Watching this documentary was exceedingly intriguing and I would recommend it for others. A rock slide covered the original entrance creating a time capsule to preserve the beautiful art work and the oldest paintings discovered. Learning the cave was perfectly sealed for thousands and thousands of years brings up several questions and is simply fascinating. They described the paintings as fresh because it looked as if it was done just yesterday but, there was something growing on them proving it was aged. There was also torch scrapings from about 28,000 years ago; scientists were able to determine this with current technology. I would imagine since they found many animal skull remains that it could have been possible some animals were trapped for quite some …show more content…
They believe humans did not live here but, I do not see why not. The protection of this cave and the endless canvas to continue what had been started would have kept myself busy for many years. I would have loved to experience what others did while entering the cave. A man by the name of John inspected the cave first and I have to say he is one lucky guy. Experiencing such beauty and history must have been one of the greatest experiences he may have encountered. For this film no one was allowed to touch anything and remain on the two feet wide walkway to protect and preserve everything. Even the stalagmites were built into the walkway to allow for growth and no damage would be done. Every year my family and I take a weeklong trip up to North Carolina and the surrounding states to visit the mountains. We always make sure to find a new cave to visit to because that is my favorite part of the trip; there truly is a whole new
The authors said there were signs of human activities in the caves and that there are more archaeological work that need to be done.
Joy describes Lascaux as a beautiful, prehistoric cave located in Sarlat, France that became closed to the public due to high carbon dioxide, mold, human footprint, and contamination levels. Due to the diminishing natural integrity of the cave and the art on its walls, the cave has since been sealed off. It is estimated that the cave was painted 17,000 years ago, when the world was at about the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the coldest it has been for the past 70,000 years. Some of the paintings show some of the extinct animals, bison, horses, ibexes, no fish, wolves, raptors, or mammoths. This didn’t mean those animals didn’t exist in this area though, why did the humans at this time select these animals? There were generations of humans living in these
The two stories in which we discuss today are The Cave and Eatting; both of them are related in character, tone, and setting, (for the most part).
Cave paintings are seen now in our society is a snapshot of just what they people during that time cherished when it comes to prehistoric art. The Lascaux brought about many things and showed historians what the appreciated most during that time. In this cave, there were many depicted cows, bulls, and dear along the natural ledges of the rock, where the smooth white limestone of the ceiling and upper wall meets a rougher surface below. All of this is a great example of what the humans during that time saw and thought of importance, the many animals that they came across and what they looked like, I think it paved the way for other people to see just how dangerous they can be large. The Altamira was another example of many animists that the humans came across overall, the many details of the animal 's legs and also a depiction of humans and their interactions with the animals. Now there are many theories out there that go into detail about the originals, meaning, and purpose of these cave paintings, I will now share a couple that I think is significant. The first one had to do with how the cave paintings might be products, both of rites to strengthen clan bonds and ceremonies to enhance the fertility if animals used for food. The second one is hoof prints, patterns of animal feces, and hide colorings were recorded and
There are even more types of cave formations that probably haven’t even been discovered. Entering the Timpanogos the first major thing that caught my attention was the Hidden Lake. The Hidden Lake had many formations around it but the one that caught my eye was the Shelf Stones which were formed from pooled water. Another thing the Hidden Lake had was Christmas Tree Coral which was the most recent formation to be discovered! These Christmas Tree Coral literally looked like little Christmas tree attached to the
In the movie Cave of the Forgotten Dreams, director Werner Herzog and a very small crew are given the opportunity to go to France and see Chauvet Cave. While watching the start of this movie, I was very surprised to see that they were limited with how many people they could bring into the cave. I have gone to a cave in South Dakota and they took hundreds of people in it at a time. So, seeing that I think they only had like five crew members was very shocking. I was surprised though how many experts they had working on mapping the map and doing other tests on the cave. I thought maybe, there would only be like two experts in at a time and not five or six. I also didn’t know there was that many different experts that all can work on the same thing at the same time. Also, while watching I was surprised to see the equipment that they had to use.I never really thought about how the lights can affect the cave walls and the paintings.I was impressed that they filmed the movie in the cave with a non professional movie camera, I did not know that there were other cameras that could work that well in the dark of a cave.
The cave is underground and dark; it consists of human beings who have been living down there since childhood. These people are almost like prisoners since
In today’s world, many people move from a place to another. “According to the data released by the US Deparment of Homeland Security(DHS); in 2014 there were 42.4 million immigrants living in the states (Denning, 2017).” Denning also emphasizes that the majority of immigrants are coming from countries such as Mexico,India, and China(2017). When Denning complains about the dramatic rise of the number of people who immigrate to the US, Lynch claims that many people are not even given the chance to board(Denning,2017)(Lynch,2017). Although many people migrate to the U.S for its freedom and job opportunities, there are still undeniable difficulties for the immigrants such as cultural differences and unemployment.
Colossal cave adventure is the great grandfather to all adventure video games created ever. It has the luxury of being the first game to introduce an interactive narrative, while also existing as the first ever digital open world for a player to explore.
Lechuguilla Cave, the fifth-longest cave in the world, exists in the park. It was discovered in 1984, when miners heard wind roaring from the cave. The cave contains antibiotic-resistance bacteria, which developed resistance over millions of years. However the bacteria cannot spread to humans, but is resistant to every type of antibiotic tested.
The largest chamber within this cave has no paintings except one that is drawn at the far end of this chamber. The researchers stated that there are no paintings close to the entrance because the paintings were to be drawn in the dark where there is no access to sunlight. One of the interesting areas inside the cave is the Panel of the horses, beneath it is a hole where water used to pour in. This is possibly why they painted these horses around the hole.
In the Allegory of the Cave there are chained prisoners in cave who can only stare at the cave wall in front of them. At the back there is a long entrance with a staircase the width of the cave and a fire burning in the distance. They see only shadows projected in front of them from a raised platform and hear an echo that they attribute to what they observe. They talk about and name the shadows of objects they see before them. To them the truth are the shadows. Then one day one of the prisoners is released. He is told that what he saw before was an illusion. Once he is outside it takes a while for his eyes to adjust to the sun. First he observed the shadows of thing then their reflection and finally the actual object. Remembering his previous state he goes back to the cave and tries to explain that everything is an illusion but they laugh at him and think he’s crazy. They believe it best not to ascend and they choose to remain as they are. The cave represented opinion. The shadows that are cast on to the wall represented physical objects. The prisoners represented the common people (Welles).
The Allegory of the Cave or also known as, Myth of the Cave, is a good example of explaining the feature of the way people think. It is a concept that demonstrates how humans are fearful of change and what they don’t know. Plato says that men are living in an underground cave and it is a situation. The Allegory of the Cave is Plato's explanation of the education of the soul toward enlightenment. Plato talks about being free, everyday life, knowledge, and essentially what he wrote to be true. I think that he was very unique with his writings because there are so many ways to look at the world and his way was just one. He was educated highly and is recognized as a philosopher to this day.
The cave was a very interesting story but it was also confusing all at the same time. The cave was about prisoners being trapped in a cave all there lives. The one question i am going to talk about is what the prisoners thought was true.
Lascaux is a complex cave with several areas (Hall of the Bulls, Passage gallery), it had been opened for the public after the world war two, and it closed to the public in 1963, it contains about 600 paintings and 1,500 engravings (ART HISTORY, VOLUME 1, PAGE 10). Lascaux became too popular in France because the visitors brought heat, humidity, exhaled carbon dioxide , and some other contaminants. The Lascaux painters had been drawn cows, bulls, horses, and deers. Along the rock one scene was discovered in a remote settings on a wall at the bottom on a stone lamp and spears. This scene is actually weird because it is telling a story which is the human who is suppose to be the hunter,was greatly simplified in form but recongnizably male with a head of bird or wearing a mask of a bird’s head had been lying on the ground, and the painting was also showing that there were a big bison appears above him. The bison has been emboweled and dead. As well as on the left side there was a rhinoceros running off (ART HISTORY, VOLUME 1, PAGE