they are as followed:
Whether you believe learning styles are a myth or fact they still can help you learn the material for class. Just because you take this test online and it says that you are one hundred percent auditory learner doesn’t mean you can’t learn other ways. Learning styles can help you discover more creative ways for you to remember a topic or specific details. How Amy made a poster it helped her present her topic but also helped her learn and remember her topic. By writing it down and being creative you will remember the topic a lot better. I’m not a firm believer in learning styles but I do think that they can help. I am an auditory learner so listening helps me learn although it isn’t the only way I can learn. One of the ken talks we had watched
Stacy, I agree with you on being a visual learner, I also like taking lots of notes, or having handouts which I can refer back to. I do the same thing when it comes to reading, which sometimes hinders me from soaking the information in, that is why I also agree it is important to know your stengths and weaknesses, so you can continue to sharpen your strengths and also learn ways to sharpin your
During my time at Fullerton College, I have come to realize that every student has their own unique way to achieve their goals, whether it is to cram down tons of information before the day of the exam, highlight each section in their textbook, or receive support from the tutoring center. These tips are useful to most students, but for me I have come to learn that I have the capacity to learn two ways: reading the material until I have a eureka moment, or work the problem step by step until each component makes sense to me. Unfortunately, for me to have acquired this, I had to learn from trial and error, each course I would try something new and see if I could keep applying the same method for upcoming courses. Some would work, and others would
In the article “The Myth of Learning Styles,” authors Cedar Riener and Daniel Willingham (2010) question whether learning styles actually effectively play a role in a student’s learning. They begin by defining what a learning style is, which is explain as how a student best learns from the information they receive, and currently learning styles are most commonly described through sensory, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning styles (Riener & Willingham, 2010). Riener and Willingham (2010) argue that there are no learning styles, but rather that learning depends on a student’s prior knowledge, background, and interests. They address this by providing three myths of learning styles, one myth that is correct and two that are not.
Different people understand and process information in different ways. While people may or may not learn exactly the same way, people tend to be grouped under three learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Auditory learners process things through hearing. These people learn best by listening to lectures and reading out loud. Visual learners, on the other hand, comprehend and understand information using their eyes. They learn via reading textbooks and watching videos. Lastly, kinesthetic learners take in information by doing things. These people tend to pace while studying and have to move around a lot.
The way people process new information is based on their type of learning style. Everyone has their own unique way of learning because the brain processes information through different senses. There are several types of learner such as the, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learner. A person can have one or more types of learning styles.
Sonya, I am a visual and kinesthetic learner, which means that I have to see something done and then physically do it with my hands to fully understand the concept. In high school, I had trouble reading something off of the computer and being able to remember it. But if I had actual copy of a textbook in my hand, I was able to pick up and remember the information quickly and easily. It is so cool that we have a few of the same learning styles.
My preferred learning style is auditory. I can use mnemonic devices, such as flash cards with audio to my advantage in school. The repetition of the flash cards would help me in science where there is lots of information to remember. Reading the information, text, stories, assignments, out loud would help me to fully understand the context. I can also read my drafting work out loud, so that it is less likely to miss any errors. During class, I can ask my teacher more questions or to explain certain concepts.
Everyone has different types of studying styles but there are only 3 useful learning styles. They are visual, auditory and tactile. One way to know if a person prefers a visual learning style is through studying the learning material with graphs, charts, maps, notes, and flashcards. They are usually picturing words or ideas in their head. Another way to know if a person prefers a auditory learning style is through using tapes as a useful source for notes and they talk to other classmates to review the lesson.
I am a conceptual learner which means I learn better when I can apply the concepts I have learned. I have to be able to relate information to a concept or fact. I love when examples are used, provisions of non-instances and statements and application of rules are provided to me (Mastropieri and Scruggs 2014).
Basically, each of us has a different learning styles and they can practice it in difference ways. There are three types of learner that is auditory, visual and kinesthetic learner. Also, there are lots of people are the combination of two of them. If you do not know which one is you, you can go to google and type “Learning Styles” and then click in the website “educationplaner.org” and answer the quiz to find out who you are.
At the beginning of the semester an assignment was given out in regards to assessing your learning styles. Upon doing the assignment I felt that I already knew the results I would obtain due to the fact that I did the same assignment my sophomore year of college. I was totally surprised with my results because they showed that I am becoming a more balanced learner. In previous assignments the results would usually show that I am more of one type of learner than another. My learning styles reflected that I am an active, sensory, visual and global learner. Knowing this aided in my success in this class as well as others because I started to apply this information into how I prepared or retained information for classes.
Being able to take in the information that is presented and being able to apply it is a crucial tool that is needed in order to be successful. One of the assignments that we were given in ENGR 1000 was that we were tasked to see what type of learner we were. Everyone has their own unique way of learning and I myself feel that I am more of a visual learner than verbal. There are eight different characteristics on a scale from one to ten which means there can be fifty thousand and four hundred different possibilities. This is why it is important to know and understand what type of learner you are because you are only one of that fifty thousand and four hundred. You could and are very likely spinning your wheels trying to learn things the wrong way if you truly don’t understand how you learn. I can read a book cover to cover and at the end, sometimes I could not tell you what I have just read. After taking that survey I was surprised at how much I was heavily leaning only on visual and not verbal. Just this one alone was putting me at a disadvantage in my education because I was only really taking in half of what I could be. I have started to rely different learning styles so that I can be more we